Thanks to some of the sleuthing by some new alliances on facebook i have discovered some more truths about my captivation piece. The last little while has been a roller coaster of emotions trying to figure out the true methodology and personal struggle of my trauma document
I have uncovered some startling facts about somebody related to the document being Kelly mason whom appears to be one of the leading production companies and has worked with all of Hollywood. She seems to be involved heavily with people like Jessica alba etc
Its troubling because it ties in with the theories of the monarch training i under went
I was on the outer edge them not willing to welcome me in because i never essentially gave them the keys to my soul through ritual so i am in a sense garbage to them. Not worthy. It is troubling to work thru the illusion and to see how much illusion there actually is and to see these key players and there isn’t anybody from the grand lodge of the bc and Yukon i haven’t met and had sex with.
Placing me as one of the pseudo defacto opposition regional royalty in my region. I am the only vocal voice against this cult in british Columbia. The only solace i have is with mysterious internet strangers around the world including operatives within the illusion. Makes me believe there is human beings but we are scattered all over the world surrounded by thousands of hybrids to further the illusion
You know you kind of think of the illusion itself and you wonder if the people are actually a human being or a digital hologram, they appear real they look real and have substance but you interact with them and they don’t have any depth there is no actual character to them..
They are simply a program running, a power program, a teacher or police or whatever is troubling because you do feel like your in a state of disassociation. When your dealing with these people you just kind of interact with them to further the illusion but you don’t address the illusion in any way because they are not meant to be addressed in that manner nor are they built with modes of opposition.
So your left being treated with hostility everywhere you go because you threaten the very nature of their programming and their self so we have an argument for the theory of humanity human beings etc and you know you have this western ideology you walk through thousands of people every day and nobody really rings out in your mind of having independence or any qualities of humanity that are inherently beautiful, or shining, gentle or compassionate and it creates an imprint for the person like me that is rather anomalous and it feels like millions of eyes are cast on you because your the only one that opposes and your the only one in tune with addressing this illusion
You have nowhere to go except this inner prison and there is nowhere to escape to because of finances and i just work with what i have the art world and the internet and writing i know there is no permanence to this and my life will open up and i will be able to experience freedom that these elites live every day i just have to remain myself, finish my book and stay sane and not give in to the satanic energy flowing in to me in concentrated form
It is tough you hear the horror stories such as anne sexton and Michael alig that just gave up they gave into alcoholism , drug abuse, sex addiction etc
They lose the process of their souls through slavery through initiated bosses etc They lose their very nature of their souls and have offended their animal guide whom have long walked on to somebody deserving of their attention ...u feel there is nobody around you that can relate so your just meant to build your own path and it feels like everyone around me has given up and submitted to a life of slavery or cults and they are furthering the causes of slavery and cults.
Alot of the people i deal with have access to higher levels of information than i am allowed and what i am allowed is the direct access to information from the highest sources possible psychic power in a sense and this angers people that have hand me down info etc because sometimes not entirely accurate in the moment
Parts of my life coming together like Kelly mason and i am realizing how much control the Hollywood industrial complex has over me and i am not even apart of it
It makes me think about the illuminate sciences and the path of the one and the path of life and it angers everyone to the nine. It angers to them to the nine that you don’t want to join them and you have turned this initiation down thousands of times
You walk a life of abject poverty and your living off of rice or rice cakes and they don’t understand why
Because i am after the eternal nature of my soul and not instant gratification not strictly material not a world where i am rewarded solely in this material sphere and it is the very nature of my soul i am after and in my own field of perception there is only a singular perception through my eyes and to me i am technically the only one on earth that is under these tests and i feel i am the only one not under a hypnotic state and it does alienate you
The meaning to my illness is seeing things out of reality and i don’t think i will be ever able to join this reality – if this is what it is is cruel vindictive, disgusting system in place. Simply my energy throughout the system and i see people act out around me on airplanes, busses etc and there is really a divine nature to me, and this does not mix well with some people
Your literally a beacon of light you shine bright matrix code and everyone else is just dark and dreary and there is no substance there you walk through the streets and broadcast your signal and people look at you with curiosity or you get those hateful stares. Those nasty looks...your get people attempting to physically assault you walking by
Or you get nasty vibes from somebody in customer service where your supposed to be treated with respect. SO i am playing a very dangerous game lately because these people aren’t actually on the level of regional governance and many are on an international level why deal with a common canadian bank when you can deal with the IMF.
So this is what i am up against is these internationalists forwarding this agenda seems to be the going religion is this faith these people are dual citizenships triple even work visas and have all the money in the world to travel and visit other Masonic temples and more secretive areas in the world on vortexes etc take part in more rituals in more energy centres.
It is a cult it pays its members to go all over the world. There are places so dark and dismal and beyond explanation and they do rituals on these vortexes and welcome the highest degrees of luciferian magic and they come back to their home country or town and are so imbued with this satanic energy they become a conduit of evil for somebody that meets them out of the blue they become confused and almost blinded by the energy. Some of these people are not even aware of their own inner magical nature because of the monarch mind so its split into thousands of sub catagories.
You have these people are so shattered and shift from one alter to another and are not even aware of the definition of monarch mind. You have the people that on a front are a mother and yoga teacher and yeah full beauty, i love people etc then you have the deeper alters that are into the eastern star cult, incest, blood drinking. Etc.
Everything that is prevalent in those cults. I went to a graduation of an RCMP officer a few years back and the ritual they perform is unbelievable , the ritual they do. The parade drill was the most militaristic and the most confusing array of drill i ever saw
They have this ritual down you know the young officer falls into place snaps to attention the superior shouts and activates the alter and the person becomes a literal monster. Bred to follow the directives of the people above them. Almost cryptic they only need to do a few drill poses or a few words and they turn into this monster that is only doing what they are told. When they are supposed to be protecting and guiding our lives.
When you make a complaint to the highest forces in the land and they ignore you
It places you not only as a universal philosopher of ultimate reality but you believe there is nobody that can assist you in your path except yourself.
- Shaun A. Delage