Friday, May 13, 2011

time style

Well this week has been eventful with my universal life
I am a few days away from returning home after a long trip to vanshmoover and it makes me think of virtuosity vs. Real life and introverts life combined.
The definition of my illness is out of touch with reality
I find that to be extremely enlightening. But without medication and i feel i am under the direction of other entities and other beings. Which is brutal because if chaos was to ever hit I would wean off my medication.
This makes me think of the fragile nature of society and how everyone relates to each other. Most people hide away and never talk to anybody you would never know they were alive.
Universalism must take hold over the alien concepts that run the planet religion wise, spiritually wise. I was just reading that karma was illusion and i have always been a believer in this because my brutal sucide attempt happened BEFORE anything that would have been karmically obvious.  Like a crime filled life or whatever. That karma was only instituted to threaten the lower castes in society
We do have a caste system in the west and it is troubling because if you don’t subscribe to about 97% of the reptilian hybrid characteristics you wont make it in life.
This is why i have felt comfortable living the middleway the Buddhist path, one not in excess. Meanwhile everyone around me is eating finer things than me, doing things i could only dream about, like going out to dinner etc.
I started my sequel to the novel (i would say what the novel is titled but is a trade secret at this point)
I am 3 chapters into it. This would be awesome to be picked up by a publisher and then to say “i have the sequel in the works is priceless” i am going to model it after my captivation piece hehe I think i have to switch some names around and stuff.
Oh life is messed up lately i have taken a sort of pseudo hiatus from the church and this is partly because I have been doing art stuff in Second life and loving my stud hub
I have been riding the wave because it is the 2012 wave and it is not a good time to be in considering my illness. So i am left with triggers and other stressful events that take place with ascension essentially swaying my mind over for a few hours to some more darker realms. The 2012 wave is starting to hit with the nuclear disaster and such it is almost a miracle that none of us are breaking out in boils or whatever lol    i have wondered about the state of the world and when your in governance it is a different vibe already. The sai baba died recently and i was thinking that i would like my path to include being a spiritual leader, but much like Sylvia browne and her schizophrenia and her church of psychics novus spiritus i wonder if it is simply a by product of my own ego.
I thank the roman catholic church for vilifying the title of Reverend and the notion of a church to the point where now it is revered in such a disgusting state you wonder how they keep afloat with their bad press. The catholic cult will always be around believe me. But we have a society of cults. The sooner you can figure this out the better so that your not swayed into a cult
I credit much of my enlightenment to the vipassana CULT.  The teachers sit on boxes there is empty chairs with a sheet over them behind them, you only eat breaky and lunch for 10 days
The vipassana cult meditation sticks with me to this day because it helped snuff out all traces of criminality from me. I actually came to terms with who i am and where i stand.
So enlightenment versus universalism contrives that many will be enlightened into the awakening in the next few months because it must happen. Be prepared for much more syncs and of course much more mass hypnosis and of course more disaster
The process of enlightened dialogue will never be afforded society unless you pay heavily to join an inner cult like post secondary or socializing simply by creating thought we are living in an insanity matrix.
When you can say that 100% of your daily interactions exist for some form of capitalism than what kind of human do you become:? You become a robot or a programmed multiple essentially a slave. You are helping to create the pyramids essentially the hidden echelons of society are working on the next 300 years dimensionally to afford some level of safety
In the world where you hear of the psychological operations playing out all around and you wonder what this mass hypnosis is being indoctrinated as such. It is because we have been under emergency rule and wartime powers acts essentially martial law for quite some time, nobody knows because around the world in individual countries there is about say for example 60-500-10,000 pieces of legislation enacted to ensnare individual citizens rights.
LET US END THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT OF 1937 and the Canada anti terrorism and security legislation!
It will be nice to be home again
Peace out blogbuddies
-          Shaun D