Virtual Ministry Archive

6 + 1 SHaun delage

Notice of existence and creation in linear time
The words of:
StudBuddy: a cute leaning on metro GuyFriend.
PowerBuddy: A Cute Boi.
PowerBud: a severely traumatized young gay male that is somewhat enlightened
Studbud: A hot male crush that works out regularily.
MillenniaWarrior: Non gender spe.cific applies to youth of the new millennium that resist illusion.
Millenniaknight: Male youth of the new millennium that protect a most virtuous universal code that is always evolving.
MilleniaChick: Female Youth of the New Mille.n.ium that defend the universal existence of evolution.
-For the perpetual existence of virtual identitie

- Shaun.A.Delage.Shaun.Zeno