Virtual Ministry Archive

courage fixation

Wisdom essentially is a quality that is inherent to those that seek it
You cannot be wise while not seeking out the wiser qualities of living
Essentially life for each individual is somewhat paradoxical
While many apart of the community or genre or class of people
May be attaining a common goal
The individual will always have their own set of beliefs and encouragement
Life is such a process that essentially you may be required to adapt somewhat
But also remember what exactly it is that your here to do
While many would assume that the life of a person is chaotic
I always live a detached life from my own being
Some days are never spent in knowledge of my past or future or choices
Other days its all i can dwell in
Such a feeling when your seeking liberation from your own self
Yet knowing full well by the complexities of your being
Liberation may never actually exist in your lifetime
It may have a shadow like effect over a plethora of relations or commonalities in your lifespan
Essentially what anybody is looking for is full enlightenment
And that means liberation from your suffering state
Liberation from sickness
Liberation from financial worries
Liberation from virtual imprisonment
Liberation from secret law bound cults that exist on earth
While maintaining that it is easier to escape them rather than live with them
The coexistant reality would pervade but one would always be trying to get the other to meld with them and be apart of the community
Many older generations and wiser that were faced with the choices to surrender oneself to fixing the issues of the individual
While maintaining that by being apart of a community that professes this it would seem an elusive notion to be apart of a community that mystifies it and locks it away under secret lock and key with the threat of death to anybody that is not apart of their ideology to partake or even investigate the use of the mindset to avert disaster so to speak
Where the single greatest fear of the organization would be the warfare on the mindset of the people that run it. Of course paradoxical notations ring up again where the community which is not defined
Now one black square could be a rapist yet the other one after the white square could be working to fix the personal trauma that the one before it in succession has made
Mind you this would present any investigator with a virtual dilemma how could one catagorize an undefined and ever evolving ideology
The only real enemy is that of the collective mindset really where the individual is seen as a flawed state
The independent thinker could always turn the table on this mindset that reveals itself to be essentially perfect
That no being has addressed them in totality no being has ever tried, people all around the world pick away endlessly but never get to the real meat of the situation
By defining characteristic values of a mason we would come to an understanding of the genre of people that are attracted to the ideology
Since membership is open to all alien races that attest to the thought of fighting for the commonality rather than the individual that no actual human being by virtue may attend and much will be done to reverse the process of your own races mode of thinking
Because it is seen as flawed or distasteful in the eyes of the cult
Any being that allays to the fact of hidden knowledge or secrets yet readily proposes several thousand theories is something of sort to be distrusted a hateful bigoted sexist and homophobic ideology
One would walk close to a master mason as say i oppose this and their response would be what exactly are you opposing
Of course one could say...and then list off a thousand strange theories that were purposely fed to the masses so they never figure out the essential quality of the cult
Which is main ideals entrust that they will do anything to uphold the evolving nature of the earth and its citizens which were cursed long long ago into basing their life in a set of circumstances that is mostly illusion and scattered to fill a sub base of reality so that their lifetime may appear somewhat fruitful and enjoyable
I did not wake up one day saying i am going to theorize and be one of the only vocal oppositions to masonry in time now. Some days i have to remind myself that this being i speak to is of by chance a secret enemy and i am reminded when people start talking in hypothetical’s and subliminal’s that i am not the one that is in a sickened state
That i am and always will be an enemy of masonry and every other institution surrounding it
That even people around me are aligned somewhat with the system of ideology but also working to aid me to better understand my in the moment faculty of choice in resisting being apart of this madness
Because once you are declared an enemy – all sights will be focused on you
And it is tough to resist peoples minds
Especially when you feel your the only one out of billions that dare speak up about this chaos
And will defend your basis with your own life
Still gives one a liberated empowerment
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice delight
I get a common barn hen , now i love these creatures generally friendly and beautiful in creation
I was outside looking for comfort type food and came across a restaurant that cooks your food in a bowl that is a mini stove oven
I had a conversation to a guy about drag queens
He said he got eaten out by one at a party in full drag
I told him that is kind of scary you should not be saying this out loud LOL
The hen hopped by and took me to a radio station where a guy wona contest and it was on the air he won a beach trip
The girl that was telling him he won the trip seemed to connect with the guys disappointment
The guy said the trip was off the beaten path so to speak and he wanted something better
The hen took me to a mall where outside i met up with a rave crowd and a raver cutie girl said that all beings should be released from the matrix and that was her only wish
In the mall i was doing stuff and noticed my right arm was all dreadlocks
A hippy customer service person was doing another girls dreads as well
So i was in a mall that was run by hippies and ravers
This reminded me that there are hippies that are aware of what happened to me with this hippy cult and there are masons working to correct the horror in the world by others but also using the craft to teach lessons they are sickened by the use of the ideology with sadistic desires and are working to help people heal
Ravers are not alone in the galaxy so to speak
The hen took me to the ministry of health
Many dignitaries where around and they were there leaving some function
I looked in the mirror and i looked asian
It was really shocking lol

Timeless theories of self
Thoughts of more beings on earth
Feelings of only the few
Thoughts of many
Timeless sense of being
Thoughts of one
Feelings of desire
Thoughts of chaos
Timeless desire of independence
Thoughts if intrigue
feelings of elusive reality
- Shaun A. Delage