Virtual Ministry Archive

flight flower

The beings that pervade over our lives around us.
Nobody would even guess that their closest relations or partners are hybrids
Me i am aware of this essence in my own life and the almost inescapable reality of such
I don’t understand the complexities completely or why they would want to institute complete control over my being.
But i do know they are angered that i haven’t fulfilled my purpose what i was bred to become of joining some of the illustrious cults in existence that my bloodline and all my relations essentially belong too
There is history in my family of abuse, sadistic violence, sexual abuse, incest and suicides.
It is no wonder that even in modern times i am still expected to hold onto these norms of the bloodline, because i don’t i am a virtual exile within the family
Nobody understands why i cling to the idea of divinity when it paradoxically ignorez me most of the time.
Being anti authority and anti establishment anti wealth and anti everything...i am the only person i know that actually questions my surroundings. Others are angered with me that because i question everything i bring their being into focus and in some ways i am probably responsible for them being targeted and won over at some point but that was their choice essentially on a spiritual level.
I am the only hyper intellect in both bloodlines that i know of, in my other bloodline i am the only native person in my family and that is ½ ½ native lol kinda like how Keanu is. I am the only gay person. I am the only one that i know if in my existence with the IQ and EQ that i possess
I too have had to endure a life of abuse and trauma and things like being a monarch programmed sex slave under the direction of the satanic mind himself. Also being hunted by people that presume they have guardianship over my soul. Passed from one boyfriend cultist to another. That care nothing of me or my spirit and actually have a hatred for my embodiment. (just what i can bring as far as psychic perception and the chance that they too may be injected by my hybrid DNA)
No wonder i cant lead a normal life and why i am resistant to alot of what people are trying to push on me as a human. They laugh and sneer at my individuality they question my choices amidst their sinful life. they try and defeat me, they leave me to mind numbing neglect and no personal choice in my own life.
Everyone i know is apart of this illusion and there is virtually no hope of escape.
I do see this one causality however that despite the odds stacked against meh  with so much hatred,programming,abuse,trauma...based minds i am still able to go my own route attend the university of the world
Still lead a somewhat normal nocturnal existence away from it all where i cant be bothered in relative safety.
I am fortunate to be set free from slavery thanks to the establishment
I am able to live on a priests wage and lead the virtual ministry i have always wanted to have
I don’t answer to anybody.  I don’t have any traces of deviance or criminality  left in me other than the programmed choices the system pushes on me.  (guides/makes me do)
I am a free agent so to speak
I believe we are all interconnected as one and those that share my belief empathetically stand beside me in my struggle to reclaim any traces of humanity left for me to claim amidst so much trauma instituted by the system/systeem
One of the things that haunts me to this day is meeting and having unprotected sex against my will with the level 36 shriner in his white Aryan tower and almost having secks with my brother incarnate or hybrid or genetic twin i have no idea and i cant even begin to innerstand this situation
I cant help but wonder what the fuck
There is witnesses to this and verifiable people involved as well although they would want me to believe they are all holograms or just names playing rogue like my name is MR.MASON but don’t worry i am not a mason, that is only my name.
I have allowed by my own choice some of the highest reigning reptile hybrids to literally inject me with their DNA/fluid and in that i find discomfort because they become apart of me and can essentially influence my choices and my intellectual capacity.
I guess i could be considered a hybrid now too lol
So there is no doubt in my mind that i am left with a shattered being  but i have one hope left and that is to ascend past their twisted little game
They continue to launch all out assaults on me be it with finances and health difficulties, etc safe to assume it will stay with me for life
But i am happy for the most part and everything is relatively minor thanks to my guardian entities that protect me ...i am healthy and somewhat sane and i have a bebeface so why complain rii-ght? Hehe
I know what is in store for me and it has been relayed and i wait patiently and do my work and my purpose in life

I work to expose the illusions in my singular life
I work to walk past the hundreds of hybrids in public that sneer at me (being divinity and perpetual youth and beauty)
I know my days are coming and if i haven’t chosen their disgusting ways by now safe to assume i will resist until the very last days of my existence
For i was not born into a human self in a fractalized dimension of only about 500 souls spread across an entire planet for nothing and to simply continue trauma onto others god no, including worshiping negativity.
For my own singular virtual ministry the church of techno there is 100,000 sites up to perpetuate the illusion but my singular porthole outshines 1,000,000 of those sites
I offer a virtual ministry like no other
Like the page says i am a raver prince
So they may try and subliminate ideals on me and forcefeed  individual choice on me, inject me with alien sperm to illicit a psychotic response, and inject me with microparticles in a hospital against my will that materialize into an actual being that lives in my knee as explained in the figurative death ritual.
BUT I AM STILL HERE. Yet i resist their little torture chamber !!
And if it takes losing my leg or my eyes to attain full enlightenment and to ascend out of this twisted place then i take it because who wants to return to this place another 2100 times
I believe i am a hybrid interbred anomaly that was chosen to be like them
But i don’t want that
I choose my inherent humanity and essentially freedom.
I choose perpetual youth and beauty and resistance  rather than to perpetuate illusion and this nobody gets in me.
Most give in a decade earlier than my 28 years
It is amusing to have a hatred for so much yet the need to revolt is so little
When you look at society and you see virtually nothing you agree with even in relative familiarity
What on earth is this mess and who are the actual beings in charge is what i am continuously questing for.
It is painful when you walk amidst thousands and they all talk in codewords and talk about Masonic colours such as blue ...but when they attempt to win me over to submit my being for a figurative death ritual i only have to look down at both my wrists to remind me of who my enemy is
I see the actual compass from the insignia of the freemasons carved over top of my serious suicide attempt scars (which, the original scars form on the left hand straight across and on the right hand down the middle when put together to form the tau cross or the T square as its known in freemasonry-i was meant to be a masonic sacrifice) and it reminds me of the pain i would live if i submitted and who is essentially responsible for my almost death under the seeming guise of a self inflicted disturbed individual.
Where i stand and where i am going
That is the consciousness above them, above us, above me, the most ascended and evolved state, the highest embodiment of all creation and i find comfort rather than looking in the bowels of some sewer stuffed with the filth of humanity and hundred dollar bills free flowing
I find my path and take comfort in it
It is flying around the cosmos seeing other dimensions, why would i want to give that up ?
Yet i rest here most of the time in my own little prison under virtual house arrest by forces i cant control
There is the higher spirit that can sense my frustration and my pain and i believe there is a time for me and i find comfort in that
I find comfort in the idea that none of us are trapped here that by virtue of being a singular sovereign consciousness you are still essentially free
They have tried to use some gentle smiling sugardad to sway me with the ultimate in gay temptation but if there is one thing i am proud to have stolen it was their secrets right from under them (locked in their dna) maybe that was the intent of the rogue mason who knows  while it was risky and i could have been injected and almost was with a life threatening illness that was the risk i was willing to take to ascend to be an enlightened being. I took my chance and it was risky for death stared me in an equally as cute face as i am used to but it was essentially me, my Siamese twin, the one that gave in
Perhaps mr.lomax was illusion
Perhaps him having aids was illusion (thankfully we never did anything)
Perhaps having sex with the vice president of scotia bank was illusion
Perhaps me having sex with an ambassador was illusion
Perhaps me going on yachts and pocketing thousands was illusion
Perhaps my sexual assaults were illusion
Perhaps my suicide attempt was illusion
There is one simple causality that i broadcast
There are no secrets in it
And all will be revealed
If you are a mason and you piss me off or try to kill me you as well earn yourself a place on the most famous cursed document ever written (my captivation piece)
I encourage others to open up their myriad of complexities in singular lives.
I encourage you to open up and share your trauma state and expose those responsible for your torture so they don’t operate in the shadows anymore and i encourage you to release the pain you hold inside of you because you cannot progress holding it all in
So perhaps i am human with hybrid spliced into meh but at least i want to be free and want to aid others in experiencing freedom from illusion
There is great wealth and power against me and in that i find strength that i can fight them with so little but a spiritual calling and gift
(having almost nothing)
I know i have a far more virtuous soul than they. They are jealous because they know i can ascend because i have chosen it something they will never attain and that to me is sad that they didn’t choose a life of happiness and evolution but rather a life of bitterness and death and sickness
What type of world allows others to coexist with those that choose freedom of expression ?
The paradoxes of life
Where nothing is revealed but hatred for individuality
I choose my soul over all of this illusion and most of all i choose you to stand beside me in this fight because you are worth it.
The matrix is way more than a silly little sci fi flick i hope you know that by now.
I ask my guide to show me the way what i get is a nice delight it is a sparrow bird nice if you treat them kindly
It took me to a room i was sharing with a cute guy about 20 years old with blonde hair
I was watching on teevee some cartoons with anatomically correct men in it , was very amusing they were having sex and stuff was kinda hot  apparently this was mainstream tv too a far cry from our cultures abhorrence to sex and sexparts
I was getting the vibe that me and the hot guy wernt clicking
I even made the bed and cooked dinner and he said about the dinner “something makes me think i shouldn’t have eaten this” when he looked at the dirty pot to clean
There was a commercial on tv about a sherrif that had his car stolen but he made them pay because he was Aryan nation
Next the sparrow took me to a boat where people were swimming but there was sharks too and later on i was riding in a car with weed in it and the police came and started to question me but he almost recanted when he recognized me and then said he was gay
Next the sparrow took me to my building where i was supposed to shovel the walk for my landlady
I went out and some lesbians were already shovelling the walk way and almost done they were talking of needing fresh fruit and money but i didn’t want them to know i was getting paid to shovel
A bunch of tween boys were sitting on the grass amidst a whole bunch of garbage and when i walked up they asked if i was going to beat them and i said sorry i don’t beat pre twinks like you
I looked over and saw a regular transit bus but looked more like a greyhound and with the bottom section open and people sitting around

Wonderous beings choose enlightenment
Over wealth because
Even if you are richer in spirit
You are far richer than any being
That professes to have control over you
You are far more superior than any group that tries to
Sway you with policy and rules and laws
You are essentially the causality to your own enlightenment
So choose wisely because the choice will come
1,000,000 times in ur life
If you make one wrong is something you have to live with
My cutie
-Shaun A. Delage