Virtual Ministry Archive

I first picked up on whether the mason and JLo were full of bullshit a couple days after I moved into the penthouse he mentioned that I would be put on a palimony agreement and in my brief internet search that term did not make any sense legally and to my current situation and he was trying to sucker me in using fake financial terms and that and oh he fucken wanted me to have sex with a twin of mine and him and oh yeaH burning his cats face and whiskers caused me to move out the next morning honestly my soul was at stake....would have been very famous tho.... like I look now at what I have accomplished without having 10 sugardaddies all around me like most hot young guys these days in hollywood like with very little financial backing and I am just fucking proud of myself what I have accomplished art wise literary wise and I was already a dR when I got my PhD :) at age 24