I figured after doing my future money lottery budgets about 3000 times that I am going to use restrained generosity so be generous but not excessively so....some people I know have sort of disgraced themselves but others I am like well if I am nice to this other person what about them so I figured 100k while a life changing amount is too little especially with my nature so I will kind of give quite a few people a head start with an annuity for 10 years and a cheap condo and a few other things I just struggled going back and forth like ok gonna be super cheap today then five min later my stupid brain is like give away most of it you fucker lmao its fun I just could not go into a life of resources without actually really thinking it thru see I would spend some if not most of it pretty much all at once but I would buy things like annuities that would provide an income for life and also for a 20 year terms there is such a can of worms that opens with finances sometimes I am like well this person does not care about me obviously should I just ignore them lolz the brain is so funny its just some people would get off buying 100k watches and chartering yachts in monaco I hate all that shit probably would not travel much and just chill in my huge house in a high income neighborhood hahahaha like for me not to spread it around a bit goes against my core self beliefs in generosity and good will I know a lot of the people I give 2 would be so shocked and liberated like financially its just I think I am going against the universes wishes by keeping it all to myself hahaha its like well do I want a $150k a month annuity or a 85K its like if you cant live on 85k a month there is like something seriously wrong with you lol I love my delusions regarding success and wealth its a good delusion keeps me away from the men..... at least money wont give me an STD lol