Virtual Ministry Archive

u are allowed to make a LOT of mistakes here !!! don't think even if you murder someone you are unsavable or unretrievable I mean if you learn from all that you have been through and committed the worst of the worst of breaking mans or earth laws... you are better off in the long run by learning through it all and helping others with their pain...than the people in the hell realms filled with anger and rage just because you took from a purse when you were 13 yrs old does not mean you are spending eternity in the hell realms lolz

some of us have severe mental conditions that prevent us from having an impulse control and sometimes we also believe that what we are doing is NOT wrong or hurting others -its just I wish so many more of us could be on advanced psych meds that help you make the right choices sadly 90% of humanity should be on 2-5 medicines but cannot because health care isn't socialized like in Canada the best thing you can say to someone that has wronged you in some way is I forgive you...even if you cant in the moment just saying it will help you realize further down the road that you gave them that anyway and that is okay