Saturday, July 02, 2011

insect world

The hell world is all around us, prevalently through media but it also takes other form of ritual and form to society ....much of the newer hell cult flicks such as hostel and the human centipede take over the minds and souls of our younger people forcing them into a world that is literal torture to witness
Not to mention the video games with full sadist graphics being played out and taught to our young
We actually live in a very violent and very sadistic society to be in
This is why I state that it is wise to tune out all avenues of luciferian magic even amongst pressure by those you know to watch an obviously sadist flick or play a game with full sacrifice
These media not only prop up the luciferian entities around you and I
But also leaves you under the hypnosis of much more sadistic creatures that are attracted to that vibration, likewise if you stay on earth and are constantly involved in earthen pursuits
Guess where you will remain in a multitude of existences
Before I sound prudish I have to remind you that this is not some utopian paradise that your meant to simply eat all you wish see all the flesh you can handle and tell anyone you want to fuck off
No this is a paradoxical checkerboard planet to live in – it has shades of pure evil laced with amazing beauty.  There are things like apocalypse to worry about, having your soul ensnared into an evil cult, your own health, you constantly have to be aware and guarded, there are things like addictions, poverty, and hunger. And not to mention catastrophe
Along with an internal prison structure for the mind along with a slavery prison structure for the body
We have many structures in place to keep you in check keep you impoverished keep you ignorant and keep your vibration as earth based as possible...Which is why I strive to address illusions while remaining universal in my actions and my thoughtform.
Which is why I personally have sworn off all forms of luciferian magic.
Why watch a movie so entrenched in Satanism like hostel or human centipede when you can watch a comedy or a documentary.
There is the argument that 99% of our media is controlled through the Masonic hell based Hollywood industrial complex. I just wonder why people choose to observe this sadistic ritual in place.
This evil nature that is encompassing the globe only feeds the sadistic nature of the Satanist mind. Then I also bring in the theory that technically not everything you see in media is false per se or fiction or make believe.  It all has to deal with your perception
Then I also bring in the theory that most of our hell based movies are not of this earth ...made in countless other dimensions technically making all who witness the horror flick witness to the spiritual sins committed and accessory to the spiritual incursion
Nobody thinks that we could have 70,000 other planets in the universe of the hell dimensions
Nobody believes in universalism ...believe me you bring people to a universal mode of thought and they always come crawling back to is their safehouse. People love their abusers. This satanic network of powerful closet case transvestites that are running everyones lives in north America and essentially the world. Including instilling 'proper family values' while they themselves dress in womens panties and bras and have sex with other men behind temple fraternity walls. These types not only have sadist fetish.  Things like snuffing people out and child abuse including torture of babies and animals is permitted in places like Canada and the USA and Europe. People are shocked when they hear of some figurehead for crime being brought down.  Like dahlmer or manson. But what about what goes on unnoticed by those that control every aspect to your humanity from the lights being on, to the air you breathe, to the food you eat, the 420 you smoke, how you get your rocks off, what you see and feel and touch. Every aspect to humanity is controlled somewhat.
This is why it is essential that you raise yourself to a universal level. One that is able to perceive other dimensions. One that questions their reality. One that has the power and can say to their buds next to them “This movie is fucking gross. Sorry but I am gonna go do something else”
Why be accessory to the most advanced degrees of luciferianism playing out in the most cheapest method available....Why Receive this chaos magic in the advanced programming code needed for your life to operate.
Imagine your life as a complex DNA string and in that string is trillions of events and chemical combinations/emotions and memories etc. Why would most sit blindly by and allow this magic to make them achieve their most ultimate self.
At least resist this DNA code playing out to script. At least take steps to make sure your future isn’t mapped out for you. If you realize you are in prison, with freedoms. Then work to take comfort in your inherent prison sentence and work with it rather than go deeply down the rabbit hole in so much ritual magic and sacrifice there is literally no retrieving you.
Like wise the same could be said for adaptations of real life in hell based video games playing out in -HDTV or 3-D tv etc If the items are so easily available to you like a 3-D Teevee and several really disgusting gory games to play needs to ask why. Not simply out of entertainment. You have been permitted this media by advanced intelligence for a reason. Not to mention the realm of virtual reality and 3-d reality and realistic games opens up a plethora of discourses on how our virtual reality is mixing with our real reality and how we perceive these fantasies are actually based in a seeming reality to our brains...bit complex maybe i should have worded it differently lol who knows but we'll move on....
Which is why some are permitted more access to money $$ (luciferian currency) above others. Which is why the basis for ego takes over and you are made to believe you are superior to a Buddhist monk for example who wears the same two robes, has renounced currency and only eats before noon
Chances are if you don’t have much money it means you are closer to being a human being that you can imagine but likewise there are some enlightened rich folk that worked their way into wealth or for example married somebody rich ...But you don’t leave your soul when you inherit massive wealth god no. But chances are I would say 95% of wealth is Satanism in effect
Of course used a control mechanism by those with wealth for those without likewise choice is an illusion created by those with power for those without
Many will try and remind me of my captivation pieces at times, say I am off, or a lunatic, an ex criminal, a mentally disturbed/delusional (because they read my dreamwork on here) or who knows whatever the list goes on
this entitlement society that attaches cheap and quick productive labels to people without glorifying them amazes even me it seems we are hell bent on bringing people down with these labels
I like to smile and shake my head and thank them for reminding me of my mistakes then i ask them what theirs might be so we can attack those as well while were at it
this is what I do when I am reminded of my supposed earth based sins by the luciferian mindset I like to shoot back the thought "well what about your mistakes, the blood you have spilt, the horror you have caused and the pain you have witnessed without saying a word" lol usually I am left in peace for at least another 24 hours :)
Likewise when your guilt ridden and depressed about something you did ten years ago to somebody out of the blue and you go get some alcohol to cover up the pain this is the luciferian mind at work
It would seem divinity is rather paradoxically invisible but working within the confines of the individual mind in a universe that has all but collapsed into 64 x 64 hypercubes then times that by 1000 with the solar system and individual earths spread throughout this grid. In multiples. Then we have an actuality for the structure of the universe rather than this black expansive littered with stars and planets black void. No in our dimensional representation this expansive universe is simply the size of an inch by inch cube one of thousands or millions playing out to exact you see why intellectuals are killed off early lol they threaten the basis to our spirituality and our faith, philosophers are still hunted and 'taken care of' for proposing ideals that not only the establishment doesnt want to accept but also individual minds.  The only way you are able to perceive divinity is if you open the pathways to universal thought and universal wisdom. Universal theory essentially.
Essentially not giving into the demands of all earth based governance which is usually inherently evil based. Call it reptiles, or sadists or masons whatever.... There are so many systems of control and laws and rules around your being and your mind it is tough for the average person to be able to either question them in totality or begin to address these illusions further because new ones are being stacked on at an ever increasing rate.
Infantile programs being initiated from the hell worlds incarnate into human bodies where they spent their last life as an insect in a colony or a tree for example being sedentary for 1000 years. Not much is going to come out of this person as far as creativity goes let alone being to address their attachment to illusion.  Then you have the idea that many you see and encounter are housed in the hell worlds indefinitely ...furthering those worlds ideals at all costs. Their earthbound life depends on it.
It is almost trickery of the system when one program begins to resist and address the illusions around them. Work to address the power structures in place. But also find solace in their inherent humanity and take comfort with the world that is being shown to them....while remaining smart about where they are going.  It is hard to trick a keener hehe
I hope I have helped you question your surroundings a bit more with this discourse
May you be healthy
May you be happy
May you be prosperous
May you be loved
May you be free from danger
May you be wealthy
May you smile
-          Shaun A. Delage