Virtual Ministry Archive

fourty nightz

Personal enlightenment is vast and unbelievable took alot of courage for me to post my captivation on facebook....part of me was triggered by anonymous’s message.
I am starting to uncover or unravel the illusion. Thx to a devoted member of esoterickitty deceptionhollywood. Tera ...she has uncovered some starting clues that have gone un-noticed and in the past week i have revised my captivation piece about 5 times....
So it turns out that my fraternal brother possibly real brother has worked in a few Hollywood films as well so this is not just your average Masonic conspiracy it is now a full fledged Hollywood industrial complex conspiracy involving some key players in the Vancouver grand lodge of the BC and Yukon.
I know i am not being ignored but rather observed at this point by the RCMP and i know this because when i went out today i saw 3 unmarked police cars observe my walk to the grocery store....
I have hope that my captivation piece can unmask some of these monsters that feel they are above the law in satans army. They literally swarm to me like a crickets nest because I have psychic ability...I am also a trauma asset. This is funny because they cannot understand how after this long i have not succumbed to initiation and they know i know way too much being a former member of the eastern star cult in a previous past life as my female incarnation welcoming the highest realms of the Cleopatra consciousness into my soul. I am not proclaiming myself a god head god no
At the very least a simple anomaly. I like to see myself enlightened somewhat but like you I have my struggles. Like this week i seriously misjudged my food stock and became apocalyptically low on rations. It got to the point where i needed to ask a trusted friend and my ex for help.
This is funny cause he is like you poor thing. Yet I go to the bank and withdraw money and it says REV DR haha i should technically be making $450 an hour with a title like that lol
It makes me think about how much you rely on others and need others in life no matter who you are. Wandering around my working class area i see scores of youth. I am pondering putting up resistance posters around my area. I am also going to be ordering a few guy fawkes masks and walking downtown as a sole protester and I will meditate with my drum infront of the grand temple here in Victoria.
I am probably one of the only members of anonymous that they cant touch so that makes me think of how much people will be drawn to me as a conduit for the forces of divinity above all else.
I am personally sick of the power structures in place.
I am personally sick of Satanists controlling my every move and running my country into the ground via initiated incest leaders and monarch slave lords.
I don’t think it is a crime to sit on the street and bang a drum so I will do it in a couple weeks and walk downtown with my mask announcing at the very least that there is one singular voice of opposition to Satanist armies
I am not advocating violence or the overthrown government
I am advocating a system that is inclusive of everyone
Also a system that genuinely cares for it’s citizens.
I am also advocating for the peaceful introduction of sweeping reforms to citizenship and to replace capitalism with a system more fitting of a new millennia
Capitalism has failed
I was told something by the mason in the tower that strikes a chord about this Arabian war
“wars are fought over boys, you should know that by now”
It creeps me out because I know they are after and literally juicing over the realms of my soul
And not one that they have broadcast their eye onto has resisted the temptation
They are won over at some point due to the heavy subliminal suggestion and the poverty stricken life most that resist this powerful dominion are involved in
So we are calling for the release of all marijuana smokers from prison, thieves, mentally ill etc
We are calling for the immediate release of Colton Harris-Moore, Michael Alig, and Marc Emery and countless other millennium and matrix warriors that were seduced by the luciferian mind and literally taken over mind body and soul
I am calling for the immediate stoppage of the prison rape trade and porn circuit fuelling internet porn
I am also calling for the governments of Canada and the United states to step down and submit themselves for citizens arrest or trials to ascertain the level of war crimes they have inhibited on the populace.
The Country of Kanata to issue formal independence from the crown and for a faculty of The resistance, anonymous and the movement from hiddenfromhistory govern.
To reinstate the countries back to their true owners the native people.
Let it be known on this day forthwith
-          Shaun A. Delage