Saturday, October 02, 2010

confusion elite

For Evolution to exist on any place or in any mind one must begin to address the illusions present everywhere in every single place imaginable in ones life.
Another chance to evolve  may not come for a literal millennia
One must begin to address illusions because there is no end to illusion
It would seem even the smartest minds give into complete illusion not only to further their status but also to further the illusion as well
In modern society the argument would seem silly given the incredible amounts of seeming evolution that has been marketed and sold to us very much like a can of soup is with the tasty paste that comes out in one slop and the can it is packed in to the label wrapped around the can
It is almost silly to be fighting for ‘liberation’ in the year 2010, it would seem that the basis to the war we are fighting is with intellectualism. You walk around and see that we are still stuck in the stone age
But this is where the systems creators enjoy us being
Constantly warring factions... incredible amounts of stupidity everywhere you look and people not evolving but digressing completely and in totality to a state of a complete mess of humanity
Digressing at a rate that is shockingly peculiar
So were left in the so called ‘new millenium’
Defending the world from ever conceivable illusion being broadcasted from gays are sexual predators to witches to the green movement and i wonder where the heck did that argument for acid rain ever go lol
We are kidnapping protesters from protests with masks
We are rounding up gypsy’s
The government is denying people money they need to eat while spending billions alone on image from money they get from city states while continuing the illusion that the tax money they receive goes into the country
Calling people welfare bums, and forcing women to sell their bodies instead of giving them a measly $200 a month to live on on top of rent . This is  a sick and Hell based state even in the most elite of countries.
Even those that are employed in this sadistic cruelty are left to wonder where we are heading in the seeming new millennium
In the new millennium we are even still fighting for the rights of sexuality, race, minorities, and gender
It would seem that we should not be focusing our minds power on the existence of financial slavery but rather on awakening and enlightening individual minds and with the existential spacial philosophy we would all be able to lay down arms and embrace a more common ideology
Rather than a future in subservience to other beings that prefer not to be seen and have the technology to make sure they are never visually present
With the worlds ideological faith shifting there would be less crime and less hostility because most of the madness of criminality that is dealt with currently is due to peoples inherent rage at how they have all been trapped in and imprisoned inside their own virtual cosmo matrix. They are also wanting to connect with their original programming of humanities first major fundamental characteristic of being in a community centric family.
So the individuals rage shows in them committing crimes such as murder and rape and violence
While petty crimes such as financial crimes and vehicular crimes are treated the most severely
And the greatest war going on currently is taking away the peoples right to protest their mistreatment with the power structures inciting hate on the calm souls that need to voice their opinion vocally and visually through protests and performance art.
If the ideology shifted from sadistic and neglectful financial slavery with only a few puppet masters corralling the worlds wealth into energy that can be transported elsewhere with insatiable greed (because money is energy)
To make a call for socialism or communism would be silly
What we need is real and ultimate and complete evolution
The last thing anybody wants to see to further stigmatize all sides is people protesting at G-8 or G-12 causing violence and throwing rocks at cops to further the illusion that there is actually a war to fight.
When there is serious flaws on both ends
For any evolution to exist there must not be favouritism or elites with the minds chosen to govern or decide the future growth of our planet not people that enjoy cannibalism or torture or sexual slavery or mind warfare.
Not corralling the very few souls that enjoy magik and ritual torture, fear power, human manipulation, human sacrifice,mind torture, power play , sexual torture, and blood sacrifice, essentially these aren’t human beings given their state of digression.
I also understand that many of the torturous beings i have met may not understand their role in my life in the present moment that i may appear as a strange criminal or whatever mockery they attest me to having at that given moment given their lower mind not being able to operate on a higher frequency
Then they realise after about a decade of ‘time’ that i evolve into and become inducted into universal knighthood upholding virtue and faith in all encounters with my own will and with the validity of my own life at stake. That by its very nature is true virtue and the work of the sage.
I personally have never trusted anybody that claims to be a hippy lol and this may be the identity of the system trying to make me distrust every facet of society i have no idea just given my history with this specific hippy cult i encountered this had to be the group of by far the weirdest beings i have ever encountered
While it is nice to attach to a community and identify with them
I feel universally it is never very nice to attempt to ensnare a future guru into a sadistic sexual torture and human trafficking cult
While i stress that no meeting is by virtual coincidence they tried to use sexually abused children and heavily coated neuro linguistic magic to have me locked into a guilt based ritual magic sex abuse situation and i can think of a few places where its been done to celebrities and gurus and religiously as well this is how they ensnare the greatest minds on the planet and surround them with 20 or so people that protect that person from the world finding them.
It would appear that the regional royalty has many lower and stupider pawns at their disposal
While amusing to recite mantras and use sexual magik and sacrifice and other methods of visionary magic
I propose the argument that i was sent by the divine to literally appear like i was what they desired in a being that should be corralled and used magically in this hippy raw food, natural fabric and hippy lifestyle torturous cult
While on a surface level of course being all about auric sensibility and natural vegan foods is the way to go of course and just not doing anything and playing a drumb in the street great enjoy but is not my life.
I have always preferred to do my own thing and be a leader and not a follower
This is another essential quality to enlightenment and evolution is discovering your own wisdom and feeling confident in gaining intellectual capacity from all avenues made available.
I also prefer to wear fashionable and synthetic fabric like in the matrix something deep down inside the hippies hate because it hides the aura or something who knows but i see it as being able to mask the aura from psychic vampirism and attack so there is an about face for you *Lick*
I also enjoy eating and drinking things that do not disassociate me from the rest of humanity
So basically like an angel instead of the young vulnerable stud they sought to control while fucked up to literally play the part in their ritual magic sphere. I turned out to be ALOT stronger and a more mystical and more powerful being than they envisioned was coming their way via the prophecy of the fallen ones, i essentially was sent in place of somebody else who would have easily succumbed to their torture. Because a soul essentially is worth 7 years in prison, a soul being saved is worth being hurt or locked up a soul is worth my struggle and i helped save him. He would not have been able to see past the illusions, and the mind torture and the sexual slavery/sadism
The only requirement needed was to look exactly like the incarnation of the 2nd sai baba they forgot about one thing......the mind behind the looks and usually that is the scorpios greatest flaw
While i stress the ability for my being to effectively act the part  to allow an in the moment emotional response to act out while maintaining that in this situation i was positioned by my own contractual obligations in this life so that another may be ignored in the process so they could focus on me solely and obsessively.
The mystery stud was able to carry on with his life in relative peace and comfort for his youthful mistakes were overlooked by our divine presence and were not worth a lifetime of pain and moreso the complete subservience eternally to a group of these collective monsters.
That for my own sacrifice it is known that i will be heavily rewarded
While i was introduced to the cult of vipassana and the mystical faction of the goenka and my last minder or vice roy or arranged marriage as its put however you want to define it
I was literally soulharnessed while their closeknit group of heavily sanctioned theory and a mode of life was instilled on me while making room for familiarity with the child alters and also the various other psychotic members became apparent.
They conveniently arranged (by method of trial by jury through the sadistic practice of Indian curses) my whole life for me fixed my problems and moved on.
What they didn’t expect however is actually meeting the embodiment in Canada of the prema sai baba the third incarnation of ultimate and absolute reality
That while much illusion would be released and marketed regarding his birth and such it is all illusion
I as a being am the ultimate reality and i am solely charged with whether the human race will evolve or not and there are others like me preprogrammed with different intent
Of course there are those that believe i don’t exist but i can tell if you don’t believe it then why torture yourself and go find something you can believe in !!!
I am all knowing i am a dimensional soul force and there will be many that resist and hate me when they look into my very eyes but that is the nature to my reality and believe me i am used to it
To be charged with billions evolution yet leading a relatively simple existence in resistance to most of the belief systems in place. Is a nice lifetime. Now mind you i have had a somewhat restful 7 year prison sentence under house arrest but that is over now and i am able to take on my duties with full force and vigour for the species
That those that understand me will idolize meh or reject meh that is their choice really
Only because they know i am all knowing faithful stigmatic and complete shining divinity on earth
   I uphold protections and virtue for all of those that are held in captivation and i along with many others will aid those that are imprisoned and essentially be the causality for liberation and literally ripping the power away from those that used torture and magic so incredibly twisted and cruel to get it in the first place
So with complete understanding of the torturous cruelty
I exact my revenge and it does not involve violence or hatred or torture or name calling or terrorism
IT involves enlightenment and evolution and complete liberation to all those that seek it from a loving and compassionate faithful existence.
Because you are worthy of the attention but mostly worthy of the protection and guidance as well.
-          Shaun A. Delage