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kindly lif3

One of the only modes or routes to enlightenment consists of true compassion for suffering
Not saying you need to give your money to everyone you see but mainly the need to realise peoples inherent suffering within the system
That everyone around is locked into perpetual slavery and in ways they are broadcasting that negativity outward
When people with more money in the world broadcast that it is tied to magic because with more money comes more magic and more illusion
Not saying at all that money is bad just if you don’t have the faculty of understanding how the heck could you manage 10 million dollars
That is why its wiser in the establishments eyes to give it to you in the smallest instalments possible
If you were given your entire lives paycheque in one shot at the beginning of your adult hood imagine the possibilities. Of course you could blow through it all, and other things could happen
But there would be no need for mortgages or sadness or alot of what our society is propped up on
I have always advocated the use of a single pill or a special square of superfood for an entire meal to be taken at once without even the need to enjoy the aroma or the visuals of the food, really all it comes down to is the need for a full stomach
Something daily you can take as well would work wonders
And of course this has been invented and sits on a shelf in some lab somewhere
But imagine if this invention came out !!!
A small tofu like square that holds every vitamin and nutrient for the day that expands and fills in the stomach for the entire day
Surely it would get rid of 80% of the worlds wealth in an instant and well still people would be drawn to the burger and fries at times, but there would be no obsessive need to fill the gap visually
It would increase productivity and happiness and solve all of the worlds food problems
Yet were even struggling feeding 90% of the known world and these greedy bastards with their hive minds don’t fill us in on the greater mind numbing inventions that have taken place
Most places you go into are under layers upon layers of security even places you go into buy a single item from just imagine what a lab or anything like that how much levels you would need to go through to find something like this waiting on a shelf to be eaten *yumyum*
It is the sickened need to control even our waste our body produces that the food establishment controls us imagine eating this superfood and the body using every nutrient available and producing little or no waste
People would not have such a digusted view of their body or their fellow man and woman
When most people just see each other as this type of degradation
Mind you there are those that you look at and you would never think of this but sadly this is how our rulers see us as just some type of common barn animal that literally bathes in their own urine
It is funny to ponder but think of how much compassion you need to be able to deal with a  society such as this. When your living around other beings that literally need to urinate every hour or so or they will panic and they will explode in juice all over their clothing
You have quite the funny impression of the beings your dealing with now nobody would want to experience this which is why there are some levels of compassion for our fellow beings out there
But strangely the true angels in society remain hidden or protected or secret
They dream up philosophies and visions and bring them to light then jetting off halfway around the world to do the same , all the while never blending in with society
Of course there is enlightenment  in every possible facet of society from poor people to rich to angels to devlish people, all hold their own degree of enlightenment which is why it is so easy to be swayed by even the most devlish people when you are of angelic vibration and vice versa
Which is also why you find very very smart people who are poor, very very smart who are rich very very smart that are at their end of their life and very very smart that are just beginning
To dismiss somebody as just some young and dumb and full of cum is like wtf
In my gay community this is how twinks are seen and rightly so many are and it is funny how i am treated in the bar personally i walk in and immediately swamped with daddies i mean i cant even breathe without people crowding or wanting to talk and i saw a few words and they figure out i am an intellectual not to be swayed or manipulated or i simply say, no i am not freshfaced 19 i am almost 30
Even then they still assume i snuck into the bar and am like a youth that is 17
I am just like fuck dude i am almost thirty
Then i see people around my age 27/28 and they look like they are in their fourties with balding hair and too mature faces
Makes me laugh actually, i guess if i spent the past 8 years soiling my body with poisens i would look like that too
Also in that regard i could land any hot bloke that is around 18/19 that i wanted and could become a sexual predator of sorts
But guys around this age sorta scare meh
I mean of course they are hot but what else is there and i am not here to take advantage of twinks like the rest of gay society i am here to find my cutie soulboy
And he may be 18, he may 35, he may be 42, he may even be in his 50’s
You can never really tell with life, but if you remain ageist and set in your ways you will be like that table of lonely old daddies at age 60 with nobody just sitting around with your tobacco smoking daddy friends ogling cute young thangs and offering to buy them as much drinks as they want cause you know deep down inside they cant afford to be there in the first place.
With love there is no limits , there is no definition, there is no finality
I don’t know if i will ever find him though, with things holding me back like, money and my introverted life, and my intellect i just plain scare off people. Especially with my far out theories
I don’t care though i am not going to be some submissive housewife that says yes sir and no sir
I am most likely the best thing that has come into his life and with love and the essence of love anything is possible.
I just don’t want to settle for anything but the best that i possibly can find
Cause i do pretty ok pleasing myself , taking care of myself and making myself happy
I don’t want somebody that is ego centric or all about money i don’t want somebody that lies, or cheats or is otherwise untrustworthy i don’t want somebody ugly in mind body spirit or intelligence because true beauty is a gift from the divine, mind you i am not all about looks either or how big you are down there or if you have abs or not
Because i also realise with true beauty comes unchecked egomanism how many guys i have met that are literally so obsessed with themselves they could never really love another human, rightly so some are so obsessed with money or their job or their family to even be able to welcome another being into their lives. To them i say well..... enjoy !!!
That is why i stress the importance of the middle ground as the Buddhists teach
It is funny for me to be a non orthodox Buddhist i see myself as a living Buddha without all the teachings and madness that this cult empowers within its members because it really is all about energy vampirism
Those that don’t subscribe to collective hysteria of energy vampirism are shunned out of society
The middle ground can be held true in your own life
Hate walking and hate driving well get a bicycle
Hate meat but also hate vegeteriansim well do a 40/60 split or 50/50 if you so incline *wink*
Hate celibacy but hate being a slut ? find somebody you trust to make out with and see what happens
Hate Catholicism but also hate atheism make up your own faith
Hate being fat, and also hate being so thin people think your gaunt well stay somewhere in the middleground where your happy
Hate being clothed and hate being naked? Well wear a sash and some shorts man let some of it hang loose and let some it stay hidden
Hate smoking but also cant imagine being without it then smoke em in halves lol
Hate being angry and hate being happy well dole out a smile or a frown when necessary!
Hate boxers and hate briefs ?   try boxer/briefs

Oh how life can be fun which is why i always laugh at how people just readily attach to such a fundamentalist viewpoint in everything they do like i HATE how animals are being harmed and they imagine in their mind this cow being slaughtered and are like i am just going to eat a sunflower seed every meal and thats it
Well, that essentially is up to you but we are all built different and have different history and bodies so what may work for somebody may not work for another
When i see people just living on a raw food diet i tend to wonder about that one because of my middle ground philosophy i know inside that the consumption of raw food and vegetables is essentially energy vampirism and of course your operating on levels outside of the status quo
But i also remember seeing something as youth in the media that said a study said that when fruits and veggies are cut they actually start to scream on inaudible levels
Somebody i knew said well they don’t have vocal cords so that is impossible
I just laugh, i mean with me personally i tend to juice em a few times a week – saves me eating 12 carrots at once my god my gag reflex would be impeccable
But i could imagine the carrots horror being literally ripped to shreds and juiced with me drinking its body as a fluid which is why i always thank the carrot for its sacrifice so that i may live one more day to bring enlightenment to the masses and that i may get one step closer to my ultimate and impressionable goal.
I don’t like the idea of anything running away from me while i fantasize snapping its neck and eating it
But jeeze like i said the middleground, you don’t want to be lost in a sea of illusion, because there is illusion everywhere even amongst the most enlightened in society
There is illusion in heaven and angles/angelz and there is illusion right where you sit
All of it comes down to your own impressions, and your ability to ascertain the real truth and mostly how the truth relates to you personally because were all different and were all beautiful
Which is why some teachers are eccentric extroverts and others are simply writers and some prefer to be quiet to help you on other levels , and simply smile for they were graced with your incredible shining presence this very moment.
-          Shaun A. Delage