They have not snared my soul as being the only anomaly after keanu reeves
unfortunately for him he gave into their demands and sold off his soul for money
their stuff never stuck with me, it seemed void of any real emotion
they spent "decades" trying to get me to take the curse of the freemasons, it did not work
so they are working with hypotheticals and hollywood and advanced satanists
that will catastrophically bring down north america and quite possibly the entire world simply because they have gone "over budget" trying to accomplish what they were so successful over countless of times before me.....what I do know is that the world is hungry for another michael jackson, michael alig and sai baba they want something of substance and pure love that has not signed damaging soul contracts with the devil. they have failed and they will bring down the entire system just to own my singular soul
it wont work -I have so many places to go after here - I have worked for over 22 years 18-19 hours a day at my recovery and healing. sorry you all failed miserably have fun in an eternity of hell because you all are simply not welcome where I am going - not many people are....whether it is when I am 90 or tomorrow I feel I have hated god every single hour but also fought for something so incredible which is this power that I hate so much - I feel sorry for you all because none of you are coming with me....every single being here no matter how rich they are is too evil for the peace matrix in which I am the emissary of