Virtual Ministry Archive

seVaN sTYL:e

Many may wonder what exactly i am fighting for, and am i an anarchist of sorts
I don’t think i view myself as one of the black bloc with the masks throwing rocks at banks etc I like to view myself as an internet activist
The part of me wants to meld with society as much as possible and in a way i have been forced into a role of opposition that who would want to be in this role of opposition against those men and powerful ladies that run my life.
In seeming intellectualism how come my life is imperfect
I cant answer that but i observe everyone around me, that has mostly everything and i have almost nothing and i see that they are under virtual hypnosis by reptilian media and hypnosis under neuro linguistic magic
People that i speak to that have their credit cards paid off, their fridge full with luxury items simply regurgitate things from media and the shows they watch and then turn around and treat me with hostility  because i haven’t chosen a life for myself that inherently includes slavery
Part of me is unable to work, part of me likes the writers life, the artists life, the nocturnal life with complete isolation
But i am keen to pick up on the literal mass hypnosis induced by those that are magicians over those closest to me, and they turn around and pull this card of unkindness, hostility, and they are literally under constant hypnosis so technically everything they say is leading me further down illusion.  Plus this literal mass hypnosis by un intellectual over lords teaches their disciples to be unkind, not to help others, and to be obsessed with themselves to the point of almost psychotic end.
Of course i don’t like what the matrix proposes and somebody could say, well why don’t you go do something about it, get a job, or your given the same chance here as everyone else
When your dexterity in your hands is taken away by those with power, you have an argument for a war crime, and rightfully so all those listed on my captivation piece are accessory to war crimes because i have made notice to the hague etc  But anyways when your dexterity is taken away you are severely limited in your choices of work, you are severely limited in what you can do. The stigma of losing your dexterity is absolute and this is something i will have to live with forever
I have issues holding wine glasses and carrying tea and coffee. Some could hold a theosophical view and say i brought it all on myself. This is the wrong approach because it takes away the blame from satan and lucifers army on earth and i am an advocate of bringing some of his own army to light including those that participate in sexual torture, mutilation, attempted murder, rape etc
So while the extreme right wing nutz may hold several views of me, and they attack me for what i write i simply say this, why do you keep reading the church of techno when it doesn’t agree with you.
Why bother even threatening me lol why don’t you bring your illustrious presence to a site that you agree with. I don’t get it. Perhaps i never will but my words are here to reach the shy 18 year old in god knows where under reptilian hypnosis all around and i prove that a person exists that opposes this virtual mass hypnosis. I will be proud to get to my end point and my creator tells me i have been credited with saving the lives of 7 people. (just an estimate lol could be 1000 could be 2000) So i guess i am fighting for enlightenment !!
So when the naive matrix warrior awakens with their relatives all around under hypnosis by the system and my words are credited to keeping them alive one more day i say it was worth all the stalkers, it was worth all the threats, it was worth being arrested under the mental health act or the terrorism legislation it was worth it...
it was worth the tears or worth my path of almost literally having my tendons cut it was worth the struggle.
You are worth it...
-          Shaun A. Delage