Monday, August 30, 2010


Encouraging independent thoughts in others is not a task i advocate at all
People see you and they see a difficult lifestyle
One which they may not accept fully
Of course people will always have their hang-ups it is easy to hide them
Safe to say illusion takes over their own personal reality
Safe to say empowerment gets snuffed out early on
I am always amazed at everywhere i bring my presence too
The ability for others to conform to the said reality present in front of them
I am the type to resist most of whats out there and see the illusion in most things
However if the ideology fits it is an assumption that i would fit well
I sort of develop a detached kinship with the ideology
It is weird to have an internet identity
Even weirder is to have somebody claiming to have the exact same name as you and a somewhat similar outlook however trivial it may seem to me, i see it as illusion of sort
Shaun A. Delage meets the same but one is from the Midwest or something of the USA
My first inclination is to accept the individual of what they are presenting
After much thought i seriously begin to ponder what effect i may have on somebody with the same name virtually and in reality
Of course me being a pretty out there gay man and such would brings some issues to the surface
I ponder the notion that somebody from a foreign country has the same name as me
My first thoughts are to end many of the things i write
Another is the obsessive psychotic side of the individual which was made apparent
Another is the safety in the border
I am seriously weirded out by this concept
The odds are like one in one billion for this to happen but i don’t doubt its authenticity
Knowing when i google somebody and have ten variations of the same person come up
I just felt i had an uber unique name of sorts
It is a difficult and crazy notion to ponder and i somewhat feel that he has obsessively taken me on as a piece of his personae when this is by pure notion an insane fluke of sorts that we both have to come to terms with
Of course the internet is always open to speculation
The person could be an agent of the matrix sent to deceive me and lead me into a more victimized mindset where i believe i am actually inflicting virtual harm on somebody blessed with the same namesake
In some ways i wish we got along good enough to marry, now that is a funny notion to ponder
Shaun Allen Delage do you take Shaun Allen Delage to be your husband
Nobody can actually say they communicate with a namesake like self
It just makes me think of how we relate to others how they relate to us
That our perception of things however beautiful may be sickening to somebody looking from the outside
Or that if you are of a paradoxical divine energy and you meets somebody equally paradoxical of negative energy there is nothing you can say or do that will make them feel a sensitivity for your soul or better yet your level of suffering
Just like most of those i relate too even the supposed intelligence positions
I am left feeling that i can articulate my feelings sometimes all too very well in comparison
I am also left with the implosion of thought that i feel when i am unable to relate to people at times
That they out of necessity ask for further clarification
I look about the world for love
I see in some places – a hint
Just recently i saw it in somebody online
Just the most beautiful man to come into focus
Of course all i can do is cross my fingers
Better myself so i can offer him something better than any other being on the planet can offer
People say love takes time, i beg to differ. Sometimes you know in an instant
It is those that let everything drag on and on that start to fault find and finally out of frustration for so much time passing they give in and just marry the bastard lol
This isn’t love
Love is looking into somebody’s smiling eyes and knowing you want to just lick their whole face
Run your hand thru their hair and just cuddle for hours holding each other
Love is burning the food you set out to cook then going back starting again and making a splendid meal you both can enjoy but with a bit of laughter
Love is, looking at the guy and thinking i don’t want anybody else on earth but this man
Love is also resisting those that move into your path like pawns to try and break your true union up
Love is characterization of a spectrum of emotions
Love has no rules
Love can stop trauma
Love can halt all pain
Love is essential
Or you just end up giving up...and giving in out of disappointment
To love somebody must be invited by them
If u are judged not worthy
It may never find you
It is like disgracing your spirit guides and animals while on earth
If your power animal or angel gets offended because you seriously hurt them
You may only get intervention in extreme cases
And there are many levels
I am proud of those that guide me, not only to everlasting enlightenment
I can simply see my greater self looking down on me
What i will become in 250 years
And he loves me for my choices and my dedication
I ask my guides to find me and what i get is a supreme satisfying delight
I get a snail in a shell
It is very nice just a bit sticky
This one could fly super fast
It took me to a college where i met with a large giant
I sat near him talking of my home planet and what things bothered me and what things were good to eat etc we both laughed i would say he was about 9”0 but he was very nice
Of course if i would have screamed at him or hit him he would have vanished in an instant
On a human level it was nice to connect
The snail came by and took me to an open arena
Some guy came up to me and said you are a thief you sicken me
I said back to him frankly i despise what you just said, i am an ex thief lol
And well my days of high finance and petty crime over
You forgot a few things too, like bank fraudster, man eater , and cock watcher
Then i lowered my smile and said i hold the stigmatic wounds of those i aim to protect
And if you have a problem with it you should kill me on the spot
I said i just wanted to have gay sex with colton harris moore lol
He vanished and about 15 people or so a bit shaded out surrounded me with a light coming from their feet
I felt a confidence in seeming universality overtaking earthbound sins of the flesh
The snail came by and took me to an eastern European country
We were at a train station there was an older man and my boyfriend who was like beautiful European guy with shaved head almost to the skin and a featured face sort of alien but he was hot i love men from this part of the world YUM
Anyways the dad paid our ticket for a 12 hour train ride out of the country and he was even helping with my bags and his bags
We were escaping something, perhaps a war, or persecution for being gay
I said oh i’ll forget my bags and the dad said no i have it here for you i will carry it on
And he helped us onto the train
And it left and we could see the dad waving at us as we took off
This train manifested itself as a common skytrain in British Columbia
Probably ok but 12 hours wow
About 10 min after everyone was doing their own thing
I looked at my lover and looked deep into his eyes and lowered my brow a bit
Understood my love at that moment for him
I understood that we just escaped something brutal
I put my hand down his face and with my fingers stroked his cheek
Swallowed and leant in slowly and met his lips and with our eyes open
I stared into his beautiful eyes and thought only one thing with a tear sliding down my face
“I Love You”
- Shaun A. Delage