Wednesday, August 07, 2013

BluE SaLmoN

What to believe in a world rife with illusion, some go to the mainstream sources for their information and they get swept up in literal hysteria of the masses, and others go to more obscure sources for their information only to be left questioning everything they hear.
I think much of our information and culture is able to be manipulated so that people just accept ideas as truths. I think a lot of society is illusion because of the whole money thing, money is god, all the people you see out there usually know exactly what is in their bank account.
This whole reality is constant money slavery, so it leads me to believe that by countless generations ago we were tricked into this whole scheme this whole reality, with people like the Egyptians, atlantians, romans pursuing ritual magic to take form in the present.
But I also see the very few that are in power now are only in power because of dark magic and so many religious people are in the belief because everything is okay currently for them, it must be heaven on earth.
If there was a so called god, why would they permit things like rape, murder, crime, hunger, and sickness to run rampant through the reality. This is proof enough for me that I am under the control of beings that do not want to be seen, beings that are obsessed with things like money, power, control, hypnosis.
Because we literally need to be under hypnosis to be in this reality for so long. But I tend to take a rather Buddhist perspective on things and just accept my reality as being present, and I live to honour my mistakes, and many people are layering on levels of karma and negativity onto their being they have no idea, but it rests with each and every action.
So this leads me back to the god thing again, how could there be a god, and I believe strongly there may in fact be some being like this, that charts where you are able to evolve after this, but evolving is like winning the lottery, there are only very few that are permitted an exit from countless rebirth.
Then you add in the quotient that we are mixed with some very evil entities here, and anything can happen in your present reality, and the news makes us aware that people can be blown up, decapitated, somebody could shoot off a whole block, or people can go insane with just one evil glare.
Another thing that is being programmed to us constantly is the cancer thing…have you noticed how many references to cancer there is weekly/monthly? There is dozens in peoples perception, they are literally hypnotizing us to get cancer, it seems people have forgotten a few things on this subject, so they feel ashamed when they get it…that the USA has done countless nuclear tests in north America, that the fukishima reactor is leaking 300 tons of radioactive water in the pacific ocean, that cars are constantly spilling out toxic metals and fumes into the atmosphere.
I think it is to instil this fear of death in people, but for people that are not concerned with death it seems pretty trivial, why would one want to spend a decade more in this reality than they have too lol it is beyond me, because I tend to think when it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go, and my exit will be fruitful, I will welcome it with open arms, almost as if my reality will make sense at that point.
For people that never face death in their lifetime, it is a wakeup call but when you get a hint here and there in the media of death you tend to fear something you don’t understand.
I think mainly it is because people are so effin evil that they are scared to face what they have done to others, when it is their time, oh you, yes you, you get 1000 more births here, you haven’t gotten it.
Oh you, Rev. Shaun, you get to evolve, you faced your demons head on, and asked for forgiveness and didn’t inflict harm on others on a daily basis, your file has been taken over by the supreme Buddha and they welcome you into their realm, because you have done your work.
Judging by the amount of harm that is being inflicted on people here there has to be an evolution and a hell based world, there has to be a place where the really messed up people go.
So I think after years of telling people where they can evolve or that they have another thousand years left have left our oversight pretty exhausted and paradoxical, due to the nature that a god or gods or whatever would be living through each of us –experiencing this reality and coming to terms with mistakes they have made.
We are in a layered prison populace, who knows there may be a time when we are all in a controlled environment or are we presently somewhat?
Many people are trapped in their realities, many people are trapped by their mistakes, many people don’t have the means to see the world, but they can through countless dimensions nightly or in meditation then you yourself get to see that there is much more to reality than what is being shown to you in forms of media hypnosis.
I look around at dozens of trees and sitting in nature, I am in heaven, aligned with the natural energies, I am able to live in heaven on earth, but some people are trapped surrounded by an artificial environment 20 stories up. Poor souls, never get to align with the natural world, harmony and peace.
Peace Love Unity and Respect

-Shaun A. Delage

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