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 Your not an "anti vaxxer" if it's not a "vaccine", gene altering mRNA nano tech injections do not fit under the definition of such and noone is "fully vaccinated" as they will soon be required to get "booster" shots to acquire that title; until the goal post is moved again of course and in no way am I saying that if it were a vaccine it wouldn't be completly toxic. Everything we are offered by the corrupt medical establishment and govern-ment whether or not it its intended by those offering it, is toxic and or anti human in one way or another; as everything is under the same pyramid of control owned by cultist psychopaths. 

Until this connection is made we will continue to see the glorification of toxic pharmaceuticals as "miracle cures" ie. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Regeneron... for what is trully the result of toxicity, that these drugs only suppress your body from naturally healing from causing further issues elsewhere, don't play their game. You would be amazed by the body's ability to heal when it's not poisoned daily. 

Those left who haven't fell for the clear deception at play, have to reach the understand that There Is No Isolation Of A Virus and therefore no proof of any existence of a "virus", any virus for that matter .. No one has been affected by Covid or any of the so called viruses they have been coercing you to get "vaccinated" against for decades; no "virus" has ever been identified as more than the remnants of the removal of cellular debris from the body. It is the lie of the germ theory that has allowed for the deaths of millions for profit over the last 100+ years. 

These injections are killing thousands of people and are planned to kill more, they will blame those deaths on fake "variants" of the fake "virus" and so called "anti vaxxers"... Those who do survive will never be the same and will have a hard time realizing what happened to them due to the extreme fear, cognitive dissonance and mind control they are victim to, along with the later effects of a lack of empathy, intelligence and inability to properly detox due to the changes made to their genetic code. 45000 dead in just 3 days after the shot, reported on just one "vaccine" adverse reaction reporting site of which there are at least a dozen, on which only 1-10% are actually reported, do the math, it was all covered up and remember if you die more than 24 hours after the shot, it is considered unrelated and is not reported. 

Also In Canada, if you take 1 dose and go in the hospital or pass away, you are listed as unvaccinated no matter when you pass or when the sickness takes hold. If you take 2 doses and get sick or pass, you are listed as unvaccinated unless it's 14 days after the second dose. If you take other shots beyond the second dose and get sick and pass, you are listed as unvaccinated unless it's 14 days after the last dose you took.

 In the United States the exact same definitions apply PLUS you are perpetually listed as unvaccinated 3 months after your last dose, regardless of any other factor. 80% of all vaccination related deaths reported to VAERS in the US were reported to occur within 14 days of a shot... Scroll down to section 3 

(If you still believe hostipals are filing up with unvaccinated, read that again)

Thousands of patents can be found since the early 2000's for the SarsCov spike protein injections with Many Universities and major players involved, DARPA and govern-ment. 

You cannot patent something that is found in nature, so they created "In-sillico" make-believe computer generated genome sequences that they claim are Coronaviruses. They then Patent those sequences, since they are man made, not natural, which allows them to patent the PCR "test" sequence to detect their made up sequence; this allows them to patent the injection, with their synthetic lab made "proteins" to "treat" the make believe patented Coronavirus detected by the patented test to detect the make believe virus, and then they poison you and inject you with nano technology. 

The "outbreaks" are just PCR "test" fraud looking for made up patented sequences using the name Coronavirus, SARS, etc. They only exist on paper for patent reasons, the real bioweapon is in the injection.

There is no virus and no pandemic, there is only a Govern-Ment orchestrated culling of humanity and restructuring of the entire system of control, made possible through mass blind acquiescence and devastating levels of ignorance. People need to realize what's really happening here and choose which side of history they want to be on, we all have the same enemy and they are playing us in every way imaginable. 

Hydroxychloroquine sulfate and Acute kidney failure - a phase IV clinical study of FDA data

half of the populatiom have mdr-1 mutation

Mdr-1 makes ivm neurotoxic

mdr-1 people excluded from human trials to hide the fact it is neurotoxic. 

"ivermectin treatment was not continued in patients with mutations detected as a result of genetic examination and these patients were excluded from the study."   

"However, there are reports of severe adverse events to IVM, in some humans with high Loa loa burdens, and IVM can be neurotoxic in animals with defects in P-glycoproteins (P-gp) in the blood-brain barrier."

"The accumulation of IVM in animal tissues and the excretion of urine and feces in the environment is the major source of potential toxicity."

"Ivermectin intoxication was suspected, since encephalopathy and coma are well-known side effects of ivermectin treatment in animals and the usual causes of coma had been ruled out. ABCB1 sequencing identified the child as a compound heterozygote for two nonsense mutations: "

Potassium cyanide LD50 = 7.49 mg/kg  ( Rat )

Ivermectin LD50 = 10 mg/kg  ( Rat )

In early stages of development, ivermectin at doses of 0.4-0.8 mg/kg in mice, 10 mg/kg in rats, and 3-6 mg/kg in rabbits, increased the incidence of cleft palate, but it was not considered as embryotoxic since the frequency of anomalies was very low

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