Asking myself one thing, does the Christ consciousness exist and there is definitely alot of magic sent his way so the magic has to accumulate somewhere and be present and in a waking body of power ...much like santa lol i also make the argument that things like the Cleopatra consciousness is trapped on earth in perpetual identity in feline consciousness
Why would somebody idolize the Christ and not build a church on say santa ? well that i cant answer but people have began to understand and articulate this and the information will find you if you seek it
It would seem that whomever has the ability to download the greatest amount of knowledge becomes the strongest on earth and mind you there are those that are adept at downloading the knowledge through ritual and other magic like blood drinking but the information is not enlightened and beautiful knowledge
The most serene knowledge is subscribed by the philosophical schools such as the resistance group who are in their final stages of having almost 2000 books available (and i have downloaded 419 so far) and there is another indigo elder that has 100Gb of hidden esoteric knowledge
While they use the term occult frequently if you don’t understand the meaning of the word it may frighten you and by no means implying anything to do with darkness...however the knowledge you seek may be just that may aid you in your enlightenment but i also argue this knowledge may hinder your enlightenment as well just like the dream world having a plethora of visions available from having a first date to meeting some amputated hell being the vision may pull you away for a second but the next one may push you light years ahead
Light years ahead of any cultist is where you want to be
While they perceive themselves as enlightened beings for drinking blood, and eating human soups and other things like power games and sex games with celebs ritual sacrifice
If you attain your knowledge through whole and the right mode with substantial influence focused on the power of good intent and aligned with that which is right
The enlightenment will take you and find you
Many don’t understand what studying is, and i find this difficult trying to relay with a sister going through the luciferian post education system.
While you may not input 30% of the information you read you are interlocking with the creator of the knowledge and the body of thought connected with that knowledge
If it is made by a hybrid mindset you are connecting to the hybrid mindset
If it is made by a conspiracy theorist you are connecting with that person
Of course safe to assume this code is allowing us to connect on an etheric level
That is why there is so much distaste for creative enterprise ‘out there’
This is why enlightened beings are literally targeted and butchered alive before they have a chance to affect change on the populace by the time warriors
I was researching my blood brother (the guy that neuro led me to attempt suicide) There is no doubt that he knows what he did, and that he most likely doesn’t go through one day on earth without thinking about me
I know there is a game at play and i was amused to find out he worked at a place called ‘shaun’s restaurant’ in Atlanta Georgia
This is supremely unsettling it would seem that there is a whole ideology built on my seeming sacrifice now and this scared the hell out of me, safe to assume at some point he will probably follow my blog as well
I don’t know what i would ever do if i ever talked to him again. I don’t even know what i would say ?
Would you know? I mean i almost killed myself on his bed in evergreen state college
I don’t know what i would say to somebody like that
But the thing is i don’t blame him specifically ...we did go to a few raves and have a few amazing moments together but there was a secret war on
The suicide attempt was years in the making with the initial programming taking place a few months or a year before when i worked for the freemasonic cadet troupe ST. John Ambulance as a medical attendant where i was heavily programmed into this serious ritual
So mind you it may be crazy flukes or whatever but i cant ignore the fact that he is in the freemason capital of the USA Working in a restaurant of my namesake adding and sending perpetual energy my way and this is heavily coated in symbolism and the illustrious nature of the cult
This is only one of myriad of occurances in my life that are unexplainable
Mind you i have relieved all of this by wanting to attain enlightenment and believe me i believe i am there otherwise i wouldn’t have started my virtual ministry two years sooner than the Christ started his.
I tried reading back my words and enunciating them into speech and couldn’t get it right and it reminded me that some of are more adept at bringing enlightenment through various avenues which don’t involve making speechs or sitting on a throne like a guru with a dozen followers handing you flowers
So we all sit here in relative confusion and it is amusing to see because none of us are really superbly clear of where we are going but there is help and it is divine nature and divine thought in right actions and right speech and being your most galactical self
The practicality of your human self is technically illusion but the amazement of your actions is beauty and love and in that we will all become enlightened beings.
are we sharing too much with the global age of technological and an unregulated technological advanced society that functions digitally ? you bet !! This is the only way we are going to release humanity from the global trauma state and the slave state and by people telling their stories and getting things out in the open we will discover more about ourselves in the process and enlighten others
are we sharing too much with the global age of technological and an unregulated technological advanced society that functions digitally ? you bet !! This is the only way we are going to release humanity from the global trauma state and the slave state and by people telling their stories and getting things out in the open we will discover more about ourselves in the process and enlighten others
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a fun surprise i get a nice wolf
It took me to a supermall where i walked up to the ritzy penthouse and went to the washroom there where there was a shirt with a wallet so i opened it to reveal a thick wad of dollar bills which i greedily took it was so much i couldn’t even count it or hold it so i stuffed it in my pocket in two handfuls
I did leave a few however lol
On the way out of the mall and down the elevator i walked past security who said to me ‘if anything is out of order we will be calling you or looking for you’ i love it
I was planning on going across Canada and starting my life over lol
Next the she wolf took me to an airport where i saw a female celebrity that took some time in the navy and she was dressed in the funny little canadian navy female outfit which if you don’t know what it looks like google it it is really silly looking
They marched to her private jet and then just at the steps she broke out in a dance then she fell on the ground later on when she landed she was at her home and going at it with some guy in the corner there was two xmas trees on and some lady asked if i wanted a pillow and when she went to hand it to me it had a bunch of stains on it , it was pretty gross lol
Next the wolf took me to a store where i was searching for stuff and i found the products to be below substandard as opposed to our dimension i mean it was like a lower end convenience store and i took alot of time picking stuff out like some boxes of pies and hamburger meat and sunchips
I paid for them and spied a hot Lebanese guy that worked the front cash a was about 5”8 and really short hair almost cut to the head but he was super hot studmuffin
Anyway i walked outside and some people were going to give me a ride and the obese lady took my bag of food and sat on it which i got mad about and they said they would wait for me while i paid for the stuff the checkout moved outside btw i walked up to the guy and paid again and then he said he wanna come with me for a second and we walked across the street to his apartment which had a bunch of mattresses all over and he rolled a joint and i smoked it with him and tried to write my cell phone number which i did pretty well and i said i will pay in marijuana and he said no i want the store to run the right way and i said okay anyways i said those people were waiting for me and i had to go and he gave me the biggest hug and he was so cute omg
Theory inself
Theory outter being
Wanting to suffuse theory
And amaze those in progress
But wanting to believe
That is the nature of thought
The needing to believe
And the figurative analysis needed in belief
Belonging to a field of hidden knowledge
This is the nature of causality
That i should be so wanted and needed enough
Yet so thrown away in society
The philosophical mystery schools are here
For the enlightened ones
To the enlightened ones
I will never give in