Virtual Ministry Archive

cipher known

SHAUN A.Delage= anagram for AGENDA HEAL US
This makes me think of my own path and the people involved that desperately want out of the cruelty of a Masonic initiation and the irony behind their role in my life hence the one. Mind you being ‘the one’ is not a life I would like to broadcast on is actually very dangerous... SO much so that i am alone, in isolation and introverted most of the time. Going through times of isolation because the level of magic associated with your being is too concentrated. There is not role in the magic to attach to other than to the human body. SO your auric field becomes highly magnetized. I dont know if it is some wise old architect in his lab that is speaking through people putting codewords such as BLUE CHECK BROTHER etc into peoples mouths but I am hunted everywhere I go by these subliminals and they say simply it is my illness and rack it off as simple paranoia because it is an unexplainable phenom. I am reminded of a quote from A BEAUTIFUL MIND where the guy goes "I dont very much like people and they dont like me" lolz..i suspect much of my illness is a by product of the interactions with these powerful people then you have the argument of having sexual intercourse with these wizards and a whole plethora of magic is welcomed into ones life, the concentrated forms of magic to be imbued within a raver ...and mind you some dont know what to do with illustrious masonic energy like some become addicted or murderers like michael alig or some kill themselves like anne sexton ...

But it also makes me think that I am the only one in my region that opposes secret dictatorship (not only because i simply oppose masons but have been literally interbred with their energy and able to ascertain the illusion in it all )and the virtual Islamic rule by normal white Canadians attempting to overthrow the people and the governance with this pseudo Saudi royal family-esque rule. There are probably only a handful of families that rule in my region. Believe me I know they have connections to those that I have literally angered in my path.
Then their role in things and the fact that they have lost with such immense power and authority at their disposal is evidence enough for a secret death warrant to be signed for their removal from said jurisdiction with a new enemy to fight or a new secret oligarch to oppose.
I can feel these people inspecting my life from time to time. It doesn’t scare me that people that think they wield so much power over not only me but people from all over Canada in a seeming satanic dictatorship.
This essentially should be in the hands of the people rather than generational slave lords, or satanic bloodline rulership in Canada which by its very nature is an illegal enterprise but in the capitalist country we live in where money is power retains the right for the below 1% to rule in a complete dictatorship over the other 99% of society...I am sure it is the same in the USA but much worse due to freedom legislations and the concentrations of things like the patriot and victory acts etc just massive amounts of legislations literally governing every aspect of criminality making it virtually impossible for a singular consciousness to defend themselves to the best of their knowledge so they require somebody (mason) on their behalf (lawyer) to defend them rather than your god given right to stand up for yourself.
Of course who would want to be under a complete fascist rule or communist governance...not many ...but if it were to happen individuals would have no choice at all
This is where I see the hidden elements of this new revolution spilling out into the cultural status quo and affecting people I know to the degree that they are willing to rename themselves anonymous and lose their identity and put on the mask of a mysterious ideology...that if ever brought to power...The true colours of the masked identity would prevail and the more secretive controlling and hidden communist-esque style ruler-ship would take over
I recently made a complaint over my treatment at a psychiatric ward. What i found inside there is that no actual rich people existed in there existed as a two tier prison system...for those deemed not dangerous enough for prison.  So they are left to mistreat people that they deem fit simply because they are certified. This is a complete fascist psychiatric dictatorship...and how psychiatry won over psychology is beyond me. It would seem what most people need is to talk with somebody who cares about their problems. But I also realized inside the rock so to speak that there are far more worse conditions than ever thought possible. That some of the ‘medications’ are far more superior (and technically alien/hybrid-chemical combinations) than ever thought possible. But also this leaves people to be literally injected in the knee with nano technology unchecked, no review is possible.
This is unfortunate I recently got a response back regarding this double injection with nano tech i got in the knee and apparently there is no record of it. Oh how convenient.  Of course there would not be a record of it. They would not want evidence of injection of nano technology or experimentation on psychiatric patients of this technology. While it is easy to say...well that is blood flowing through the body. I beg to differ blood does not move around like an insect and produce vibrations when trying to move who knows...robotic, alien, technological.
One would know if they had this in them. One would want to get it out. But your left with no choice but to live with it ...what else can you kind of feel this thing inside you and your like god. LoL.
Anyways lets move into enlightenment now and beyond all this
The paradoxical view of enlightenment rests with the buddhic plane which is much higher than the hell realms and on equal with the heavenly realm. This would be where the enlightenment is broadcast out like a beam of light to willing souls. Mind you asian countries it is more pronounced
But there is beings that are in western countries that wish to broadcast their enlightenment on others. This is the world where you start literally pulling people from the trauma state. They feel you around them and are like ....god how did he do it. He is enlightened... and they begin to realize that enlightenment is somewhat of a detested thing in society. Enlightened beings are hunted after and observed. Not only because they threaten the entire system..But they can literally enlighten singular consciousness in a few moments or with a document allaying to the trauma state
Of course to anybody in the mainstream my blog and documents are simply the rantings of a schizophrenic and rightfully so people just move on...but to a matrix warrior, an intellect, somebody of my own generation. They are able to ascertain their future amidst a world with so much trauma.
That by reading my stories and my postings people are able to understand the level of suffering in society and the level of trauma inflicted on beings by those in power...I asked a wiccan psychic “is it just coincidence that i meet all these powerful people and have sex with them?” He replied “no it isn’t coincidence, not at all”
So perhaps I decided all of this long before I was born, perhaps I am on my right path, Perhaps there is a ripple effect throughout my region, the country and the matrix and the globe. One’s path should rightfully be judged by millions but i don’t want my hidden secrets to be known by all.
I want to be known for something great like my art or my books
Who really wants to be known by their most inner secrets of their heart...not many.
-          Shaun A. Delage