I don't care how many positive thoughts you entertain. If you can't find the time to quiet your mind; to go within and find what dwells there, you will never be the master of your own destiny! You can't put a price tag on this - Silence is priceless!
You can tune into all the 'spiritual teachers; advisors; and messengers, as they share with you "THEIR" own revelations; "BUT THEY ARE NOT YOUR REVELATIONS! They exist as prompts; nudges: guides if you may. The same way you use your mind to think and bring forth an idea; our fellowmen act as tools to stare us in the right direction. Of course 'some' of them can get caught up in titling themselves as messenger, motivator etc... that they too fall off course sometimes. The ego takes over and sooner or later they forget what it is that they had set out to accomplish in the first place.
Stop looking to be entertained!
Some of us are slacking off because it appears as IF all is well... no bombs going off. Don't get too comfortable peeps! Because you may not see what is ahead of you, this does not mean that nothing is ahead of you!
Do not be concerned about these labels - so much talk about awakening; being awake; enlightened. These are just words used to satisfy the ego's need for identity. You will know when you are awake... when using words such as "awakened" to describe yourself is of no importance to you. We generally use these words to convey a state, not to become attached to the 'idea' of being awakened...Let it go!
Do not look for approval from others to determine your success.
Do not look to be flattered! Do not waste time flatterring others - Flatterry gets you nowhere's a distractor from what is more important:
"If your right eye offends you, pluck it out".. This means; enough of the idle talk; don't talk for the sake of talking. If you are 'hanging" around others that are keeping you down; you know what to do.
If you know that what you are doing doesn't work... STOP..... SIT ....SHUT UP...and ... LISTEN. THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND YOUR POWER!.............. The God within knows everything!
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