Virtual Ministry Archive

thoughtful lifez

Seems like society at times would be a virus
The only method conducive to healing is to continuously label somebody over and over again
I was shocked to recently have the title of loner attached to me by health professionals
I look around and see that society as it has been working for individuals has done nothing to further the scope of enlightenment
While you may get more hook-ups and more insider deals The fact is that when your not influenced by others you are generally not at the sublimination of the global hype that runs the show
At least he could have been more creative in his namecalling
Mystic, psychic, reverend, doctor, philosopher, conspiracy theorist, anti mason, perhaps schizophrenic
Aries, gay – or the insults that go with it , left wing , raver, virtual fashion designer, i dunno
Why he would pick that one to solely target at me is beyond me, i just know him telling me that many manuscripts don’t ever get picked is defeating
I wonder who picks these people to watch over us when we need help
Pure lunatics !!!
Seems to me encouraging others would be the very nature of a psychiatrist
It also seems that the two tier prison system we have by virtue of illusion is not working either.
Or you can sit at your desk just tagging people all day
What a job !
I would be depressed too !!
The people employed in health care especially psychiatric are generally not very intelligent people
If they can hold you down to administer the shot then they are hired
More concerned with whether you are homosexual and if you were molested as a result
Hello? That went out in the seventies man time to catch up with the new millennium
A targeted human is good for them
It gives them something to work on and something to torture and analyze
It is odd when you know your more eloquent in speech than somebody that is university educated
One being in resistance to everything imaginable
Laying in my own enlightenment
Knowing i will be one of the very few that will be ok in the long run
So many are able to figure out in youthful interlude that they are somewhat forgotten
Can they see what i see?
The dimensional orbs around meant to record the next spiritual incursion
Not a Truman complex per see but my orbs were afforded on a sense of galactical united nations
Meant to record simply and give the appropriate penalty where it is due
My world is generally liveable
Not that tough when your a bit of an eccentric
But in theory the individual stands out why?
Because the individual is unique
I offer a way out as well
So many try and cloud me with their neuro drama
When it is all illusion
They know you will be taken care of for life that is afforded by divine decree
What happened?
Well, as you have probably read there is about 10 major incursions
And perhaps a few from those where the universal punishments were given for forsaking all dimensional law and for breaking universal codes of conduct
My being was given a free agent free enterprise status
A slave set free
Many around me, even those i care about deeply are involved in the slave network and will do anything to uphold their own piece of guaranteed capital and with this comes illusion
The major incursion occurred with dare i say, my brutal and horrific suicide attempt
The fact that i am here to speak about this gives me supreme happiness
Which was neuro programmed on the evergreen state college grounds with a Masonic and eastern star affiliated family.
The incursion was that i was simply to young to be brought to death in todays society to understand anything but also at the time and the next few years i was involved in alot of intrigue so it was better off in the systems eye to rid me
I not only halted and brought my life in the open i literally did the same on an astronomical scale to my beautiful blood brother whom was just as naive as i about the actual ramifications of our union
Their side did not play by the rules so to speak
Sending the ultimate in a weapon of destruction that no being resists
Well he actually had to help save my life , in that i thank him from the bottom of my heart
I just wish romance would have taken over rather than a generational cursebound occultic war with ford cars and delage cars lol if he would have given me a chance we could have had everything work out differently
A fellow monarch slave meets another
No earthbound crime is worthy of decapitation in a civilized society no crime not even murder or cannibalism is tried with the ultimate outcome of having tendons cut and i was very close.
People were shocked at the brutality of my action, that i never planned, it just took place with my left arm being straight across and the right arm in the opposite direction
So the highest point was able to see my actions behind my will and gave me the ultimate love and freedom and divine intervention in all matters for the existence of my life
Steps are in progress to guarantee that freedom with projects in the millions of dollars and other creative aspects
Funny for me to say i don’t have much but my talent, i know my outlook amazes people.
Where would i have gone if i succeeded ?
I would have gone into a fractal world like our own but more darker and depressing there are many others out there like this one where they watch us
No being escapes their prison sentence
No being is afforded safety from the earthbound cultist league
Our wonderful little earthbound personal demon saviours
There are many superstar Canadians and cute too J
It will be nice to have the world open up from this cruel and sadistic torture
I hate the earthbound devils advocates
I deny them access to my soul
But is hard to escape them when everyone in your familiarity threatens you with eating your leg
Nutz i know lol i cant even fathom it and it is my frieking leg !!!
Ah even family , friends, sales people, doctors, everybody wants to eat my leg
Its kind of gross – their only scare tactic on earth doesn’t work with me, because if i give up my leg i would gladly take it off my own body for them to eat lol have it , now are we settled lol
While in the same regard i also deny our god or the creator access to my soul as well
You see people holding up bibles and shouting at the air talking in tongues and i am like fuck this is madness
Nobody wants to allay we have been apocalypse mode for over 2 decades in everything
Pretty much everything we have is still dimensionally pretty petty lol
what settles me is looking up at the sky and seeing the pink and blues mix like a hue in the sunset, or seeing a  kitten smile at me or a baby look on with bright eyes 
I am reminded that there is more out there
Outside of my personal torture chamber
Finding ones soulpath and soulsphere is the most pressing of concerns
All other intrigue is illusion
Surrounded by those that could care less or have no involvement in evolution
Almost a virtual censorship when it comes to my dialogue for 3 years public lol
Maybe i am somewhat unapproachable
In some way what i write about could be classified as a state secret
And much of it is only done with the guardian of a tyler at the door
But it all doesn’t matter
What matters is that i have the freedom to share my opinions with you
That i have not sold my soul , that i am evolving and transpiring
Spectrum theory
That my egotist theory doesn’t only belong to me its yours too
To help shape your existence
And to me that is all that matters in this very second
Society is glorified on us in our own states because it is the nature of regional psyops
The glorification of regional cultural economics
The regional system is flawed
We rarely hear the ideals of and the lessons of other continents
The regional media props up the regional crime syndicate and then the regional royalty
Just like in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia we also have over hundred thousand in our royal family
For one to go around saying simply that people are threatening you thru subliminal suggestive theory
And hypothetical’s people don’t even input what your last statement is let alone have the ability to critique it
Their first impression is to say your paranoid or lunatic or revert to some societal medical jargon like diagnosis
I am saying the longer people are graced with my auric field the longer they are able to literally download info and use it against me
Which is why i have yet to find somebody with verifiable human compassionate characteristics
It leads me to belive that this super max prison i am in is insane
And the people i meet in it are equally insane and are just holographic entities
Mean ones too lol
Many that could relay the complexities of our human suffering cannot speak (like cats)
The world is all about keeping the very few that can hear other frequencies tuned out
An impression that society has literally run out of space
In my country we are all crammed into cities and97% of the country is all forest and unpopulated
The planetary grid must be kept in place to allow the earth hybrid to literally dock with ours and people get off in those rural sections sometimes in the hundreds of thousands of people  and it also mimicks our earth
Imagine what we could all do with an acre of land and a nice car and some cats and a dog ?
I believe i have a super ego yes  but is more of a refined egotist desire
Ego in society is an oddity
It teaches you that you can have everything you want in society if you are cocky enough
I personally would choose to be shy and worthless than cocky and rich
To attach to a life of nothingness no involvement no intervention with the actual way the planet is being run is the goal of every being instituted into the slave network will reside by the financiers
Their goal is to get everyones soul so fargone it is unretrievable think of it this way you hear a song changes your life soon enough you have 50,000 songs on your mp3 all life altering
One last note before i must take my leave
Technology as a god which is the current ruler over our domain is an actual and perceived mindset that can work against you as well
-          Shaun Delage