Wednesday, August 18, 2010

objection obligation

Calling on my animal guides i am always amazed – it is ok to have one or two but i find i am always surrounded by them just dozens or a different one each night
I guess i offer them a solace for their existence
Likewise they support me
Actually asking an animal spirit to show themselves
I am amazed at what they actually are
Nothing akin to my own faculty of earthbound perception
Sometimes mythical always unique
Of course many many are thousands of miles away tucked in their beds
Helping me on some unknown realm
Then i have my human guide and the four others that follow him
I am thankful that i have done nothing to disgrace them
I am thankful that they haven’t left me
I am honoured that they would want to spend time with me
I know my calling too
I have had the spirit of a dead lady visit me a few times
She was a lady i met when i was around 13
Her name was dawn
She lived in Nanaimo BC
She got aids from mysterious sources was a recovering drug addict
And also told me that she was involved in conspiracy involving doctors lawyers judges etc
But the whole thing was too grand for her mind to comprehend
The level of unseen magic at play the levels of illusion
She wanted somebody to aid her in finding peace
She wanted somebody to bring to light the horrific occurances in Canada at the turn of the millennium
She wanted somebody to walk her path yet bring to light and illuminate what exactly took place in her life
She has been watching and guiding at times, i feel her beautiful spirit
When i saw her she was 90 lbs she was white as a ghost and i think about her sometimes
I know she comes to visit me
I know she was there when i was going through my attempted Masonic initiation
Now i stress the initiation never took place because i left before it was completed
I don’t understand what exactly has taken place in my life
I would have had sexual relations with some strange people one that looked like meh
I may have had sex with a father type or some reptile hybrid entity like in devils advocate
I wish my captivation piece was purely fantasy or the musings of a paranoid schizophrenic
I cant really understand
I just know
That mysterious forces led me to places to meet people
And it wasn’t coincidence
It is easy to say oh he deserved it because he sold himself or he is a financial criminal like colton harris-moore
Or it is also an easy argument for a young gay man to follow in my steps
But without the proper guidance i would be sitting here infected by these madmen
I just know in my heart i am not like them
I know exactly what goes on for people initiated into these insane cults
And i know how much they detest people like me who make others aware
To illuminate the darkness so to speak
With sadness i think of all of those lost
I think of the gender and species dysphoria
I think of those that are mutilated and infected with neuro disease via rape and hidden magic
I think of those that can do nothing to stop the progression of their death because
They were not guided
I think of those that trap others
I see the hell they come from
How the illusion gives them everything while here
I think of myself and how fortunate i am
I think i am one of the luckiest people on earth
To have lived through all of this
And i know it is tough for me some days
But i also know i will never broadcast my pain on others
Because they already have enough pain in their heart and attached to their auric field
My job is to help them resist the power words, the coded language
My job here is to filter out the negativity in their auric field in one slight illumination as i pass them
My job here is beautiful
But sometimes i also need a smile
And that is rare
But those that do give it, give me the power to keep going
And i thank you for it
From the very depths of my soul.

I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice infusion of two animals
A sort of snake and a bird being it is tough to describe
But i hop on its dragon like yellow body with red frills
I was in the presence of the energy of the sai baba
These days he was looking for an incarnation that could relay what he was going through
Before he passes away
And in some levels i understand
But better yet somebody with the faculty of perception
I was due to meet him and i was making myself something to eat
Kind of like lettuce and was washing it and placed it in my mouth to eat
And it was coated in a strong mould it literally made me throw up
I got sick and virtually poisoned instantly
Looks like our meeting will have to wait
He said to me, i am the baba – i am all knowing, untouchable
Many will be given the gifts before i pass away
But very few will be able to understand and use the power
I am all knowing, and much is being done to lift the curses on the earth
But those that resist will always be targeted with lies
It is easy to make a mockery of something you will never understand
And it is easy to make a mockery of something 3000 miles away
i think of how much i look like the young sai baba the 2nd it is shocking !!
With you Shaun Allen Delage i bestow the gifts of the universe
You have been chosen to lead and i adore you and love you for your courage.
The dragon like snake bird took me to an open city trying to find my way to familiarity
Just wandering side streets in this matrix i was like exhausted
I was in some barely lit roadway when i a guy on abike drove by and said do you have any idea how the hell to get out of here ? i got directions to turn left go 2 blocks turn right
I told him, no i don’t sorry i am just wandering trying to find a hotel lol
He drove off
I wanted to experience the gay nightlife of this American dimension
Without being thrust into an underworld of chaos
I moved in with a guy for one night paid him rent and then he gave me the creeps
So i said i gotta go
And he handed me a few dollar bills and i said no dude look i paid you ALOT
So you have to refund me everything
So he did he took out some futuristic looking American bills but more European in appearance beige with a holographic beige emblem on them and they were folded three ways on the bill sort of cardboard thickness
To say they were weird $100 bills was an understatement
I finally got all my money back and bid him farewell he was creepy and goofy so i was happy to leave
Walking out the door and down the street i reached into my pocket and found some ticket in ticket out cashouts from a casino one was for $384 another $287 and a few others of like $60/$80/$100 etc
Laughing i think of how lucky i am and i will have alot of money when i get home.
I was searching for a hotel in darkened streets but couldn’t find any in this metropolis
The dragon flew by with bird wing and took me to a place close to my home.
I was walking thru the street devastated on a recent breakup
Then the police drove by and i kind of hung around a group of men and the car stopped and they virtually kidnapped him from the group
Other people were totally like what the fuck The police said it was because he was making stories of shooting people i walked a bit over and found some gum wrapped around my headphones so trying to get the little strings out took some effort
A chav guy so hot omg ( a chav is a guy that looks like he will sell you some weed or coke lol backwards cap, baggy jeans etc ) urban stud anyways said are you having trouble lol i laughed and was like sorta
I was also chewing like 20 pieces i hate when this happens because i literally have to pull it all out with two hands and people laugh at me but oh well
A twink was walking with his grandma and mom and they said we should stop and get some chicken and he said something like where are we going to get the money and the granny was like its ok i got cash
And they went in and bought dinner
So i saw the dragon flying in a circle above and thought splendid he is here or she or whatever i wasn’t sure exactly of its gender nor did i feel any inclination to ask
First it took me to use the washroom in a hole in the ground in public which i was kind of grossed out by and well i just did my business like 87% of earths inhabitants. It is only us in the elite states that are given a jurisdiction of soul harvesting to the said cults that are used to the luxuries we have and not going without toilets or bathroom tissue
Then It took me to a huge country estate
I guess i was adopted or a son or something it was my job to cook for a family of four
Me my brother and my mom and dad
They were totally loaded i mean this house was massive and there was a stable and many many buildings on the property
I was in about the 8th pantry pretty far away from the main house stocking some prawns and sauces into an open ice chest on the floor and i got a call from the dad saying why does everyone else have to depend on everyone else for dinner
I took that as my calling to grab what i came for food wise and get to my most loved hobby – cooking
We were eating and the brother joked about anal sex or something made me laugh and the mom rolled her eyes and the dad was just scarfing my meal down his face
An earthquake started the whole house rattled and i could observe the brother just chillen kinda happens weekly lol
I waved goodbye to the dragon bird

Cordial communications with all loving beings
Insomuch a beauty interlude of romanticism
Confessional adaptation of security
Yet so inclined to offer a reality
Or fate of temptation
Of beings that only advise on compassionate
Self of involvement
But another self of indirection
A soul in line with the divine
Yet resisted by those that would trap and decline
Better yet to just love
Succession of bloodline trait
Enmasse reality of inclusion
Negativity never thought up
Hostility resisted yet self of state
Versus individualism in a statement of fact
Most highest lifestyle
Supreme inclination
Ordering the most beautiful soul

In existence to make the choices that would make those
Growl in disgust
A more playful reality
Moving from perpetual boy to perpetual late teen
I see the world with the love of youthful interlude
But the existence of the oldest soul to walk the face of the earth
While spit on i realise later on that i am the one to spit
However hurt i am to wipe it from my eye
I rain showers of it on their dark tower at midnight

Alone in solace
He will become meh
And i love him for it
The instituted caste will fall
The seeming Islamic law above all else
Will fall
For the proper treatment of prisoners of war
And may the freedoms and protections of my citizens
Will Actually be put in effect.
- Shaun A. Delage