Where would much of the world be without a belief in a higher power ? many of us would be surrounded in negativity and heartache but most of us, funny to say this would only need to ponder things like our own breath or our own heartbeat to really come to terms with the divine presence in our lives. One would think it is amazing that i am alive and given life for perpetuity. Most of the world without an egomaniacal theology would be able to ask questions of their surroundings and their being.
But if a belief in universal oversight was present in your life you simply would have faith in the fact that there is universal oversight over most matters. And that you have a purpose here no matter how small it may seem, simply you smiling saves one or two from death let alone every other accomplishment you broadcast outward from your immaculate being. People assume one being or another claims superiority over independence when this isn’t the case at all. Without us to govern over or rule over or without the restrictions in place we would just all be in an abyss of nothing.
The impression most have of life is that you are simply meant to slave away is silly as just completely submitting to the power structures that be. Rather than ask questions of your surroundings and those that govern/givern over you because it should never be a one way megaphone but a passive and non violent intellectual anarchism will always take precedence over violence and other forms of hatred towards the system.
What anybody really wants is for you to share your insight and enlightenment and not work tirelessly and selfishly to attain that state. And this sadly enough is the state that most of our young people are locked into for complex reasons years and years studying in the luciferian systems to get ahead. But what other choices are we left with? Virtually none. What anybody wants is to be intellectually stimulated like they never have reached before and yet nobody is willing to put their evolution and their faith in the divine creator mostly.
One thing i see in conspiracy media is the same old dialogue being parroted by the same faces and to what end but to instil fear
. Much of my own enlightenment rests with the resistance and its ability to pass info on and let others input then redirect the information with their own intellect. And you have possibly hundreds at a time able to do this and this is the key to enlightenment of the species taking hold and spreading like wildfire is the absolute resistance to knowledge being withheld from us and what knowledge we do have available is strictly and systematically observed. Really enlightenment for a select few rests with being given advanced telepathic information through unseen channels from the other side and the war that exists is finding those people that are inherently portals for this enlightened dialogue and causing them great psychic trauma and distress in life. And the trauma is not seen nor felt nor even describable. Alot of it if one was able to articulate it would immediately attract labels such as mentally unstable or paranoid within a few seconds.
For naive souls they don’t even know how they are being used. Nobody does but chances are if you look human and have two arms and two legs etc you are open to various types of unseen suggestive manipulation including star fragments flying right through your body at the speed of light. Exciting to ponder the possibilities but yes in more advanced modes of learned education you not only have to learn the sub/anti human characteristic of analytical download to an almost tiring degree that is anti human by definition. But they also teach you when your a doctor or a lawyer and have gone through the more hidden and advanced and unseen methods of ritual to get where you are on relying on your intellect from another lower world altogether. To easily diagnose an ailment yes. But by that point the individual is so far gone from introspection and enlightenment that they are virtually lost. So to rely on that wisdom state would seem antithetical to enlightenment.
Much of the oaths/subservience to caduceus and other attractions of the alumni elite will remain hidden unless you go so far down a verifiable path of ritual magic that universities teach. It is funny meeting psychiatrists that i can readily diagnose and laugh off as literal quackery given my own diagnosis seems funny that i could out emotional quotient them but in my own state it just amuses me
But if a belief in universal oversight was present in your life you simply would have faith in the fact that there is universal oversight over most matters. And that you have a purpose here no matter how small it may seem, simply you smiling saves one or two from death let alone every other accomplishment you broadcast outward from your immaculate being. People assume one being or another claims superiority over independence when this isn’t the case at all. Without us to govern over or rule over or without the restrictions in place we would just all be in an abyss of nothing.
The impression most have of life is that you are simply meant to slave away is silly as just completely submitting to the power structures that be. Rather than ask questions of your surroundings and those that govern/givern over you because it should never be a one way megaphone but a passive and non violent intellectual anarchism will always take precedence over violence and other forms of hatred towards the system.
What anybody really wants is for you to share your insight and enlightenment and not work tirelessly and selfishly to attain that state. And this sadly enough is the state that most of our young people are locked into for complex reasons years and years studying in the luciferian systems to get ahead. But what other choices are we left with? Virtually none. What anybody wants is to be intellectually stimulated like they never have reached before and yet nobody is willing to put their evolution and their faith in the divine creator mostly.
One thing i see in conspiracy media is the same old dialogue being parroted by the same faces and to what end but to instil fear
. Much of my own enlightenment rests with the resistance and its ability to pass info on and let others input then redirect the information with their own intellect. And you have possibly hundreds at a time able to do this and this is the key to enlightenment of the species taking hold and spreading like wildfire is the absolute resistance to knowledge being withheld from us and what knowledge we do have available is strictly and systematically observed. Really enlightenment for a select few rests with being given advanced telepathic information through unseen channels from the other side and the war that exists is finding those people that are inherently portals for this enlightened dialogue and causing them great psychic trauma and distress in life. And the trauma is not seen nor felt nor even describable. Alot of it if one was able to articulate it would immediately attract labels such as mentally unstable or paranoid within a few seconds.
For naive souls they don’t even know how they are being used. Nobody does but chances are if you look human and have two arms and two legs etc you are open to various types of unseen suggestive manipulation including star fragments flying right through your body at the speed of light. Exciting to ponder the possibilities but yes in more advanced modes of learned education you not only have to learn the sub/anti human characteristic of analytical download to an almost tiring degree that is anti human by definition. But they also teach you when your a doctor or a lawyer and have gone through the more hidden and advanced and unseen methods of ritual to get where you are on relying on your intellect from another lower world altogether. To easily diagnose an ailment yes. But by that point the individual is so far gone from introspection and enlightenment that they are virtually lost. So to rely on that wisdom state would seem antithetical to enlightenment.
Much of the oaths/subservience to caduceus and other attractions of the alumni elite will remain hidden unless you go so far down a verifiable path of ritual magic that universities teach. It is funny meeting psychiatrists that i can readily diagnose and laugh off as literal quackery given my own diagnosis seems funny that i could out emotional quotient them but in my own state it just amuses me
In my virtual travels i have come to terms with the fact that i am an ascended master in comparison to most i speak to, this is troubling because i cant really find a suitable partner virtually, and the ones i do click with are thousands of miles away tucked behind borders with armed guards.
I really don’t want to see what i attract in real life so i chill out and in a mode that leaves it up to the stars. I wait patiently. I have also been coming to terms lately that i may be married to intellectualism, philosophy, and conspiracy. I know it sounds funny or silly and rightfully so it sounds the same to type it haha but there is some truth in that statement. I don’t want to settle for somebody beneath me. What reward is there in that? I enjoy being with an ascended master in his own regard, somebody smarter than me. but the funny thing about those types is when they sense you have started to surpass them intellectually and emotionally it is too late. Your already out the door.
Or i am matched with freemasonic telepathic bloodlines that are constantly analyzing cause and effect soon enough years pass by and they get nowhere in their definition of me, simply finding no causality to match me up with and labelling me anomalous or an extreme anomaly. And they show me the door. Mostly i know they don’t want any attention blared at them or perhaps they were given more advanced information about the timeline and their purpose in the whole spectrum of things. I cant help but ponder the actual present state because not many people are given the wisdom of analyzing the present state for causality. They are left in the dark. Because they are so enveloped in drama from the matrix that they forget about their own inherent enlightened state. Their own ascended spaces to not be apart of it all and to surpass any earthbound soul in a state of fractalized superimposed reality. This is the divine nature of universalism and and the diversity of the state of all knowing will find you if you learn to embrace it.
- Shaun A. Delage