Virtual Ministry Archive

I pay the price for sitting on my ass 18 hours a day for 23 years lol in my ex bf's I was spending 18 hrs a day on second life making clothes and needed the chiro to snap my back all over and crack it now these days I have to kind of get up and do other things every hour I also have a dias in my room for meditating and sometimes just zone out and listen to moongate for 20 mins and recharge I do try and check for my two doorcats about every half hour or hour or so and get a coffee and piss like a fucken racehorse hahaha its funny people think office workers are so lazy sitting there all day and not doing muscle work lol if my job was not so physically demanding there would be an imbalance :) I just try my best I know one day I wont have to work like I do now and will enjoy my life more instead of working my butt off