Virtual Ministry Archive

This is the reason I keep all my blogs free -> I did not gate my content because my free, helpful blog posts: - drive my traffic - grow my business - expand my brand awareness - earn me credibility - drive steadily increasing Google traffic to my blog Gating my blog posts would significantly reduce traffic, profits, brand awareness and Google traffic for me, all for a paltry few bucks. Listen to your intuition. Do what you feel pulled to do from a clearer inner intent. But beware trading a few bucks for much bigger, steady profits down the road. Your #1 asset as a blogger is your in-depth, detailed, free content easily accessible by readers and Google. Gating content instantly devalues that asset because what was once free and easy becomes far more difficult to access; not because of a few dollar's worth of investment, but because you create a strong barrier to entry-perusal-scanning, which is an unwise idea until you have a big name, rock solid credibility and a high volume of laser-targeted traffic