Virtual Ministry Archive

hex cat

Without art essentially where would we be in the world ...
There exists a great power to stop the art mindset from developing otherwise society would be rife with performance art
In a sense some of my mental illness and psychotic outbursts could be considered performance art
From going nude at embassies and Buddhist temple and a college campus
But where does one go when you don’t understand the faculty of the mind enough to figure the self out
When your going with the perception this is performance art then you have art
But when you believe people are going to feast on your leg and the only way to get away from them is to take off your clothes at an embassy and be afforded the protection of the state or at a Buddhist temple and they will see you are a prime candidate for being a monk, because they will see you nude then place Buddhist robes on you..... then you have what is bordering a fine line from performance art to mental illness
To try and define art is one thing but to lash out a society that treated you inhumanely is another thing altogether and in a way i am a stronger person because i was able to release my anger into performance art
Likewise my anger was used and directed into forms such as criminality
And thankfully i direct that energy and my untold story in much of my art and blogging and in my book as well ,these days
Each piece tells a story and when you add in what exactly my art is, you have the meaning of art.
My art takes pics from the net and i dress them up with dimensional scope and use various forms of artistry including collage and pop art to achieve a post modern expressionism
When your an artist that is one thing but when you are responsible for the creation of an entire art movement that is another and one i love to be involved in
My art is impossible to copy
I use various graphics i collected and also made myself and bring it full on to achieve a dimensional piece
Not to mention i have about 200 times what the average artist creates
I am currently working on another instalment of dimensional male art but also on the last few chapters of my book as well which is nice
Without art where would we be?
Without colour spectrum and a dimensional mastery of the senses where would any of us go ?
As i keep going deeper into causality with this blog i am sure i may scare some or make others wonder perhaps start a few legends about who i am or what i am
Understand that what i type here is not me, i am simply a medium for expression
Some of it relates personally but also some of it relates to other dimensional sight and perception
Then you have the regular English prose stuck in here and there for familiarity
I just added some pictures to my captivation piece
It was a long time coming actually seeing some of the faces responsible for some of my madness
And they should be seen on one document
They need to be seen and a picture is worth a  thousand words
While i don’t wish ill harm on anybody i just wish to bring their being into focus where they belong and where they should be seen and so they cannot operate in the shadows anymore
Most people don’t even understand the magnanimity of where they permit their being to come into focus in present time and in some ways i wish for one person or all of them to come into contact with me and say you have it all wrong
In some ways my perception is essential and i put myself at great risk including libel for naming the people responsible for my torture
In a sense if i was to go to trial i would also be at risk to perjury and those are risks i am willing to take
While i always attest that i am willing to undergo any psychological examination attesting to my inherent torture in Canada
The powers that be don’t challenge me , the certainly don’t sue me, because there is truth in my accusations.
So i not only bring a character or a personae into focus or a conspiracy blog i also bring an art movement and without everything coming into focus there would not be a sense of superstardom or ego mania associated with my virtual incarnations.
While i have friends everywhere that will guide and protect me if needed i also say their guidance and protection is not really needed....i have worked tirelessly to bring my being into the public avenue while not seeking stardom it is happening all around.
I also put myself at great harm divulging so much but in otherways much of my life is simply going to be swept under the rug now that i am a public personae and in this i find a level of safety and comfort
If i was to keep quiet and operate in the shadows like many of my enemies i would have no standing and could easily be defeated
So i sit not only as a passive anarchist but also an artist, a suicide survivor, a poet, a gay man, a raver, a blogger, an aries, a matrix being, the one, an ex thief, and ex raver, an ex sex worker, an ex monarch slave, an ex mind control victim, i sit here not only as a friend but somebody that has lived to tell my story and that is rare ...the system usually takes care of performance artists like me quicker and in some ways it has failed the people by letting me evolve so much
And evolve i will
Not only do i threaten my country in entirety as a metis warrior against an occupied territory.... i also stand united with my brothers and sisters against enslavement and i stand united with the philosophical notations of my being as being an ever presence
I stand as somebody here with battlescars and the damaged soul needed to carry on with a shattered life but also as a member of the resistance
To resist what ?
Resist this madness enveloping all around us at great speed
Resist my country being taken over by cultists
Resist my continent being run by sadists
Resist my being being slaughtered alive in the public forum
Resist torture
Resist pain
Resist unintellectual thought
And in this we have a certain universalism
For there is nothing higher than universal thought and law above all else
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a satisfying surprise i get a nice mink
It took me to the middle of a city where i got the idea to make rave pants with faux fur and then i had to correct myself, like i already made rave pants they just be digital i was sitting round with a family in a moterhome and the mom said her life was in danger
Next the mink took me to a forest where a class went on a camping trip and brought some fake jewellery one necklace looked like an insect necklace with a diamond in the middle and a girl was wearing several watches everyone was arguing over a play they were going to do
Next the mink took me to a huge house where hundreds of secret service were coming out on mopeds and politicians were standing on the lawn and i wanted to shout out to them who here is the biggest crook ...i looked in the driveway and saw a super stretched SUV truck limo that had green detailing
Next the mink took me to a very modern hospital where i was wandering around and the girl i was with took me to a cafe called “benji G’s” the hospital itself was very new
I looked around for a male washroom but they were all female ones from what i could see
I looked in the cafe and it had a dish of onion rings with gravey in a buffett and they were going to give away $500 giftcards

Where in the world am i
Yes i reside here
Almost next to you
But in an omni presence
Because there is one of us
Rather than being not connected at all
Where is one but a few next to each other
Standing strong
Standing still
There is life amidst a self of trauma
There is a world outside our own
Have faith and the answers
Will find you
And embrace your being till the very end
-          Shaun A. Delage