Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Edict on professional achievements

It is with supreme pleasure that the Emir of Buddhism announces a new collaboration 

I have joined on with Victoria Arts Council as a Volunteer Gallery Attendant 

I wanted to be sure for when I get official about my life

My life has been super quiet on the net all night for 22 yrs so no working life at ALL !!!

I just felt since I excelled in the arts and the creative I could in my real life as well 

I think its a pretty good exchange of information a typical artist would want to understand at the very least the basics of how a gallery operates

its great that I can get out once or twice a week and my first shift was last week 

today is my 2nd shift 

its totally fitting of somebody with a PhD hahaha and I am so lovingly passionate about ze arts its a super great fit and they are a step up from the other gallery I applied for before this bam awesome place :)