Many are left exhausted trying to defend or assault the topic of marijuana because it is evolving at a rate 50,000 times our own human capacity, too enhanced for our normal range of human perceptive abilities.
It is a constantly evolving ideology or intellect in the face of all creation it allows the individual to doubt everything in the known scientific world
The fact that it is being smoked by some of the smartest most complex minds on the planet yet as well being smoked by the lower end of the populace in that which they garner to try and comprehend what it is like going on for other levels of society.
So the complex minds would be the developing minds and the retirees, the hippies, all of islam, an entire country (legally anyways) currently a rep from every personality type on the planet, a representative from every faith/religion, virtually guaranteed for the entire life of the projected existence of marijuana a sacred herb (or a menace to some), a representative from every profession, ideology , and existence on earth knowing no cultural bounds. Now one with a mental illness would not only be able to be perpetually high but also high in the moment and be able to pass it to others.
To say it simply we are all an existence like the marijuana and the sevan ideology but much like the anonymous ideology many newer age cultist/terrorist fads have a course and this time round we made sure that the course of action was never hidden from independent minds it was simply wanting to be found. Were all in the being by virtue the DNA holds quadrillions of levels of information, when information gets mixed up or lost or is unexplainable the entire systemology is left to self destruct.
A receptor of concentrative and informative quantitative analysis per se
But to any being that controls this mindset now there we have some of the most powerful of proetections in place but also the most powerful demons waiting to understand the human psyche in mixed doses to be able to articulate as a human but more so blend in ...
To control this thoughtform in an undefinable, completely existential, paradigm of ideation of this known dimension however complex could make somebody assistive to occasional attack by an earthbound being that literally grows obsessed and will pay heavily for information regarding your whereabouts and your observations.
It does make you thoughtful of all that goes on in the entire spectrum of this realm and what you could witness as a being that can see out of 100 sets of eyes at once and take over their bodies
Well, this would pose a natural threat to our legal system wouldn’t it ? a clause that millions could claim, and rightfully that the millions are being held against their will this very moment.
Deep down inside you understand as a youngster in this culture there is a hatred broadcasted at ur being every given moment of every day and the easiest thing for people to do is give into subliminated theology
Basically all in all the last paragraph would make any being confused about the many complexities and traits of the mind.
While however amusing the system makes you believe you are or your life is purely fantasmical
The system we all inhabit is not of a very intellectually stimulated funny bone lecturer type mindset . This ideation exists and it has a more deeper and more philosophical nature and a hidden and more mysterious realm of observation.
While the only ideology in society is intellectual thought , one amazing being could be seen as setting his entire cosmos out in the open and to freedom, where some saying that your very nature sets people free
Everything can be seen below this level of thoughtform .where by virtue of nature all alien beings must speak openly with each other but shun any other alien beings. Where to speak simply of societal happenings, refed media , and the generalities of society is the supposed norm. Where in more ancient cultures you would meet somebody depending on how refined you were
What everyone these days and on this alien homeworld is programmed to simply ignore any will to speak of a higher thoughtform. This thoughtform is and was seen as a threat.
And it was instituted long ago to be welcomed by virtue of initiation into this realm with the murder of a mother father aunt or uncle, brother sister etc and is the most supreme of negatively recurring thoughtforms.
It is reserved only for those developed and generally tripping
It is an odd argument to note that much like you have to pay to give yourself knowing and institution and a more evolved reasoning simply belonging to a day or ideology or faith or name or country or party or belief or dream or party etc is by its very nature ritual and recurring curse. How many levels of curses do we have on our soul?
I always put forth the argument of why trust both ends of the s[pectrum]
While in educational institutions it would seem efficient to subliminate to the strongertheories of somebody that is specialized in their own field
It is troublesome to most in the realm of creativity that while 98% of society finds their true calling some never do and they settle for a job that they work for 40 years only to collect a below substandard pension
It would seem an event fit for the news if some individual was matched with their calling
What a glorious event
It would take over all the murders thefts and diseased people, arsons, old ladies being sexually assaulted or we see people hurt limping by in the media poor me, poor them, poor you, poor all of us !! why believe any of it . it is simply financed capital theory
While many are so individually cursed within their own cosmo matrix it would seem a huge task to anything antithetical to their own world . that possibly even taking anything else on could in effect send the person on a path that would take 6 months to recover from but knowing the individual it would take 30 seconds to recover ...
So for most to just simply sit and listen to ideology daily is enough for them to verify an existence
Those that work with the public are meant to simply relay their experiences within the matrix
But to insightfully listen to dialogue where by nature of default you never take place in the discourse
Theories abound of humanities complexity where by nature of the most developed satanic mind and the theories are abound with gay and straight, and every other genre of evil.
The easiest professions to enter are those that help others
While the most with room for exposure are those professions that analyze and interpret the growth of human beings. Simply put because they are neverending.
In the realm of figurative theory that no subject to do with humanity ends and literally at the job of researcher could change their lives dramatically
And unalterably
That while many attain to have at the very simplest nature an ideology of the financial slave cash cow or money pig syndrome but everyone has it
With the introduction of this fictitious
World where every earthbound law does not apply and for reasons.
Where by nature of no being could attain full enlightenment
While many allay they have secret powers and can levitate etc
Most cannot work to obtain the level of fully enlightened being by virtue simply because it is unattainable and there would have to be a ritual sacrifice of your lord being being present to take place,where you could by nature of default obtain many levels of enlightenment and evolution, likewise with the contract bearer having difficulty and when another contract signee signs over all hell breaks loose
But to obtain a god like power you would need an event so drastic dimensionally it would send chaos throughout your realm
While i do state that it can happen it just not happened for millennia
You would hear about it and it was taken away from us at a few points in history and collectively guided elsewhere to repopulate the dimension
It resulted in the human races brain waves to be tuned to a new frequency
it was the major infusion of horrific ideals into the populace that worked to instigate the belief
it was the major infusion of horrific ideals into the populace that worked to instigate the belief
If i go to far somebody will butcher me sort of deal
While most their goal if asked is to say my goal is for nirvana
Many do not have the faculty present to idolize over 700,000 types of beings.
That if given would threaten the entire human race and that no human being may discover this or is even worthy
not even the most powerful on earth
simply to say that enlightenment is the supreme and ultimate goal of most religions is an understatement
while many attest to this earned degree or that one
many simply start the process the moment you walk into their door on your own freewill
while many would feel at home offering this degree of enlightenment
it is simply not your own independent scope
to many enlightenment cannot be given freely, it must be bought
to many you must undergo the figurative ritual of the Cambodian love goddess...... cambodian/north korean black panther a generally wild and sadistic murderous jungle human with a soul so dark it is unbelievable but by virtue of incarnation they are granted access, a place to live the whole culture in its entirety
enlightenment to them cannot be given freely because they have paid such a high price
so you have countless beings being given a dose of evolution
while countless others are not welcome to it
it is much like having a fancy steak dinner with lobster and prawns knowing full well hundreds of millions are starving around the world
Your left to feast on the meal like an animal or pick away at it slowly (feeling guilty)
While many claim intellectual superiority over the rest of human beings
The sad state is that very few selects get very special treatment
The rest are left to live just like the rest of you and i and they hate us for it
There are only very few at the top who have the power to close an entire 6 block radius for their arrival
Meanwhile the lower godlike beings desperately try to fit in around us hoping they wont get noticed
Or outed as such because that would be it for them and their seeming perfections
Many feel completely at odds with their community around them.
It is only the most compartmentalized communities where you even have members that feel they are unworthy of recognition
Or even wanting to be involved
When your living in a world where an individual cannot even forecast an upcoming trend (they leave that to supercomputers)
You know there is a war on independence
They will say , shaun in the beginning of this movement what were you fighting for?
I was fighting for the superiority of independent thought and the freedome of personal evolution and enlightenment
Seems like a good cause with a good fight i probably have started it but wont take effect for hundreds of years lol
It simply would take a miracle
Like if you walked around knowing that you could end a pandemic, that you are the antibody
You would look at yourself differently
Others would view you differently as well
Where in today’s society by statement of word and your own course of enlightenment
People proclaim “what the fuck, you need to be locked up!”
What a statement to throw at an individual, a fellow human being, a person on the path, it leaves one to wonder where we are all going on this machine
(at a thousand miles an hour)
But most of all i think of the countless other brothers and sisters we have lost in the fight
Mostly because their conceptual practices were too complex to understand
We definitely do not live in a populace that encourages independence
If you live in a small town yes, the mode of living is encouraged to be independence funny how that begins to digress as you live in a place like that. That to stand out would make them talk more.
Small towns tend to be freedom bases to pockets of independence
But sadly not to evolution or liberation
Out here in the metropolis’s we are left to stand in line and take a number have people work their way around us nervously
Told to take a number and wait , that is the only way you will be taken care of
While i have met many personality types and to say there are simply 54 doesnt have much reasoning because there are about 700,000 that spawn from that
Then you add in the infinite amount of personality characteristics
And it is hard to define an ever changing sphere of human evolution
It would simply be easier to let it run its course rather than obsessively watch and critique people where they live.
Where only some resources are geared towards observation mostly everyone has a characteristic that needs to be observed
Much of societies issues seem to be solved by the take a number philosophy
When much of our problems in health finance and travel etc will not be solved with take a number
Just to even experience a level of schizophrenia one only need walk down a busy street in any major metropolis
To anybody that lives, they feel the technology alien superpower hive mind
It operates via specifically tuned instruments
Not only on planet earth but many other places beings inhabit as well
You feel it everytime there is a glitch or lag or a system wide crash
Mostly to navigate the sub folders of an all access point were left to keep 95% of the known world jacked into these hive mind relays
But also the poorer classes experience a taste of virtual freedom
But most of the known working world that subscribes to sitting in front of a machine that is oddly intellectually superior in ways
Or so it would seem since by nature of existence the machine needs us to operate