Tuesday, August 24, 2010

cohabitation of 5

The guides that grace my invisible presence
My spirit guardian – always the one i can trust- gives me tips of where to go
An older lady – always observing and laughing as well – warns me about people
A naked sexual guy- Always there for every erotic moment- omg he is one pervy dude
A pinstripe suit guy – divine right to rule sorta deal, reporting about me at all times
My power animal-higher self- a secondary being to truly aid my existence that is above all beings

There have always been five around me at all times
It is comforting when i watch television i know i am not the only one there, safe to say they all sort of developed a kinship on how to relate to each other however i find the Masonic guy to be in direct opposition to the other four but he has been given the divine right to rule complex based on the system we inhabit His reporting nature has not only allowed me to get away with ALOT but he has also made me pay sadistically for my crimes. I don’t attest to having special powers or attesting to seeing things.
There is safety in me saying i live a normal life but i know deep down inside that i will never have a normal life it is easy to say i am eccentric – most don’t understand what exactly i have been through and many will never get it – i kind of look at myself as a spacial fixation rather than an imposing reality
I know deep inside that i am different than most – i see myself as having a soul that is so fargone it is un- retrievable- Safe to say i view myself as a walking war crime.
Not only because i see myself this way but this is what i am viewed as by the establishment
I went to a foreign country and lit of my own suicide bomb not understanding what it was for or what happened. I am a suicide bomber. Every place i go – there is observation
Every communication i have is observed and reported on
I have never seen an intelligence tail but these days it is done by satellites and not actual beings anyway
Much safer to say instead of ignoring the fact that my technology is also tracked from the computer to the cell to the email even teevee etc
It is not based out of an obsessive need to report supposed crimes but mainly done for research purposes
Simply the illusion is is that your problems are nothing compared to most out there or that nobody is watching you your paranoid
Haha what a funny notion i wish i was left alone – in some ways i am
There was one time i was going through some backways in Vancouver i came across a path and trail between two buildings i could see a red light from above however faint
I walked between the path and right around the corner two detectives showed their badges and asked what i was doing there i said i was coming between the buildings
The one detective i asked for further identification and he opened his wallet only to almost scatter about ten pieces of identification and cards at my feet
Amusing i thought smiling
While he bent down to pick up his scattered cards the other one was asking me questions which i answered then they let me go
As i left they were just staring at me walking away in disbelief
I could tell that i was not on their observation to the level i am currently but it was amusing that they would include on their report a supernatural occurance that was essentially unexplainable
It was the way the cards were strewn about and neatly thrown on the ground and the sound it all made as well and the shocked looks of both officers that completed the whole situation
I know now my every movement must be recorded because of several things that have happened
Every single envisionment in my life is observed even down to what i eat or drink
It is a basis for identifying future anomaly’s But also in a better notion to protect those that i come into contact with
Moreso because i am seen as a suicide bomber i also have the suicide touch as they would relay that by shaking a masons hand they are put to death because my handshake is stronger and i am technically by definition the prince of all masons.
That those i shake hands with are never seen again in this realm and it is a total yikes factor
I don’t know if i actually put people to their death or if they are killed for coming into contact with my energy or if they kill themselves i haven’t figured it out but what i do know is there is no evidence to prove me wrong at this point so it is a genuine basis of factual simulated game theory
Now this along with many rifts in my character would force an individual to have a more negative viewpoint of the self. Yes to some degree i have a hatred for all i have involved myself in
But without that and without my essence and the lessons i have learnt and one singular event with an off choice and i would not be here in the same capacity writing as i do
Why do i hate the masons so much ?
I don’t hate anything – there is not one ounce of hatred in my soul- what i align myself spiritually with is the fact that i was a very very high level mason in a previous incarnation and possibly not even of this dimension. So i am aware on some level of their secrets when i get a trigger to my illness
Usually being codewords in relation to masonry like pillar, brother, master, check, etc
Or i actually see a visual clue in some ways it triggers the symptoms of my illness
I know what to look for along with many others who are aware
I cant ignore my meeting with a person on my captivation piece and what it made me think about my consciousness and how i have been through many many experiences that are unexplainable and unattainable by most
So for one to say
I am just gay or i am just a raver or i am a vegetarian seems a bit trivial to me
I have been made aware of situational programming that occurs everywhere i go
Basically in every public forum their is a Heiarchy of intellectual form mostly it is beings that subscribe to analyzing me or being close to me and that other beings just cower away. Mainly it is done for psychic warfare to basically read my mind to have the illusion of what i will do next- but othertimes i see this happening everywhere i go. The pawns move out of the way and scatter while the knight, queen or king move in. All the while these beings are fully aware of who outranks them and this is safe to say happens everywhere there is a public entity gathering.
But it also attaches them to figuring out the validity of my secrets i possess and actually enables them to trigger my innermost demonic thoughts that everyone holds. Moreso to trigger that system of mental breakdown that is inherent in most beings so they continue going through life believing their life is something to be wasted or a self that is seen as unworthy of living
I think of the over 500 raves i went too
The level of dimensional and ritual magic
The acid, the ketamine, the dmt, the mushrooms, the xtacy, the meth, the coke, the ghb, the pot
I think of how i would have quite a few of those a night
Sometimes up to 5 caps of xtacy in one night
To say my soul is unretrievable is a bit cruel because it resides with me and protects me
Safe to say i will always be different and people sense that in me
That i am a more evolved being
Nobody really knows of my status as a monarch programmed sex slave until recently
Nobody can understand what that is like
I only know i was groomed for one purpose, and that is superstardom
In some ways i don’t want it to happen, but in others i know it will happen and it is happening all around me currently
Those with knowledge of the timeline come back to see me in the present and observe and laugh about how silly i look without all the cash and without all the bling etc
I just know that when my time is up to rule and make an impression that i will only do it with loving grace that i will only do it out of evolution and enlightenment
That i am a being that matters, that my problems are real and they do matter to those that want to interject
That i hold the keys to thousands upon thousands of beings being set free from captivity
That it is me solely that they are here to meet and see
I just don’t want the same things to happen to me such as other monarch programmed beings
I scan the boy bieber currently and all i can see is him in a hotel room surrounded by 12 or 13 drunken bankers doing ritual sex i think it is sick to put a child through this but it is the formation of the ego based celebrity mindset and that he was sold in the monarch capital of the world
I was fortunate enough to have never met my fate at an early age because it would have been a horror story
I know now that if the time comes and i have my following that i will lead those souls to everlasting and complete enlightenment and a pure bliss state
Not only because i attach to being a guru but what exactly is a guru and how does one become a guru
Is the most pressing of questions
Well, they need a following #1 –mostly of those that are trapped and need a way out
#2 they need to be individual – not willing to subscribe to the status quo even under the threat of death
#3 they need to offer philosophy or mysticism
#4 they have to have proven supernatural powers
#5 Many gurus have sexual deviance attached to their character early on
#6 They need to have an identifiable ideology
#7 They need to know the answers
#8 they need to be dimensional
#9 they need knowledge of where they actually come from
#10 they need people that will defend their lives
#11 They need to be ordained as such
#12 they need to go thru an initiation that no other being is welcomed too
#13 they need to be constantly in contact with other beings and intelligences
#14 they must be the living entity of which they proclaim as a reality
#15 many are stigmatic or display the wounds of those they profess to protect
#16 they must have many enemies
#17 they must be of divine incarnation
#18 they must be evolved past every living inhabitant of the earth excluding other gurus
#19 They are powerful and unique and can bend reality in their favour