I kiss his face
Slide my lips down his cheek
To the back of the neck down the back and kiss
Pretty much most of the way down
Not biting too hard yet he still feels complete
Licking back up the way i came
Seeing how hot he not only feels to the touch
But to the sense of taste
My jewelled hand
Opposes most
Yet ascension is already taking place
Likewise every situationin your life takes occurance
This very given moment
I slide my tongue down his backside and down his thigh
To his left licking as i go down
Not just a lick with the tongue but
A lick with the tongue and lips
With a bit of teeth here and there a playful bite
Ego is the greatest desire in complexity
But to suck on the toe and go all the way back up biting as i go along
So i guess i turn into a drama queen wanting to escape to become a monk
But i guess the psychics job is pretty tough to deal with
The ego is the greatest baseless desire for satisfaction
The worlds entirety can be thought of on request
Some beings cannot handle it and there are sometimes only a hand full in a city of the dead can perceive this essential sight
Perhaps my next stop is to be recognized and put into a placement where i am a living Buddha but why would a Buddha have a distaste for Buddhism
It was a programmed situation involving Buddhist monk i have seen all around town a few times, it was displayed as such that he was taken away and eaten simply for my crimes
Then i have the other programmed belief that i somehow caused my twin brother to die or something who knows i try not to dwell there :P~
These two things by their very nature would be stigmatizing and unfathomable to the common being that is given virtual royalty on earth while the most undesirable people are hidden away tucked away into unknown realms where you are not given the knowledge of their existence
Until you actually show up in their dimension, prison, country, province, however you look at it
With love i look upon him only finding inspiration for a belief
Seeing his more awesome existence i am able to lay side by side
Chillen in each others initial wave
Forgetting what yesterday actually was
Moving on only in evolving being
Safe to say category level 4 storm
Interesting how he assumes i am whole
Funny to see somebody that would have the courage
I look at him and simply want to say “i adore you for bringing your beautiful existence into and gracing my being with your presence”
- Shaun A. Delage