Virtual Ministry Archive

freetime spendid

The truth is many people are swayed over at some point to the cults that run the show
I was hunting spiritus novus Sylvia brownes spiritual religion when i came across the fact that the group was meeting in the Masonic halls of western Washington
This is the same i was going through with the vipassana meditation They were meeting at the Eastern Star Hall in my own city Which caused me to look at their organization objectively
I have researched the FREEMAN ON THE LAND and have found a cool group of people in Canada that are fighting for the inclusion of this status it costs $250 to join as a freeman
This is amazing
I have asked the world freeman society to ‘earn’ my membership by working it off but i don’t mind paying.
As soon as i can save up the money i am joining and will no longer technically be a canadian citizen under “harpers government”
Funny when they are loading people into camps i can show my freeman passport and catch the first plane to the Netherlands lol
I have been pondering my own anomalous nature and this was prevalent the past few days because i have been updating my captivation piece with my bloodbrothers information of his satanic bloodlines connection as well as some of the death threats i have been getting from a mix mash of letters from a guy that claims to have the same name as me to the exact spelling. Of course i doubt this, but i will give him the benefit of the doubt.
It is tough being an online entity amidst people with no virtual talent.
They have not done their work virtually like i have training myself in the inner workings of the internet since its inception and this is funny because i remember myself as a twink typing away on the Victoria freenet in the gay chatrooms trying to make sense of who i am
This is funny because i am not one that is ashamed of my sexuality it may be so with the asexuality prevalent in my being but that is mainly because i have a fear of being assassinated through sexual conduct
In my dealings i have figured that the masons use actual freemasonic human pawns  to literally inject people with the virus and then after they are done they just give their initiated ones the antibody
Heck of a way to give somebody HIV and a heck of a way to justify the masons giving you a $1,000,000 payment for nothing
I have been reading about matrix philosophy and it is great to read it is an amazing book matrix warrior
It basically verifies my position as an actual human entity amidst so much hybrids and illusion
Funny part of the book is it says hybrids like to occupy most of their time in unintellectual pursuits like sports or the weather because they are not built with the capacity to pursue deeper pursuits
It really takes an alien intelligence such as the Christ consciousness to be imbued within all those who seek and mind you i am more of a multifaith omnipresence and this has some irony because if you see yourself as a Christ or as a guru or a spiritual leader you are immediately vilified as kook or loon
Addressing this illusion everywhere i go in my monarch world i chill. Unable to figure out my sole path. I wait with a sort of baited breath for the 2012 clock to countdown and i can see alot of this chaos will hit on jan 1st 2012 when that is the incorrect date for global apocalypse lol

Recovering from my trip to san fran
What a beautiful city i have to say ::)

-Shaun A. Delage