Friday, June 14, 2024

its super hard living with a mental illness and being a conspiracy theorist I mean you don't know what to trust as real and your closest relations may be the enemy hahaha its even amplified by my use of the herb but I just have faith that I make the right choices due to my meds as my condition has no cure including nerve damage in my wrists but honestly I really embrace the fact that I was released from the global slave circuit and allowed to live a life on my terms honestly people that go on welfare or disability for 10+ years end up going nuts because they are not driven thankfully I have so many side hustles while I may not make money at it (one day one day) it all keeps me busy to not think about how broke I actually am, but I am an artist and not a wage earner and this I find comfort in, I know I am skilled in what I do and I love being able to create I mean you can find love and beauty in anything in life hang in der kitties I know life isn't easy :) they honestly think they can solve it all by throwing you a handful of pills and wishing you the best!!! if you get too fargone my govt takes away all your rights or has your finances managed by the psychiatric police lmao its like I hope I can always manage things on my own behalf lol they honestly give Dr's and politicians way too much freedoms in the world to literally imprison people in decades long systems....