Thursday, January 29, 2015

Poetic Lick :)

SuPremE one (1) -

Until I find him.
This whole illusion will fall, and I don’t mind taking the karmic tow.
My own internal illusion will fall.
The external 3-D illusion.
Nothing will ever progress.
With so much sadness.
In the most sacred of beings heart.
Solace for the future.
The love is traumatic, until you find the right soul.
For me it is a guy, a beautiful one in spirit.
I know he would know me instantly.
It is a funny notion to arrange to meet.
After all of this time.
He would love me instantly.
I would not have to stress or worry.
In ways I wouldn’t need much.
Just to be able to meet his lips and kiss.
Something he has been training for.
I guess in a way he would have everything taken care of.
Even if he doesn’t it would be fun to try together.
Laying in his arms and figuring out a path together.
Subliminated ideology goes out the window.
When you speak in the language of love.
I just hope he enjoys every bite of divinity...
In its truest and most complete immaculate form.
Because that is what I am here for.
My most supreme and highest love.


Tigger station -

To be in renunciation, to train in the depths of poverty.
Yet remain in a self that has evolved class wise above most others.
Yet not much to relay in speech.
Comfort in written word.
Timeless nature of self.
The future looks upon me with orgasmic love.
Finality to a being yet substance without safety.
Song of the heart.
Whispers of the soul.
Thoughts of the most evolved.
The most passionate bold love that would hit this dimension,
Would take over by the blazen figurative ideology of both beings.
The dark hair unites and the smiles just can’t stop.
A force that is unstoppable.
Being kept apart for so long would have both alone and literally dying inside.
An illusory world filled with so much hate.
Our kiss would make each other feel complete
And would vibrate into every force of our beings.
But not just that – a kiss with the tongue.
Surrounded by a hundred candles, some fresh flowers and some oils in warm water.
To massage his gleaming back.
To feel every bit of him under my hands.
To kiss him, and help him understand that this took a lot of effort.
But the first meeting and most nerve racking interaction would happen once and be a bliss moment.
But there is always the notion that it can happen every single day of our lives together.

2 more VocAb -

Anything is possible.
However the suffering without each other is immense.
The radiated eyes of belief.
The soul of passion.
The force of self.
The being of life.
I want to see him.
I want to unite.
I want to taste his bicep, if he doesn’t have one a lick will suffice.
Timeless theories of self.
Thoughts of more beings on earth.
Feelings of only the few.
Thoughts of many.
Timeless sense of being.
Thoughts of one.
Feelings of desire.
Thoughts of chaos.
Timeless desire of independence.
Thoughts if intrigue.
feelings of elusive reality.
Theorizing of inclusion of mind.
Tranced into belief of spectrum.
Yet mindful of the process of protection.
Those that see you and I are nothing in a sense.
Until I look at them and fully see their soul.
The elemental is never beyond touch.
But more-so those that govern have only... One shaded self.
No spectrum.
No elemental.
My world is run on mystery.
Yet revealing the greater war on humanity, and independent thought.
Why my beautiful soul remains here to witness this.
Is made apparent each day I live.
Only to live a life with purpose.
A life of humane treatment and dignity.
A life of calm thought-form.
A life of solitude and bliss.
In the eternal wisdom of the enlightened ones.
May you attach yourself.
Feel their living energy for the natural and loving progression, of your beautiful and meaningful soul. Amazing most
splendid theory.
Of corrupted self amidst theory.
Or self inclined to theory, or being of natural symbiance to theory.
Self amidst trauma yet trauma exists only within.
Having faith in a higher power which only comes from within.
Being gracious amidst the people that will gladly see you fall.
I find many others have faithful interludes with independence.
Beauty and love. Amidst madness and chaos


Comparitive interests -

She wonders why I am so akin to her.
When the only thing I want is to feel her emotions
The intergenerational love affair
Before this old lady was my inherent need for a desire so strong
And with that I felt love but it was nothing.
Until I found the young woman of my dreams
Whom I love to this day
And she loves me with complete and utter ambivalence


Waking earth -

Obsessive love to natural theory.
Quite insanity when somebody proposes a new idea.
Articulating speculation.
Foresight into oblivion.
Against all natural bound law.
Obsessive theory of natural existence.
While many sit strangely looking for nothing.
Waking in a world of sleeping people.
Awakening bright eyed after thousands of years in slumber.
Time only as an essence.
But a more figurative philosophy.
Beauty only to those with infusion of ideals.
The actual obsession with growth and the ideology of growth.
Encouraging free thought in others,
Amidst societal intrigue to the opposite.
Power thoughts.
Infused organisation.
Opulent desire.
Quagmire of belief systems.
Paradoxical never ending humanity.
Many selves ago I was defeated.
Many selves in the future I desperately tried to hold on.
But the need to come back and save my soul.
Save my soul from what I did wrong.
So here I sit.
With the encouraging need to direct your focus.
I hope you stay with me


working werld -

Inclusion into hyper space reality.
Infusion of belief for ideals.
A safer bet to say you are elite.
When others are more-so than you could ever be.
Can you theory the masses.
Or can you splendour the individual.
Amazing eccentric view.
But theory in tune with a thought of equanimity.
Affection for a spacial love.
Effective for the time of faith.
Direction amused for countless futures.
My own shadow.
Is looking and proud of me and proud enough to smile.
The shadow self infused with ideals.
Protective energy amused within.
Occasional spiteful dialogue.
But sticking to a theory at its best is the ultimate in enlightenment.
Figuring out soul theory
Yet a blind face to it all.
Inclusion into a sub base thought form that is here.
Direction into a formidable solution based focus.
Crazed ideology into a sub aero infusion of energy.
Directive stare into thought-form glare and in-like flare.
Beauty amassed to full inclination of thought-field taste the theory...
For the theory is tasting you.

Brown Cow -

Loving the way I used to be.
I sell my soul to myself every day,
and realise how fortunate I am each hour that Click’s by.
Simply to say that life is useful is one thing.
Another to say life is boring at times.
When the future is all around us.
The future is beyond me and you
and working with you.
Of course you cannot ignore your own dreams and impulse, so be you.
Theory abounds of night-less day’s theory abound of day-less nights.
The only duality of the soul is within your own split self.
The duality of the being, takes over to shine brighter.
Because without duality.
There would be nothing.


NuM Num'z -

Incredible bliss of encouragement of the masses.
Many countries love to be in tune with you.
Yet you try and travel and quick to say get out.
Safer to say you are illusion.
but better to be illusion than solidity.
In a world of illusion.
If both were real than you could be whole.
There would be no reason for secrets.
No lies.
No pain.
No hurt.
You would be whole,
and like a tasty vitamin.
Yum yum.
So slick.
Need some water.
Wash that pill with twenty four essentials down my slick ass throat.
Yum yum.
Wondering where the stars take me next.
Yet I evolve so casually abound in a time.
The time is not my own and has no relevance.
Yet I have an obsession with it.
But not so much so.
Because if I did like everyone else.
I would age like everyone else.
So better to not keep track of the day or month or year.
I don’t get old like the rest for the common style.
Make sure I live to be two hundred and eight years old.
Yum yum.


uno one numero 1 -

Awareness of self.
But needing awareness of others.
Meanwhile attaining to be you, and thinking of many selves prior.
Thinking slowly and surely.
Of your most awesome being.
In other places, and wanting to discover the highest point you can achieve.
Your most high, your highest self, your supreme entity.
The one that has dominion over all omni-presences.
The one that can affect change and theorize to your future.
The one that matters.
The one that is like you.
The one that understands you

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