Virtual Ministry Archive

turnip god

My life envelopes that of many movies (changeling, fear and loathing, matrix, wynonna riders flicks, devils advocate, constantine etc) which is ironic because Hollywood could be considered a thoughtform. but moreso living life is like a movie as well that in which nobody cares to discuss that everywhere you go you are observed be it satellites or cameras or thru others eyes or by invisible beings, implants etc.
The church of techno is going to be considered by many in the mainstream to be a bit of a paradox in the future because it not only holds characteristics of being anarchist, anti establishment, anti authority, anti sadistic, anti slavery, anti monarch slave, conspiracy blog.
Not only a blog at this point but also an art movement and one singular person that can attest to being tortured in his own country as a child in advanced project monarch which by its very nature helps you to perceive the person as being unfortunate financially or a person that is different or abused
So we have careful attention placed to detail and i have come to terms with this lately not only because of how i am in a virtual sense, my reality is mostly virtual at this point so it would make sense that the virtuosity would take care of me
So what is stopping me....there are several programming natures imbued within me including extreme agoraphobia which goes undiagnosed and this virtual anarchism which now under the current climate of the extreme right wing’s in power. I essentially become first up for their rungs of death.
To say that we have hitler in power is an understatement, it is hitler... before power, before authority, it was hitler before he conceived of his ultimate plan.
So the funny thing hit me as liberal thoughtform was decimated in my home country is that in a country as essential as Canada VOTING is illusion, your vote is meaningless, nothing. It is a perpetuation of illusion of democracy
CSIS holds the keycard to all voter ballot units (electronic polling station)
The Queen chooses who will govern
Bilderburg chooses who will govern
The masons choose who will govern
Trilateral ydayda the lists goes on
Nothing is carefully contrived
I have been wondering when a movement such as the green party or the marijuana party will come into focus , not for another decade i imagine
Futurist party more like it.
So i am first to be targeted and first to be brought to the camps, first to be eradicated
I am an aries so it is natural
But i believe the church of techno is above all that

That essentially if my rights were suspended again i would simply meditate my time away and deal with each situation as it comes up
I am now the reverend in the movie changeling it is funny how some movies and stories emulate life
I have approached an editor she was actually one of the first few i approached and ironically she is also a literary agent and has a PHD lol perfect for me i really am very lucky despite not winning $2,000,000 today. Is ok there will be more winfalls lol... I am pondering starting the sequel to the book i wrote because i am going to go stir-crazy with all the ideas in me for the 2nd novel and it’s what I do is write.  
-Shaun A. Delage