Virtual Ministry Archive

u only need look around in ur own life at the older people that did not take time to manifest (start now) :) I mean they are probably "ok" financially but a lot are in that generation where you need to be in a toxic and controlling relationship to have resources..... u will thank me in 10-20 yrs when you are on the ritz yacht sailing to your next destination - a lot of manifesting is to go into the unknown and try and fail but also of battling your demons of things like addiction to see where you will get -like actually showing the universe you have what it takes for difficult times, they are not going to give many millions to someone that will just die in 10 years from too much crack cocaine and if you can't spend $2000 a month appropriately how are you going to handle larger amounts- I mean yes you are allowed to make mistakes but every cent you spend is carefully observed and 100% of us do not make the right decisions with money which is why they only give it to people in their little cult to toxically abuse others with their power and prestige-for the most part non satanic and non masonic people must work 100x harder at what they seek - and the problem is not ALL rich people like you are made to believe this is why you are so poor you have negative impressions of money - I mean there are some genuinely caring and careful people like higher evolved that do have money but you just classify them all as evil rich people....I have noticed this look of envy when I wear my fake diamonds in public at more chav places see I cast an aura of I can wear these appropriately and people really look at you with hateful envy that you could have something so wealthy on you in a convenience store and sadly they just want to harm you to take it off your finger not actually buy it for themselves which would cost $14.95 on ebay lol

There is a sort of YOU 
Billions of years ahead 
fighting for YOU to attain all you seek
and are privy 2
Manifest an ethical amount of money takes 15-25 years
so start when you are 20 -perhaps they will give it to you when you are 45 :) 
this reality operates on a different time reality than the gods operate on literally 40 years is nothing to them and they want to make sure you have really thought this all out and learned all ur lessons