Saturday, August 21, 2010

direCtiVe PhiloSophY

The gurus , the prophets the superstars
One of the greatest weapons the elite controller mindset has at their disposal
To eradicate resistance in individuals is the basis of exploratory sexual relations most of us undertake as a minor You have some romantic encounters as early as six years old
Most of the time they feed the luciferian mindset while registered and logged to make a basis for control and blackmail later on life.
In some ways this is also done in realms of sexuality as well
Each encounter as a toddler, youth or teenager creates a process rift in the mind
It enables you to traumatically attach to what is considered a sin in todays western culture
Mind you all beings should be free to explore themselves as soon as they feel fit and with whom they choose in no way am i advocating what is illegal
But i have always walked the path of a guru and i understand exactly the process used to imprison the greatest minds on earth, that being said i advocate on behalf of those that cant speak for themselves and also those that are unable to articulate it as well
I advocate on behalf of Michael Jackson, i advocate on behalf of the sri sai baba, i advocate on behalf of catholic priests accused of crimes
The only reason being is i can see the satanic illusion behind it all
The process of resisting what is being displayed to you and choosing another route of freedom only to be met hostility and lies and trauma
I as a younger gay man was accused of being a sexual deviant as young as before being a teenager
In western culture any talks of sexual activity or anything even on the playground is cause for damnation in the eyes of administrators and also parents friends of parents
It is easy to be labelled a sexual deviant as young as 8 years old when it is not bad to talk about sex
It is not a negative thing to explore yourself sexually
It is not a crime to pursue another teenager and nervously go at it
But the mind that creates this also attaches to them from early ages
Some of the people charged with upholding the illusion are in fact sexual deviants
There are two edges of the spectrum one being that is sheltered from all sexual activity by protective parents until later on in teenage hood
And then you have the sadistic types that are adults in childs bodies that go around setting children free from a young age and then when they actually mature into an adult they use that deviance to enhance their control over others and who knows what they do in their spare time i don’t even care
It all comes down to the perverse preying on the traumatized mind
While saying they are a supposed angel on earth yet they go around hurting others and bringing up the confusion of early sexual encounters to further stigmatize and give the subject further isolating feelings thinking they are odd or a deviant sexually when in fact you look around and about 95% of us have had sexual activity before age 15
Most in power use this against us while partaking in the same acts even into adult hood knowing that a younger minded being can be further traumatized into believing they are evil
This sexual torture is used against you at every opportunity available by seeming random people that use the words and subliminals and the coded response that was given to the situation
You don’t understand why they just said the sentence backwards and you move on and a few hours later you go into the depths of depression and sadness and have a drink and are literally possessed with intoxication and feelings of hopelessness and despair
These experiences not only subjectively benefited the institutional pedophile satanic mindset but in a world with no time the experience keeps repeating and is happening currently and is being used against you to submit further to torture and slavery and to do that to others as well
It is this mindset that further believes it has power over you to some degree meanwhile because my actions are wholesome on an apparent level and your just a sickened tortured soul so to speak
Whenever i go in front of people with the alien mind and the power mind i always lock into them and i can literally hear some power words associated with my character that comes up in their own mind it is quite amusing that they think of me that way which is why it is important to keep your guard up when dealing with any being that is attached to the cloned collective mind and has further given up the keys to their soul and essentially become a hybridic international entity
It is important to learn how to close your aura and this can be done in several ways
Imagine a changing room mirrors surrounding your being shining outward so the beings that look at you are really seeing themselves so say 4 or 5 of those rectangular mirrors surrounding your body
Or the jedi crossing the wrists over each other while sitting is casual enough
Or also imagine a rock or a tiny spaceship zooming around your body a few times to close your aura zoom zoooom lol
Or the simplest and my most favourite is to say to yourself when your feeling somewhat that people are drawn to you and literally feeding from you is to repeat to yourself 3 times “i close my aura and my spirit nobody can hear me i am closed to the world my thoughts are my own i am my own being”
Of course you can make up your own protective statement
It is funny once you do any of these the being feeding will generally walk away or start ignoring you or become angry and do a deep breath and move on as if nothing has happened
There is much info on the net of energy vampirism and many of them do not know what exactly they are doing
Anyways back to my discourse
The institutional mind tends to throw that psychological torture back on the person as soon as they feel the need to do something enlightening in their lives it is the cheapest and easiest tool available
Countless times i have heard oh this guru like children or this singer did this or this catholic priest did this you think to yourself that is sick right and then the next assumption that is thrown by the mindset is that they are a gay man and they prey on children
How many lesbian pedophile priests and gurus preying on children have you heard of
It is being done by incarnates that are not actually a male entity but an entity that defines itself as a fraternal brother when in fact they are a fraternal sister
They use it to attack the most vulnerable and they use it at their whim at anybody that threatens the system or attempts to set groups of people free with their tender loving nature
And they will pull out all the cards, actually bringing witnesses in, that tell complete lies
They will flash pictures they will say things that are obviously one sided
It is the war on independence
When in fact our society literally breeds and feeds the pedophile mindset
Nude babies constantly on television and documentaries – toddlers running in pampers , cutie pie jingles that are another language that plays upside down in your mind, adults that look like babies, but seemingly ok when shown by them right
Glorifying pubescence for example the bieber phenoenae currently taking place people are literally fixated on the sexuality of pubescence through secret means in media and through association but will never speak of it
They literally throw it in the face of married men because that is what the men of the planet are used to on their home world (without women) is dating other men and teenagers
When a half nude shot of a 17 year old comes on the screen while your sitting with your wife you get a bit aroused and this is easily read by your supposed life partner to further enchain you into a lifetime of slavery and solitude of the mind and spirit when in fact thinking these thoughts is completely normal
Acting on them of course is another story not one i advocate or even searching on but what i am saying is that it is time they stopped using the oldest trick in the book on those that are most traumatized
I KNOW the path of the guru i have walked the steps i know what my fraternal brother mr. Jackson EXACTLY went through to chain his spirit up and i am the only waking person on earth that can attest to this. I know what the sickened beings that control us have at their arsenal and when i am finished with them they will have NOTHING LEFT
We will be free – we will be set free from captivity
And i am not the sole individual i am one of many so it is best to argue many points of view but i know you will be drawn to my words because i think of the most divine and i am courageous for being your guide here and now and i believe in you
It is odd how these sadistic minds would use that same torture back on you when they involve themselves in this legally sanctioned fun at most lodges their excuse is that well this is a 700 year old being in a 14 year olds body so it is okay.
This is fitting of a cruel 5 star psychological thriller but this is my society and yours as well
Most that are in power over us see us all this way which is quite the impression to have over those you rule over while maintaining their own secret and legally sanctioned adult child worship rituals that take place to further terrorize the minds that are already tortured

I ask my guides to find me and what i get is a fantastic delight
It is a black swan and mind you the shining soul of the swan is beautiful white but usually the opposite is true when it comes to shading of the soul
I was in the middle of a field
There was a detective in the field searching it for evidence of my rape and torture
While i was in tears searching for some sort of solace in the mind of the establishment
I could hardly swallow because my throat was so bruised and they made me eat these weird vegetables that looked like a large seed with a bit of a greenery on them
Literally choking them down i had to drink water to was them down but my throat was the size of a grain of rice
These veggies were effin weird
And i moved my foot and their was like a giant bug about the size of a tennis ball it had a harder edge shell and looked much like a cockroach
I tried to step on it but it scurried away
My swan flew me to an empty apartment
I had just moved in i guess
I has food and drinks set up on a game board that was like a graph many intersecting lines but moreso like a tracing board rather than a chess set
I moved it and two huge orange and beige insects were trying to attack the food and terrorizing
They are freaky being the size of a hand
I will never let one sting me again
I hate those things
The swan flew by again
But it only took me down to the lobby to pay rent where the lady said that mr. Jacksons process included turning white so he could be included into the men that wear white robes and cones on their head and masks to cover the true identity
So he was untouchable and could never leave but could never speak of the pain he held in his soul.

Theorizing of inclusion of mind
Tranced into belief of spectrum
Yet mindful of the process of protection
Those that see you and i are nothing in a sense
Until i look at them and fully see their soul
The elemental is never beyond touch
But moreso those that govern have only
One shaded self
No spectrum
No elemental
My world is run on mystery
And revealing the greater war on humanity
And independent thought
Why my beautiful soul remains here to witness this
Is made apparent each day i live
Only to live a life with purpose
A life of humane treatment and dignity
A life of calm retractive thought
A life of solitude and bliss
In the eternal wisdom of the enlightened ones
And may you attach yourself
And feel their living energy for the natural and loving progression
Of your beautiful and meaningful soul
- Shaun A. Delage