Humanity without a purpose
Seems to be the going illusion
Take away the true nature of
Gay men, women, men, pets, plants,
And you have nothing but what is being laid out before you
As your inherited purpose
Your given life
One that seems ok
Years upon years upon years
Same old cycle
Speaking from experience of the gay mens realm
I can say our culture has lost its true meaning
Nor are they even aware of what their being entails
Likewise the power of the woman in society
Likewise the power of the male
Likewise the power of the animal
The plant
It would seem that the future
Which is taking place currently
Will stop at nothing to have its way of life
Even the destruction of all the previous modes of life
For some, seemingly new ways of living to take effect
Heck, technically our future selves would be at war
At war with our own selves
Our mysterious cloned twins
At war
The only way for them, to live their life
Keep their status
Their wealth
Their bloodline
Is to do everything in the shadows
To make sure we don’t succeed
The easier we are killed off and rid of
The continued bloodline keeps their rule and the power
There is no war
The war is by our own beings
Looking inward on us
An advanced psychological game
Of course the easiest way to effect change is thru
Mass hypnosis
Affect all the personality types at once
And they do have the words, the potions, and the magic
To do so.
So i go back to college
With my frat buds and watching all the other kids on campus
Were kind of starving
So we go to an ethnic restaurant
We had noodles
I saw a few meatballs, chicken balls on the plate
Somebody smashed a plate outside
It broke into about 15 shards all over the ground
Some dust spread like diamond powder
All over the slick greyish black pavement
One guy in my group was allergic to the meat
I thought jeeze dude
You cant eat that stuff
At once he started getting sick
I helped him outside
Put my hand on his forehead and let him catch some air
Me and my groupies walked on
We came to a performance, kind of operatic, baroque, gypsy music
There was a pretty nicely dressed cougar type gal there
She showed me a chest
In it was some poets shirts and Victorian tux’s
Some jewels
A ring for every finger
I put them all on, no worries
I enjoyed getting naked in public
She was my supposed date that night
She just wanted to be near me
I know she didn’t have her mind in the gutter
We were sitting on the escalator
They shut it off so we could all sit
I really had to go to the washroom so i darted away for a sec
When i came back the guys in suits
started the escalator again
she waved at me, and said hey come with me
so i followed her
when we came to the circular castle staircase
she let me take the lead
cept i got covered in the dust from the walls
just coated
it started getting dark
as we walked down the steps the staircase got thinner
we arrived into a super dark room
i could only sense us and this darkness
in the middle i saw a glowing piece of orange citrus amber
fantastic i thought
she giggles at my thoughts
just like a baby would think she said
i felt like i was in a room
within a room
so i opened the heavy dark velvet drapes
i looked out into an amazing sunny scene
like 9am on the most beautiful day imaginable
i told her
wow this is intense
so bright
i had to shield my eyes
but a glowing yellow orange and pink
what a prince would be accustomed to seeing
i closed the drapes
everything went pitch black
like 1000 feet under the ocean dark....
i walked up and touched the amber glowie
she said
you have to wait
4 that to activate
My beautiful prince
And you will see
Your true most amazing destiny
Unfold before your very eyes.
- Shaun A. Delage