The evolution must find all those that willingly seek it and those that inform others are sometimes made out to be monsters or treated with a massive degree of hostility
There could exist by its very nature the new faith of the matrix philosophy that this in line with many other ideologies could form an existential theory
Moreso that those that want to find the theory could look for it and when the timing is right mostly the more evil elements will allow those that want to find the faith within themselves to find the answers they seek
My church of techno could be inline with this belief and say spiritus novus would want some belonging and a few others as well. That once the faith is built others will love to be involved .....and the hostility will mean nothing
That while i attach to an ideology that resists illusion i must also be prepared for the fact that the ideology in its infancy now may change to something i may not believe in in the future
That while i agree with it wholeheartedly that later on it may shift into something unbelievable or something i cant work with but the only thing left is faith
That i have faith in the souls that worked their whole life to bring a degree of enlightenment to me that is unheard of for a literal millennia
That many many people have an integral part unlike some of the other monsters of religions or societies that think nothing of their members that i also have a balancing effect on the ideology and an important role as a pseudo spiritual observer and that role along with my honorary doctorate bought online for $20 ........i take very seriously however others may not see it that way
So i tell them to go find the flaws somewhere else and find something they believe in because they wont find it with me or what i believe in if they cant believe in my path
My titles are titles but they are just titles without any meaning or substance behind them that i cant be a doctor in divinity unless i have some degree of divinity in my soul and have worked tirelessly to reject hatred and negativity in all i do
That many i meet have no level of compassion and this is unlike anything that i have ever known because every core fibre of my being inhabits compassion because you don’t understand compassion without first understanding suffering in all forms and that to me is enlightenment
While some may argue that to define somebody into a vision or definition or a marketable product is easiest i come to terms with the fact that i am always evolving in ever presence i definitely am not the same individual as i was yesterday or the day before but many attach endlessly to who they were or who they can be not who they are
But i simply cant be here saying that enlightenment is only given to those that are worthy of it exactly the opposite, enlightenment can be given to all who seek no matter their definable characteristics or programming inherent to their brains or bodies
Selfless service to others as it is known may be one route to enlightenment but also the endless compassion for all you see is another route..... the involvement of intellectualism in one’s life is another, and the repetitive action of meditation is another all together
While the theories may present themselves and contradict themselves over time you may just want to grow with the evolution and EVOLVE and understand the in the moment philosophy of how the theories affect your being
Our society is taught that mostly everyone that exists should exist without ego, when i look at each being in creation as a literal pontificate, they have a jewelled hand and are elevated beyond anything presentable that is the glorification of creation and the shining sensibility of ascension
That no being is beneath you nor above you no matter what they preach or how much harm they inflict on you
That it is wise to attack those that attack you but also wise to evolve past the elusive nature of the present timing and into something that is of a universal concept
Now no wonder i am a doctor of divinity and i share this title with many others, and you as well can get the title and i share my ordination with celebrities and i share it with you if you seek to elevate yourself to the universal priesthood but that is up to you
With the bank i went in to get my titles added to my account which she looked at me and smiled and said you can have anything added to your account and i jokingly said how about Prophet Rev. Dr. Instead of Rev. Dr. And she laughed needless to say the bank was happy but i went into my identification office for my province and asked the same request and she said nobody in british Columbia is welcome to entitlement the only way you could make it work is if you submitted a change of name and actually added the titles to your name.
I needed to repeat what she said so there was no mistake or miscommunication “so your telling me nobody in british columbia is welcome to entitlement” she replied, “That is correct sir”
The smile i had was immense because i see past the elusive measures of the state and see into a world that is much stronger than illusion or borders or illusion of borders i wonder how the state feels when they entitle their members with titles such as “most honourable” and then their name for members of the parliament
What a silly society that contradicts itself continuously but if you never had the courage to walk in you would have never figured out this essential key to how the state views you
Amusing to me
In second life today i had to deal with alot of hostility attempting to bring the resistance TO THE people of second life because essentially it is a fractalized virtual world of what freedom means but there is so much illusion in second life a virtual world built up on money alone
I hold alot of power and authority in second life with my rave store and i have setup a sort of half invisible poster of the resistance to the door to my store which people can click and they get the site name of resistance 2010 and it is funny because you have to walk through the prim (as its called) to get into the store so people look a bit more and figure out that there is writing on it and read and it directs them to the site
Well i used my power in the rave scene to send some notices in groups of people and one group in particular sent me a hostile message that i should have checked with them first before sending a non music related notice and started to articulate rules within their group called the techno cult and said that i shouldn’t have done this and that it could be a brainwashing cult and i had to stop him and say well your telling me i am leading somebody from one cult to another and he laughed because his group is actually called the cult of ____then his avatar anyways story into a paragraph essentially i voluntarily gave up the friendship and the group but still i am responsible for sending dozens possibly hundreds or thousands of people to the resistance with my power in the virtual world and my name so essentially it was worth losing a friend and a group.... that would not stand by me..... being the most successful rave biz in Second life and well regardless i hope he chooses to look over the site and come back to the friendship the hostility was way to much for me to deal with but is expected when you responsible for giving thousands the choice they have waited their whole lives to hear
Meanwhile another good friend of mine with a VERY popular group called THE A LIST messages me and is like so i guess your neo now lol and we got into a lengthy dialogue on matrix philosophy and oh how he balanced the vibration out to a point where i felt at peace with my decision (UPDATE: He has also ejected me and i will be ending that supposed 'friendship' of four virtual years as well. ) lol how fun kicked out of the A LUST oops mean A LIST well guess i am a B LIST celeb now lol i am so beyond the A LIST anyway lol above it all :P~~~
this time of the libra has proved to be extremely stressful i have also losta 8 year real life friendship as well and then another pseudo friendship here online in SL along with all of this
but these arent friends they institute cruelty on others because it is easy ina virtual world that is text and cartoon based ....just simply proposing the ideals of enlightenment and evolution liberation and ascension is enough to make people spit in your face
i have the HOTTEST club store in the virtual world and i am going Places in life and they are pretty jealous because what do they have to do but make people literally soak in sadness over the thought of losing a friendship that was seemingly solid as a rock - all i can say is enjoy !!! you will sense how famous divinity will become over all of this madness
this time of the libra has proved to be extremely stressful i have also losta 8 year real life friendship as well and then another pseudo friendship here online in SL along with all of this
but these arent friends they institute cruelty on others because it is easy ina virtual world that is text and cartoon based ....just simply proposing the ideals of enlightenment and evolution liberation and ascension is enough to make people spit in your face
i have the HOTTEST club store in the virtual world and i am going Places in life and they are pretty jealous because what do they have to do but make people literally soak in sadness over the thought of losing a friendship that was seemingly solid as a rock - all i can say is enjoy !!! you will sense how famous divinity will become over all of this madness
That i know to be around people with the same goals and the same direction is empowering and to others you may be a cult or distasteful but to the group that sees it this way it is evolution/empowerment/ascension/enlightenment
also i know that there may be people in the resistance that dont want to be there ....
And it enlightens me to how groups like the masons or the Buddhists or catholics stockbrokers etc or any other group function and i know there are members within the group working to correct the wrongs of the ideology or are unaware of what exactly is going on or are too far involved to leave so a sense of compassion is needed for all beings from animal to elite to celestial to hell based beings that they are only acting a scripted part and once they meet you some even go through painful but liberating deaths to escape and to join you in a beautiful placement in eternal love and light
And it enlightens me to how groups like the masons or the Buddhists or catholics stockbrokers etc or any other group function and i know there are members within the group working to correct the wrongs of the ideology or are unaware of what exactly is going on or are too far involved to leave so a sense of compassion is needed for all beings from animal to elite to celestial to hell based beings that they are only acting a scripted part and once they meet you some even go through painful but liberating deaths to escape and to join you in a beautiful placement in eternal love and light
They know deep down inside what has taken place they are able to witness what they have done and are working to change it
Many people have the keys to evolution but the keys cannot be hidden in illusion or subliminal suggestion or in surrealism the keys should not be found in riddles or in theories they should be found by you and you alone are freely given the keys to unlock the door and walk through it and with your shining smile embrace the beautiful scene before your eyes and walk away from the internal storms the world has setup for ya
So many in life think it is just a virtual world like second life and in some ways it seems silly to be in a world that mirrors our own yet you have a better looking character and a bigger house and three businesses it would seem that people locked into this realm would not want to be set free they are happy in it.... i just cant ignore the virtual surrealism present
I cant ignore the fact that it is isolating being in a virtual world such as this 10 hours a day....Like i was a year ago for three years prior but here i am i have the hottest rave store in the whole virtual world and have the power to say what i want and bring people to a fashionable existence
I cant ignore the fact that most of my ‘virtual friends’ are not really friends that care and it is easy to be inhumane in a text based cartoon world of illusion
I cant ignore the fact that most people on average spend about $400 US a month inside the world and it is a fun place to be when there is nothing else to focus on you are able to go to raves build stuff design clothes ....
But there is a horribly uncaring and unkind governance of the world
So i see it as this
I want to use my status for that which is right
My store is an absolute monarchy where it resides i am the prince over the land or king depending how you look at it, as long as the rent is paid so be it
Many of my friends have no interest in friendship
Many are lost in there because real life is too damn depressing
I lost a friend that was hostile and i voluntarily left a group and i may get banned from another for my post being non music related but it was worth it it was worth the negativity and the pain to set hundreds free to be involved in a community that actually cares about the loving progression of their soul
Or a governance that cares nothing about their customers but how much money is exchanged
That simply me making $30 US a week believe me, i can do without
That originally is almost marketed you will make millions in months if you work hard enough
That if needed i can leave the virtual world behind and not look back
Well, i spend maybe an hour a week now instead of ten hours a day and there are some friendships worth keeping and of course having the hottest rave wear and mens wear store for virtual clothing is definitely worth it
But my fight tonight against the dark energy that protects hundreds or thousands behind these groups was infiltrated and i put forth the ideology and allowed many to find the path if they seek it and i am proud of this and proud of the sacrifice
I did a little part and we’ll see how this goes
At least they will talk now lol
I have always been diplomatic amidst so much hostility and i enjoy it but i am very sensitive as well and cant deal with stress effectively because of my illness but if i avoid it completely and hide away and live in a fantasy world how am i ever going to evolve
Evolution is essential for survival we are all evolving this very moment while most don’t even want to entertain the thought it does take skill to evolve past illusion and to evolve into a world where you matter and that you are a sovereign beautiful prince or princess because that is what you are
To attach to an egocentric and community centric world is essential to survival and to involve yourself in universal matters puts you higher than any earth based system of ideology or illusion
That no matter how hard you are punished for wanting to be free walking three hundred miles barefoot with blisters is worth the walk if you reach your endpoint because there will always be somebody there to help you heal those cuts on your feet and rub the pain out for you because that is the nature of divinity which by its very nature along with evil must be used within the human body to achieve the goals of each encouragement
Theories will evolve out of successive fate and will we all see what will happen
Definitely !!!
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice blue and yellow fox he is a male fox and he has a bushy tail with a stripe down the middle
He took me to an airport where i was due to go to new York over xmas and money never went thru – basically i thought i was making up fantasies and in a state of relapse calling the bank i realised nothing was happening so i was with a group of people that were flying out and a girl came up and gave me a hippy bag and told me to look inside so i found a bunch of folded up bills and i took one out and it was a one thousand dollar bill so i was like wow and she said i could keep the whole bag
Next the fox took me to a condo and i was on the computer and discovered that somebody had tinkertotz in their designs and i was like wtf those are mine and they insisted that they made them so i walked over to the freezer and found a bag of candy and it was rainbow and so cool looking and i ate a few pieces and skipped some of the bigger pieces of candy of all shapes inside a plastic bag
Next the fox took me to a restaurant and a lady that worked there asked what i wanted and i forgot so looking again she stood over me impatiently like a hawk and i started to sweat and get nervous and i couldn’t find what i want finally i said i cant take you standing over me like this and hovering and breathing down my neck and i walked out
Then the fox took me to a small market where i was selling things like mini plates of lasagne i was like hmmm strange and then a friend came by and took me away and i was like thank you i don’t know what i was trying to hawk on people back der lol
Scared to say nothing
Yet fearless to say everysing
Courageous enough to see others
Encouraged to see me
By my own regard i am incredible
By my own theory so are you
Not something to be casually dismissed
Or neglected
Because ultimate love exists above all else
We do not live in a hateful neglectful existence
I am here and you are here
That is enough to change things and shake things up a bit
We are all unique
Attach to your individuality
And attach to always moving like a river from the mountain
Into the ocean
The beauty surprised even me
Because it is surprising to see so much love in the eyes
Of those you seek solace in
Where the world would fill them with so much pain
- Shaun A. Delage