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suffice shine

This organized system of collapse is far more reaching than anybody can begin to understand..but with mega corporations and pod like government structure it would seem that the systems collapse is a small world indeed...the breakdown exists with agriculture , shopping, finance, entertainment. There are back up systems in place, back up theories and back up plans but the total 2012 collapse i believe is going to take place, the only thing people can do at this point is mainly prepare emotionally and mentally
I have been in a state of complete apocalypse for over 6 years so i believe i have alot to offer society if this should happen, rather than being unprepared for a months long disaster complete grid wide meltdowns, power structures failing and society undergoing military rule. Not many people are prepared and it has not happened for decades this emergency level rule
Nobody is willing to address the fact in our media that we live under emergency declarations a complete observation state and police state
It is pretty much illegal to do anything and your not allowed any freedoms in society unless your furthering the goals and illusions of society...So those elites subscribe to elite satanic spells in a sense to ensnare those naive souls linguistically to their side....anything differing from the system like system busting opposition etc immediately there is an army that is willing to fight you in a sense for furthering the enlightenment and ascension...
People are willing and not scared to stand up for themselves and stand up for enlightenment and ascension
Then you have the people that are propped up to further the illustrious nature of the system being mustered as a virtual army to oppose this person they will stop at no end...they have the luciferian mind at their disposal including technologies and kinetic enhancements satanic sub conscious psychic perception...really in a sense able to target the persons sub conscious inner net and really freak them out with code words.
You have people scared into isolation working as anomalous and working as people that are artists or protesters or nocturnal or what have you just different but mostly everyone is involved in some way
Then you have 99% of society furthering illusion they are so involved in the illusion and cannot understand their role in everything or begin to understand the magnanimity of their role, unable to put a definition to their identity which many are operating under the monarch mind and slave lord or common slave so you have most in between being a slave and elite forwarding illusions on all ends of the spectrum to tiring end.
They will do anything to fake their identity in the moment. Essentially wearing a mask. They can play elite but what it comes down to is 99% of society is common slaves. With power. Even the super wealthy are lacking essential qualities of class and in this i find the greatest illusions
The enlightenment seems to be operating in the moment and depends on how you relay that enlightenment in the moment and addressing the karmic qualities that appear in the moment and those karmic are a by product of the matrix, your spirituality , the people around you, your sins your deeds etc
I was reading recently that karma was induced to keep the lower classes at bay
I am not a believer in karma personally because it was instituted before any of my sins were greater suicide attempt happened before a 6 year crime spree so essentially karma cheated and jumped the gun a bit. I guess in a way I was angered at how the system treated me...If i did a bunch of crimes then slaughtered for it it would have been easier to deal with.
Just made me believe that the earthbound sins are somewhat illusion. Then you have the argument that you arrange all of this to happen. That you arrange your events and sins to take place. I believe the level of illusions and psychological operations are vast because they don’t want to relay that your on a prison planet with a sentence
The more you appease the system the more rewarded you will be...the more you oppose the more you will mutilated in the public square so to speak...mind you i live in one of the freest places on earth and we have things like the charter of rights to protect people that dissent politically
But i would have been a sole believer in karma had the events unfolded naturally rather that within the greatest confines of luciferian magic. The belief i did it all on my own is infantile
What took place was a horrific incident then i revolted against the system in a seeming opposition
Many people started to develop a hatred for me, because I was able to mask my identity behind Androgyny
I was able to fit in and blend in a crowd , able to mask my sex and aura , my age...i was able to be a criminal rather i have this gigantic Masonic illustrious conspiracy
That involves this theory that i somehow infected my twin with HIV and now my twin and all the masons combined are joining forces to defeat me
I am not a  believer in this at all it is so far fetched the devil would be the only one to dream up something like this so crazy as this lol then you throw in the other equation of a real brother or Siamese twin some huge genetic breeding experiment ..fraternal brother at least
So i am left to wonder , they target me continuously that is why is stay in relative isolation a constant target for murder because I am the only regional opposition to this structure in place
I am left to believe I am the only one in my perception that hasn’t submitted my soul for initiation
I believe i am in a perceptive theory...many people you see in public wont have any role in your life when they enter your life the invisibles work with the energies to make sure your seen as an oddity to make sure that no enlightenment or cryptic is transferred
There would be a war against anomalies would think that opposing the system would be the greatest goal but rather i believe it lays in bringing individual minds over to your perception and altering consciousness to the point where they begin to question their reality and they begin to theorize their involvement in the system and essentially their path.
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a wonderful delight a fruit fly ....first it took me to a city trying to hail a cab to a hotel and I had two envelopes on me with $5000 in each envelope I was trying to hail a cab and none came they were all full finally I found one and hopped in it had airline seats like a smart car and he said what is your name? And i said shaun and wrote down my cell number and he said “have i got a present for you” on the outer edges of the city i was wandering side streets finally i made it into a farm world and started to panic and i finally found somebody who was a gay guy kinda femme but he was a weirdo he was like a giant but really femme he wanted to have sex and i said no thx i am just trying to find my way back to town finally he led me to the street where i was able to hail that cab.
Next i went to a city and there was four drag queens going all over town and these guys started following them and they walked into a store to return the wigs they bought they were in 1970’s little Italy ...they were returning to their Italian roots they said they were eating at the patio cause it was their blood.
 Senseless self service to others
Amidst so many with reward central
No reward is the best reward
You figure out essentially what your talent is
Finality to recognition is far reaching
On would be amazed at theory
Yet trying to find a place
And a time to exist
Remain elusive.
- ShAuN A. DeLaGe