What essentially anybody is looking for is a basis of quantifyable measurement
To attach to a theory outside of evolution would seem comforting to most
It is safe to say there is only a handful of people wanting to evolve on the planet
It is much easier to attach to a ritualistic mindframe and hold onto that ritual day in day out because it offers solace for a human being and a measurement of validity
Meanwhile the system you live in throws massive arguable viewpoints to you to be analyzed
You are expected to take a point of view and sit comfortably on that view, defending it to the point of exhaustion
Evolving souls are ever catastrophic and mind you most involved in our own present realm of existence could not handle the madness of evolution
Evolution and an evolving mind is so wrapped in theories and laughter and pure bliss
Nobody could expect to live that life
When one seeks enlightenment they are seeking their soul to evolve
Almost everyone you speak to thinks of enlightenment as being able to move objects, pick a star from the sky and make you blow it back out. Mostly everyone looks at enlightenment as a 700 lb man sitting on a rock making your every wish come true
When in fact enlightenment is everywhere
It can be found in each moment
It can be found in each pair of eyes you see
Evolving as the world goes with it
Evolution is never easy, sometimes negativity comes up
Madness, sadness, death, sickness etc
Of course it is ok to ignore that and move on with your life but sometimes it needs to be addressed as well, which is something that a daily ritual cannot keep up with so you are forced in a way to experience what very few manage to partake in
It is much easier to go through your day with relative familiarity, perhaps shake up your schedule a bit with a different meal and knowing full well how much your cheque is going to be when you get it at the end of the week. Figuring out what your going to buy with your income, making a list in your head of chores you need to do etc
To ponder an existential reality based in constant evolving nature is considered illness
Because it is a fine line to discover where the path may lead you so to speak
Plus throw in outside incursions and you have yourself quite the mess to try and ponder
The madness of the beings the madness of the soul
The everpresent ability to record the time space realm
Much of our day is sent from one point to another never stopping to write about or photograph what we see.
It generally evolves into a blur of reality that we see as existence but after some time passed there is no actual solid or verifyable proof that it even existed
Mind you the time war continues
But most will not allay to you the past and future is happening currently while you look at this very word
And will repeat until you are given retirement from thought
Not only that but every past moment is playing out in some realm of reality currently along with future choices and your future most beautiful self.
So many find it easy to exist in a spacial self that is easily understood by how much we weigh what we put in our hair how much we look like something
You identify so much with this self you identify and place all of your intuition on the being you reside in
Much safer to assume that the life you lead is relative elusive based reality
I call it elusive based reality because it is a reality that plays out yet remains somewhat elusive mostly
You can make a current moment choice and never fully understanding it until much later on
Those that specialize in a field have much more to rely on They have the instructions they were told to rely on and they have the forecasted knowledge to be able to carry through their decisions with courage and confidence.
In some ways it would be more of an existence to have a life like that
For me i see people of the more hybridic mindset they walk around and talk to other beings of their own kind. While addressing those with independence or individualistic viewpoints with a certain level of hostility
It would be comforting to be in that role for me personally, i would have less to ponder, would not be in abyss of dimensional distortion and i would have confidence knowing i could have a nice car and take care of a family if need be. If all else fails i would just open my code book and relate to my succession
Inconsiderable amounts of beings just seriously attach to what is given to them without any hint of resistance – it is odd to think of
It is like somebody handing you a green grapefruit and saying this is good, this is yummy and you will enjoy it.
You open it up and it tastes like rotten, and never understood why you ate the fruit to begin with
It is mostly a way to enliven the spirit with evolution that is a carefree and selfless commonality with all things around them
It is unique to be able to identify with being a shadow being or an oddity of nature or unique
Many would love to be able to throw off the tie and fancy clothes for some rave pants
They just would never be understood wearing the clothes nor would they feel like themselves
For so much to happen currently you need to understand what is inhabiting the body
And this you may never come to completely understand until the very last moment of your existence
Are you ready to defend that individual until that time?
That is the ultimate and most pressing question.
- Shaun A. Delage