Wednesday, December 21, 2011

dog star

Why the psychological operations would choose a title such as “arab spring” upon to unsuspecting vast amounts of people through an advanced science of making u by command think of a beach in Tahiti  or a bottle of crisp cold water in a bottle
My calculations that by intellect we should all be operating around the year 3299 nobody really knows since is before Christ or after Christ or in more primitive times, there is untold amounts of evidence that there are multitudes of dimensional playspaces on a huge microchip.
With that knowledge comes great power, to be reclusive and centered around creative performance art to really make everyone united under my manifesto in one room in a secret hearing lol it wouldn’t strike me the least that it would be held in the Empress hotel or the metropolitan or the wall centre or hotel Vancouver, the possibilities are endless.
On a yacht in Saudi Arabia is where most of our souls energy resides with each dimension holding a piece of the puzzle yet most are kept in a literal wasteland There is things like HIV but that is an illusion of form because essentially you would download information to the person more advanced and coded psychological operations including alien communication through sex magic
But its done on other dimensional sense people just coding you in a advanced repeating paradigm that exists as alteration of sublimination …people with true creativity including chav guys and girls and the furry people, vamps, Goths, gay of all kinds, ravers, clubkids, punks, emos, millennium and matrix warriors, wiccans, vegeterians, hippies, people with real souls that aren’t possessed in the cult ridden society we reside in …the most affected
Now were, made to be aware that we live in a society where biotoxin or neuro toxin can be sprayed on you at any time, the illusion is that it is a materially enlightened philosophical society when the joke of what is in the mainstream is just making each person into robotic hybridic associative obsessed dimensionally abhorrent creatures so the people that have to wander the underground in their thoughts in the subversive are left to wander a virtual abyss of documents and information dating approximately 15-25 years if it can be called that but more like 1,000,000,000 years worth of information on the net