Virtual Ministry Archive

strange how not one single celeb was killed or injured - I kind of think this whole thing- is not even real like we are lead to believe like the horror and where is your compassion but every single thing here is illusion right down to basics - so unless you are there this moment providing evidence the only evidence i have of reality is really around 100 feet from me at all times and I assume most of "external affairs" are so beyond my comprehension why even give your emotions or energy to this nonsense and madness I also believe each address so to speak is interdimensionally charted in this reality somehow so your immediate addresses events can be super tweaked like a matrix video apparatus and central processing knows every single thought of this place except the actual humans now for example you may have a flash in ur mind of an aerial view of your parcel you live in but think of it like all these 100 or so very very incredibly powerful and famous people that reside in $10-$100M mansions that have just simply been vaporized for some reason nobody knows about and they are all laughing at us because none of us can figure this whole shit out like you begin to peel away the stinky layer of the onion and they fucken just smack you in the fucking gut with something new and everyone forgets about the last crisis (like someone burning alive or whatever) and onto the next "sexy assassin" or chaotic crisis to get all the fucking horny dumbells chatting about the real things actually going on - so basically something super weird and strange is happening with those 'specific' addresses like satanically or horrifically like on some level which may not even fully reflect in this specific reality or awareness but somewhere else or it could be as simple as burning all the gross snuff rooms who knows its a TOTALLY fucked time to be alive kiddos !