truth is none of us know what is going to happen like if trump gets in who knows it could be okay with him in power honestly nobody freaking knows... like a lot of life is beyond our control like no matter where you live your place could suddenly be deemed uninhabitable and u are out on the street its just I always hope I did enough good deeds for that that is the highest energy to help me out a bit in a situation like that but like I dont think anybody really needs to prepare for an apocalypse like 35 years on your own in lawlessness but everyone should get a few supplies to make sure they are okay for a few weeks of chaos like crank and solar radio and flashlight batteries tealights emergency blankets self defense meds for two or three weeks just have enough food and stuff so you are not eating someones face after three days lol just not really preparing for like ever on your own just look around at how wealthy we all are we will be okay lol there will be some help in case of chaos its just dont think because of stuff beyond your control that you are going to be in a weird apocalypse for the next 35 years lol just every man (or woman) [or they] should have at least a crank solar radio so they can charge their phone etc just dont have a blind faith in everything not collapsing for a few weeks you know its entirely not out of the question either for all of us to be transported back to analog from digital wouldn't that be a mind fuck lol everything would take 3 hours to go here and there in the matrix to the bank get your groceries get your Id renewed hahaha back to the 80's we go lmao