Sunday, January 09, 2011


Attempting to theorize as to the true workings of the universe takes a soul that is generally uncaring of the trials of man in fact rightfully so you would need a soul with the utmost compassion.
A sort of involuntary reflex into causality would make one investigate further as to the true nature of enlightenment and the situations that bring men and women to their true fate
One would wonder rightfully so why some beings would attract a massive level of negativity and others attract a certain sense of wealth and prestige while some have no problem meshing with society and others have serious motivational troubles.
It is easy to blame it all on karma, but one would not put their faith in karma if karma has harmed them in any way and would actually work to destroy any theological belief in karma that exists in their own mind...picturing it as some angry bloodsoaked wheel that keeps turning and turning only favouring those that help it’s profit margin a little bit more.
And what is enlightenment for many it is finding your spiritual purpose and to most it is simply getting a cheque in the mail you didn’t expect for others it is laying your eyes on somebody that is pleasing and for a moment kissing them in your mind. Or looking over in the street and seeing a dogs face and enjoying the happy look and smiling. Others it is eating some chicken and prawn Singaporean noodles.
Nobody really grasps the omni present nature of enlightenment or an enlightened birth. Some may assume it is birth into a royal body or a birth into that of a guru or a fortunate place in life. Rightfully so.
The true nature of enlightenment rests with each decision and how much you support others with your smile and your faith and your nature
While some may appear as angry little worker bee’s others just stick out and can calm a room down in an instant and just broadcast an aura of healing and life
Theories abound as to what the nature of causality persists of and what the nature of people and what the nature of enlightenment is and the only thing you have available to most is some seemingly unimportant decisions and methods to a relatively boring life, because not many people have to make decisions for the good of the state or for the good of the people
Many don’t understand that their being here is literally propping your being and allowing it to live more powerfully elsewhere and some don’t understand that your being in its present state is always in a state of illusion built into a body of refinement (if you should so seek refinement)
So it is in ones nature to look inward and introspect or you just become another person that has two arms and two legs and a head and a just look like everyone else.
The actual placement of being able to live an appropriate life usually mostly relates to a certain level of class and inherited class and the refinement that comes with it. You are not born here to continuously cause hatred on others and pain
You are here to learn lessons like me and like your neighbour and mixed in with very long interludes of seeming boredom
Many struggle with humanity like i do, having the odd thought of wanting to give up, and then i think to myself well i have come this far why give up now and then i also think to myself when i look in the mirror – i am sorta considered pretty cute so why give up haha- (would be  a waste to just kill the self and have a face like this just become dead)
It is easy to get overrun with these thoughts into a time of complete misery and then soon enough it develops into more thoughts of negativity and perplexing causality from those thoughts
Thankfully we have the renewal of the days and renewal of the sleep cycle
You could imagine my distress waking up and finding it is dark, 3 am and not a soul for miles. I tend to wonder about what type of a life i have chosen for myself and this makes me wonder about what other people are doing as well and i think some days it would be nice to have a normal life.
In some ways it would be much better for me not living such an isolated lifestyle from humanity but at other times i guess i was just born to write a book and get up at 3 am and have some cereal and toast the inherent weirdness of having no sunshine to greet you
Lately i have been in this Buddhist monk thing, and i have realised i know nothing about Buddhism and i picture myself in a little hut in the forest covered in snow in -5 weather with a sawdust toilet and think to myself what type of person would choose to live this life?
Not only that but it does give me comfort with my own life, that my seeming simplicity is living rather luxuriously so i take faith in my life at the very least and embrace it to the fullest realms of thought
That is why i have decided that some masons i know are relatively nice people, but troubling more is we live in a neuro linguistic society and simple health difficulties are cast onto the populace through these people that speak the potion in their words...i just have to have faith that there are good masons out there and not everyone is holding a knife wanting to eat my leg
I know it sounds silly but that is what i has been threatened to me, so i am like hmmmm ok i kind of enjoy my leg so i guess i should work with all ends of the spectrum rather than complete opposition, since it is my leg and all
This is why the cult is built on secrecy above all else because why would you hate what you don’t understand and paradoxically the situations placed over us by masons could rightfully inherit some merits as well so we have a tiny paradox of fate and future
My captivation piece is now off the church i don’t know how to deal with this one at the moment
I will ask the enlightened ones for assistance in this matter