Virtual Ministry Archive

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Luxembourg art prize was a flat out no for the fourth year in a row guess freemason twink porn art is a nah for the art world lol

hahaha $30,000 would have been fun would have lasted me a week lol 
and international recognition 
oh till another year 
guess I should not worry about this shit so much 
oh well lol 
I just "feel" ready artistically 
have done almost 12,000 pieces
they are idiots 
I don't do it out of ego or wanting to become known either
mostly for protections 
I guess I will have to traverse the world as just a measly 6x PhD lolz
the fame I could do without cause I hate people 
the money always nice hahaha
I just wonder what kind of artist I would be if I had $9M in the bank chequing acct like what would I be up 2 artistically etc 
and who the fuck does not 'want' $30,000? LOL
but I will remain an underground freemason boytwink artist lol 
like we are here for our failures too because not just here to brag for likes
like if you broadcast a perfect life online yet your rL is shit 
everyone is going to laugh at you 
share your struggle and people are like relatable all of a sudden 
I know my art skills and they are ahead of their time 
people laughed at Emily Carr
and others like polluck 
its funny 
i know I am a huge liability for an organization or gallery because I protest 
copyright (a freemasons invention) and use logos 
and other things in my art which are incredibly controversial 
not too worried just another contest 
(that cost $144 lmao shoot me now lolz) 
most of my contests are free so to pay that amount u gotta be good
"our judges are very experienced"
okay but who are dey?
fucking luxembourg art snobs/bigots?
like if you critique them like they do you 
I guess u will never win their prize hahaha
just on a two day project tonight uploading all my art essentials
 (backgrounds+ foregrounds) to google drive 
in case I lose access to the 4 or 5 TB HD's I have 
at least it will all be somewhere on the internet which would help


Oh good....praise the lord!