Virtual Ministry Archive

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

zenophobic Gay rave virtual world novel :) ebook audio book for ravers and clubkids candy raver novels etc I am 1/4 way thru the 3rd in the trilogy and it will probably end there :) I hate writing hahaha no grammar skills whatsoever :) luckily I had a good editor but still lol lmao :) deffo not a literary PhDee haha

This mad crazy book is styled conceptually on the principles of the movie eXistenZe, Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Second Life, UPLOAD and nerve :)


I have a few options to exp3rienc3 this @wesome proj3ct :)


It is available on Amazon for Kindle 

I also have a PDF version  for the host of other eBook readers ... 

It is available for purchase as a paperback, hardcover or kindle ebook


★ ═══♂♂═══☊Zenophobic is a beautiful novel, weaving the tale of a gay guy that travels into a virtual world, can travel dimensions, ●♫ he goes to really kicken rave parties. ○● He also meets a Guru ○● the eBook charts the path of love and fantastic adventures through the obscure ♂♂ and has a surreal, poetic, and philosophical flair! ✰✰✰


Click Zero meets furries and goes to realy kicken EDM parties – Cheeky – Groovy....  another studly character that slowly grows into a poetic superstar with his immaculate poetry readings and insatiable luck! Heavy on the man on man and twinkbait bromance (lick) A must read!


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ॐ Zenophobic is inspired by the virtual world of Second Life, Nerve, UPLOAD, eXistenZe, and in the spirit of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, ♫♪ The novel has no typical plot or antagonists…. it is a path or story, it remains an epic tale of courage of gay male love through the madness -○●♫♪ There is tons of hot guys ♪ mad candy trippen


....-.-Warning, this novel will give you symptoms of schizophrenia lol ○✰✰✰♂♂ Blast the TECHNO while you @r3 r3@ding this book cause its gonna be the epitome of the most wild effin ride of your life!


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Lⓔt thê ⓟⓁâⒸÊ JûMⓂP !


The Author… Rev. Emir Shaun Delage PhD hails from the clubkid scene of the early 1990’s, .-.b4 raves were tagged EDM parties. They were simply “raves” Shaun lives on the west coast of Canada -.-and remains a busy visual blogger, contester & spiritual leader of the online virtual ministry, The Church of Techno.

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Zenophobic is a beautiful novel, weaving the tale of a gay guy that travels into a virtual world, can travel dimensions, he meets furries and goes to really kicken rave parties. He also meets a Guru and another character that does immaculate poetry readings, the eBook/paperback charts the path of love and fantastic adventures through the obscure and has a surreal, poetic, and philosophical flair!

This mad crazy book is styled conceptually on the principles of the movie eXistenZe, Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Second Life, and nerve :)

I have a few options to exp3rienc3 this @wesome proj3ct :)

It is available on Amazon for Kindle and you won't
have to call visa or mastercard to extend your credit limit...
I also have a PDF version for the host of other eBook readers ... You can also listen to the ENTIRE ebook on payhip for nearly FREE !! (it is split into two parts, lotsa hours total) $5 for the whole computer voice audiobook hehe
It is available for purchase as a paperback

★ ═══♂♂═══☊Zenophobic is a beautiful novel, weaving the tale of a gay guy that travels into a virtual world, can travel dimensions, ●♫ he goes to really kicken rave parties. ○● He also meets a Guru ○● the eBook charts the path of love and fantastic adventures through the obscure ♂♂ and has a surreal, poetic, and philosophical flair! ✰✰✰

Click Zero meets furries and goes to realy kicken EDM parties – Cheeky – Groovy.... another studly character that slowly grows into a poetic superstar with his immaculate poetry readings and insatiable luck! Heavy on the man on man and twinkbait bromance (lick) A must read!

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ॐ Zenophobic is inspired by the virtual world of Second Life, Nerve, UPLOAD, eXistenZe, and in the spirit of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, ♫♪ The novel has no typical plot or antagonists…. it is a path or story, it remains an epic tale of courage of gay male love through the madness -○●♫♪ There is furries that are tons of hot guys ♪ mad candy trippen

....-.-Warning, this novel will give you symptoms of schizophrenia lol ○✰✰✰♂♂ Blast the TECHNO while you @r3 r3@ding this book cause its gonna be the epitome of the most wild effin ride of your life!

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Lⓔt thê ⓟⓁâⒸÊ JûMⓂP !

The Author… Rev. Emir Shaun Delage PhD hails from the clubkid scene of the early 1990’s, .-.b4 raves were tagged EDM parties. They were simply “raves” Shaun lives on the west coast of Canada -.-and remains a busy visual blogger, contester & spiritual leader of the online virtual ministry, The Church of Techno.
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