Friday, October 15, 2010


Cursed to walk the moonlit streets,
Never seeing daylight
Except for –a- few hours here and there
A literal exile of the matrix
As if every door has been slammed shut
However the enlightenment of darkness
Is alike to day
But more concentrated
So you can see the illusion of everything
That attempts to blind you with their sunlight/sinlight
Papercutz on wrist
Nobody could fathom it being 2 inches deep
But that is the nature of my broken heart
and my shattered life
not aligned with magic or any darkened sphere
yet shielded by programs that care
they don’t want to be enlightened
it would break their heart to ponder their humanity
a literal exile
yet the compassionate Buddha
reaches out to be involved in the life of a young colt
asks for protection from a far away kingdom
alerts my regional governance of my plans
makes notice to the war crimes court
and halts all plans for illuminating those that have no idea
how could one live with an alien being in them
in their body?
I guess my detested soul deserved all of this
Including the being in the leg
But what can you do?
Many are unaware of the faculties to distinguish
How do i know of this being in meh?
Believe me, you would know too
Many deny that any conspiracy exists in my life
With anger and hatred and contempt
Only because they themselves are unwelcome to
A life like mine, with superstardom included
They must live in the shadows never to be known
Because there is nothing for them to write about
Zero talent zero skill other than being an agent of the matrix
To instil pain on another
What a boring life with this notion
For i have surpassed what most only dream of
For 1000 lives
Believe me, many are and will be jealous of me
Because i have figured out the complex trillion equation
Mathematical code for being released from slavery 
And to live ultimately free
Attaining to be inherently human
-          Shaun A. Delage