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Sunday, August 29, 2010
shining sensibility
amidst the CloNed ReaLity
a SpAciAL ExisTencE
forgetting what was taught
wanting to forget about the poets life
encourage me to be the best
encourage those around me to have faith in my flaws
the socieTal divide goEs one thoUsand waYs
i am always at a cross section between many
intuitive in the divide yet faith in evolution
one being
one soul
one faith
in evolving nature
feeling my warmth
smelling the divine
yet cast into an oceanic bliss state
the waves roll up casually
ever present
i am sure of one thing
things used to be easier in your simple existence
now the name of the game is to bombard you with complexities in every moment
perhaps a curse to those that choose to live a more urban lifestyle
the slower modes feel we are somewhat lost or sinful
i search the beach for pieces of meh but all i see are
old dirty feathers
bits of paper
filthy spoons
a wet piece of pant leg
a bottle cap
some frazzled cigarette filters
bits of plastic
how exactly could i reside on this beach
well my ever present soul is here in the moment
beauty is the ocean and ships passing amidst the garbage washed up on shore
so there i am trying to find bits of humanity
seeing a cause and believing in it
only to have an opposing argument put forth
now who or what to believe
a being in resistance to the enemy
when the enemy resides within
a fictitious organisation setup to make you believe that there is more going on
i await my second cruise through the oceans of the pacific northwest
a more deeper involvement
travel to a foreign country
last time was Zaandam and now is oosterdam
the ritzy ship will welcome me and i will snack till my hearts content !!!
perhaps catch a flick or a show or get a head massage or have a drink on the deck
i cant wait to jog on their treadmill !!! never done that b4
i am in love with the prospect of being wealthy for just one night
encouraging genius level paranoia
characteristic and a commonality of any virtual entity
sitting amidst pure opulence
sipping an espresso in a simple brew town
dreaming of whats next
what is next is the final 7 KM of my 14KM bike ride
normally i don’t meet anybody so is fun on my own lol
i see so much of me – my being- my personality in older people, in animals, in art
the dog stops to look at me with enlightened eyes and bliss state and of course i let it lick my hand
i figure my writing is scattered and intrinsic but i attain to capture it in an in the moment philosophy
something i can type into the address bar in 5 years and think to myself
and read my own words in disbelief that i would think this way or imagine this notion or dream of that
freezing to death with the odd super cloud i think to ,myself i should have worn heavier clothes
in a way i like showing off my new trimmer physique
one that you get after one solid year of chaotically hard and intense workouts
hard boring work at best lol
but it is worth the sacrifice of time
now i am here able to pull off a slim fit shirt and jogging shorts
showing a nicely defined jock type legs and a nice compact package
as the wind hits my clothes
now i know why i fixate on the odd uber cyclists outfit
gliding by on a $7000 road bike
in bright red skin tight form fitting cycling spandex
its cause he stands at the crosslight showing off a massive hardon
oh hes not hard
ok well
definitely worth gawking at
I ask my guide to show me the way
And what i get is a nice Labrador retriever dawg
Happy look, smiling face , enlightened eyes
Black spots on a white body – very cute
It took me to a pen of sorts i was helping animals that were resisting everything
I was taking care of them feeding them and cleaning after them
I was taking care of a hamster and a bird and they both got loose !!
Scurrying trying to find them again i saw my dog and i hopped on and it took me to
A cruiseship terminal i was waiting in line to get on when a guy started terrorizing the entrance
Going all nutz screaming and pulling things apart and being a weirdo he was about to pull his own eyes and fingernails out
But he was basically trying to get on and it was a life or death situation
He ran past security
And another beside him drew his gun and went after him
They were carrying him away when he wrestled the gun away and pointed it at his own head then somebody grabbed it away
And threw it and it landed with a big clunk on the ground
Then the guy made a bolting motion for it
So a lady threw the gun again near some staff
Meanwhile people were running for cover (me included)
As i ran to duck behind a plant i could see my lab dog sitting there smiling
And i laughed
It took me next to a motel where i caught myself urinating on a carpet in my suite
Basically i zipped up and the owner came in and gave me a key and asked me to cook for people there at the motel i declined because i looked around it was pretty grungy and gross
Wanting to find my way home i gathered all my stuff and went out a back entrance where i will not be seen and i walked down the street and saw a lady and asked her if she was a hologram and she replied that the only reality you should concern yourself is your in the moment reality and you will find all the answers you need
Amazing most splendid theory
Of corrupted self amidst theory
Or self inclined to theory
Or being of natural symbiance to theory
Self amids trauma yet trauma exists only within
Having faith in a higher power which only comes from within
Being gracious amidst the people that will gladly see you fall
I find many others have faithful interludes with independence
Beauty and love
Amidst madness and chaos
The only love entwined
The only beings are worth being here in the now
The only ones to be are you
The only ones to concern oneself are those that exist
The ones that matter are you and those you know
Nobody else matters
Glorification of the self and independence is the only route to enlightenment
- Shaun A. Delage