What many peoples enlightenments concern yet don’t want to address in some way is our fixation with money. It is the most widely used and circulated form of elite satanic expression and it is the most heavily guarded where for most of the known world money seems to trickle in from time to time
Most know there is a price to pay when you make more money like having to submit to psychotic bosses and other things like completely selling your soul for the benefit of money or other things like your body to get ahead.
Many believe that slavery is the route to enlightenment but many get to a point after the fact where they realise that their entire lives has been baseless without substance
It is essential in your quest for money to really figure out yourself and your innermost dreams and wishes and forecast your own projected faith in the world so that you too can feel happy amidst the wealth
Many people either live with no money or lotsa money so that is crazy nobody seems to ever just have enough and when it is as tightly controlled as it is no wonder there is so much hardcore drug abuse and suicides
The people that don’t find their purpose become bitter and exhausted and then before you know it time to retire and the people that slave away sometimes can get very injured in their path to slavery for the quest for money with some losing limbs and fingers and other body parts and ailments such as sickness or constant sickness because they work with the public.
Then you have approximately 90% of the known workworld being controlled by freemasonic entities and we have ourselves a critique of enslavement
Then you have power hungry bosses you have to appease threatening you with being late 3 times in your whole career or taking too much sick days or they stare at your breasts or your package all day lol
Then you have the paradoxes of workplace communal living
I once thought of the youth school system as a prison and did the math and i spent more time at school than with my actual family it is amusing how this carries onto the working life
Most worry about what they will do when they are old like no pension or anything like that but that just means you have to be somewhat smarter when your younger to live a long and successful life (if you don’t subscribe to a working life)
But it is essential you never give up if you don’t want to be a slave , continue doing your work. Don’t just give up and drink yourself to death....do things that will put you favourably in the placement of life...like save the money you do have, or start a book..start a business, go to school for something you enjoy or read books. The mind numbing boredom of a lifetime can get intense if you don’t have variety and substance in your life
Of course what anybody wants is to find the meaning of life and the meaning to self
But that is always constantly evolving as time goes on, it just takes a highly perceptive and intuitive being to understand where you are going and where you want to go
I have seen where the extremes of wealth can take a person be it with personal struggle or being surrounded by millionaires and i can tell you that finding your own path and your own happiness is a fortunate placement to take in society that will bring much greater reward than ever thought possible
And if you don’t get a winfall then be happy with what you do have and understand that for the time being it is probably for the best and that things may be looking up for you sometime down the road
Just be confident with your own talent and your own lifespan here and not take anything too seriously and just be happy