Sunday, November 28, 2021

Every single microcosm/interaction/event is meant to alter YOUR reality in tiny bits

Imagine one simple thing that your soul is very capable of, if you were to leave the house now and go to the store, you would have been hit by a car and paralyzed but you suddenly felt your tummy rumbling and oops time to visit a toilet quickly and then you head off 10 min later into a life of supreme bliss

Everything in this reality is meant to think you dont matter when in fact they are vying your soul which is far more valuable than anything on earth and they will exhaust endless resources to force you to their side so to speak, every intrusive phone call, simple interaction is CODE and everything that seemingly isnt connected actually is in effect

Be aware and also offer your tidbits of kindness and friendliness everywhere you go dont be scared of being alive it is a gift so dont go so far down the rabbit hole that you are unkind selfish and unapproachably unfriendly and jaded - keep ur heads up tigers if this all ends in one cataclysmic explosion of nuclear arsenal it does not mean the end per se but ascension and essentially FULL liberation